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Headlight Flashing?

ol' yeller

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Last night on my way home I noticed something unusual with my headlights. Every time I stepped on the brake, the headlights would dim. They still were pretty bright but the difference was noticable. It was like the extra power used by the brake lights dimmed the headlights. I can make it happen every time so it isn't intermittent. I also checked when the car wasn't moving and it would do it then as well. Is this a common problem? The battery is new and the dash shows it is charging. I'm thinking it may be a the alternator or maybe a ground somewhere. Any help? Thanks.


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one of my cars was doing the same thing. With the car running I unhooked the neg cable and the car would die. I then replaced the alt. I did the same tt and the the car still died. I then changed the battery and the problem was solved. I took the battery and the alternator to a parts store and they tested both and both tested bad. Bottom line the car is fixed and no more issues.

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Resolution! I finally had time to troubleshoot this today. It was getting progressively worse. The radio was picking up an engine whine that changed with the RPMs of the engine. All fingers were pointing to a bad alternator. Today I started with checking the grounds and found both battery cables were loose at the battery to the point where the positive lead fell off the battery as I began poking around. The negative lead I think is slightly stripped as I had a problem getting it to tighten. After getting both to tighten, the flashing headlights and whine all went away. It was an easy fix that didn't cost anything. I think I may have to get a new battery if the negative comes loose again.

I have only had this car for a couple months and PO had this car as part of large collection. I assume he took the leads off to save the battery and didn't do a good job putting them back on. In his defense, he was 82 years old! Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions.

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Padgett, it is funny you mention the tin foil fix. I used it just last week on a household repair with good success. I'll give it a try. As I get older, I find that hammer fixes are best used as a last resort. I now find that thoughtful consideration is better than brute force. Thanks for the memory jog!


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