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Early REO and Franklin Advertising item


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Here's an advertising item found at a local estate that should impress "fans" of REO and Franklin marks. It even has the proverbial pretty girl as part of the ad. I would guess this is from the mid 1920's era. Most items like this were used to advertise funeral / furniture stores rather than autos. Enjoy!

post-130325-0-28335500-1455581567_thumb.. post-130325-0-38126000-1455581610_thumb.

Edited by TerryB (see edit history)
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Neat piece of auto advertising! This will probably get moved to the memorabilia section eventually, but couldn't resist the chance to talk about these great items.  i always look at fans at antique shows, flea markets, etc. and you'd be amazed at the automotive stuff that's available.  Admittedly some of my fans are pretty special and quite early, but there are vast numbers with auto dealer, garage, tire, and gasoline company related advertising on them.  Often, they have some totally unrelated image on the front.  The simple flat fans were the most commonly found and used to keep you cool in church or at some other event before the advent of air conditioning.  Some of the early folding fans in my collection advertise fancy hotels in London, Paris or New York.  It's a fun thing to collect and they are still reasonable.   Here are a few of my favorite recent acquisitions -







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Nice collection, Terry. I too have several others and they are fun and relatively inexpensive to buy as you mentioned. Antique shops and flea markets are good places to find them. Another good item to collect are old auto related advertising blotters. They too can be purchased without breaking the bank!


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