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Rivet Squeezer

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The cheapest, best squeezer is 199.99, (I got a penny), 200.00.dollars.

I have about 20, small, hollow, plated rivets, to set in a 30 Chrysler radiator shell.

Sure hate to buy a squeezer and don't want to fab a home made one. Still have to buy the 3/16 shank dies.

Not a rivet gun.

Any one have a rivet squeezer for sale or rent?

Bill Harmatuk

New Bern, N.C.

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The shell was manufactured in two pieces and more if you count the center hood rod holder and a shim..

I think there are 10..... 5 rivets on each side of the shell perimeter piece, at the top, (a flange), that.... the section where the cap is located,... join.

Two flanges that join at the top of the shell.

There are also some thick, round felt bumpers that I am going to reproduce on the shell, that are held on by hollow rivets.

My pictures don't work anymore with my camera so I'm going to have to do I Phone pictures.

Bill H

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Are these to hold the hood lace on? Most cars I have seen had split rivets to do this. Sorry, I put this up just as you were posting and I see it doesn't apply. Might you use a brake relining kit such as you can get at Snyders? The rivets you describe sound like brake lining rivets.

Edited by nickelroadster (see edit history)
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Rivet squeezer are expensive. You can take a look at "Aircraft Tool Supply" but you will get sticker shock. I'd head out to my local airport to a small operator and tell them what you need. They will have the tool you need and they are gear heads, just a little different. They might do just what you need for a six pack or two.

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