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craigslist weirdness rant....etc

Guest slacker1965

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Guest slacker1965

fellow riv enthusiasts,

is it me, or have any of you experienced potential cl vehicle sellers either weirding out on you, or exploding with crazy rants when you inquire about purchasing vehicles and/or parts that they have advertised for sale?

Do those of you riv experts on here run into this situation often when dealing with owners of 1st gen riv's & parts? Is it normal for sellers to expect you to drive 4+ hours to view their stuff without seeing detailed pictures of their wares?

I have had 2 people in the last 2 days freak out on me when I asked detailed questions about cars/parts cars that they had advertised for sale. I don't know if it is the holidays, or that people are attention starved or what.... this is not my first(or last) time buying used cars/parts, but what a weird week it is shaping up to be.

I have been playing with old cars/rivs/race cars all of my life & never had people go off on me like that....

anyways I hope all of you have a great holiday season


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Not so much for me, but sometimes people figure it's not worth a lot of time in dealing with folks deemed not serious-especially with cheap pricing. As for pics-good for an overall look, but quite often those are not very usefull as flaws are often hidden and it seems as a fair number of those people fit the non-serious catagory and are 'image collectors'. No reason for extreme behavior tho. Dan Mpls. Mn.

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Craigslist is generally a nuisance. When listing an item for sale you can expect at least five scam emails. "I will send payment for your item with extra....."

When replying to ads very few will answer a message left.

And, a couple of days ago a post on this forum told of a Riviera for sale on Craigslist for $11,000 followed by "what should I pay for it?" I read that and wondered why the seller had miscalculated the value of his car. If a car is listed for too much it is too much.

I don't completely rule out the service. In June a 1948 Packard was listed for sale near me. I drove over to his house, looked at the car, and paid the fair price he was asking in the ad.

A few years ago I used Craigslist to sell a 1953 Jaguar I had. The buyer came over and gave me a healthy deposit. He said he would be back in a few days to pick it up. I got a call about 20 minutes after he left. He asked how much I had listed the car for; he was excited and forgot the total.

Scammers that came before you leave a bad attitude, Chiselers, well, they are are just chiselers.


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I called on a parts car from craigslist earlier this year, and the seller had been jerked around so much that he really had an attitude on the phone. When I actually showed up to look at the car and close a deal with him face to face he was like a whole different person.

Sellers put up with a lot of aggravation, between the scammers and the tire-kickers, so not unusual to encounter a little attitude!

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I have purchased many parts from ebay, craigs lists, ROA Review, internet etc .......... most of the time the sellers are very pleasant and willing to send pictures and or answer questions especially when you state that you will have to

travel a great distance to view and/or purchase their item. My experience has been that the lower the price of the item the less effort they will place to sell, on the higher priced items they are very cooperative. Sometimes the seller is

not well informed about the item and don't want to show their ignorance or are hiding a defect that when discussed will queer the deal. If I find a person unwilling to send info and with an attitude, I have no problem ending my inquiry

and continue my search. Paul

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OK Riviera People: Here's my reality. Probably 90% of the old cars on Craigs List are obscenely overpriced. Certainly there is going to be a slew of bottom feeders and wannabe flippers trying to connive. Sure, the sellers loose it after being jacked around for a while. A professional would know how to respond.

When a seller is ambushed with a barrage of callers saying, "what's your last price"? or "how much would you take for it"? they really don't know how to deal with it. Hey, forget about old cars and try putting a 10 year old Accord with a clean title for sale. You'll get what Eastwood called it in Heartbreak Ridge.

Then there are sellers who don't even have the courtesy to respond, prospects that haven't a clue why they are even calling and are totally clueless. It really isn't as easy as it's cracked up to be. Mitch

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