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For Sale at Hershey '32 Super 8 Limo 11000 mile original


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Runs, virtually complete, paint was stripped years ago so surface rust now but extremely solid sheetmetal and wood. Much chrome already done. 11000 mile original. Excellent Concourse restoration candidate. Outright sale or restoration available by an experienced shop at reasonable rates. Price not yet determined. See at RWO 8-17 near the entrance to the Red Field.

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the car needs total restoration,,,,every nut and bolt,,,in and out,,,not to speak of the motor,,,,what's it worth redone ??????????????? Just my oponion

No one is going to restore this car in hopes of making a profit. We have been restoring for 35 years now and have learned that folks restore cars for lots of different reasons but anyone who attempts to restore a car in the true meaning of the word and make a profit on it is on a fool's errand. Lots of cars are patched up for quick resale at a profit but that's not restoration. Our clients have been those with a sentimental attachment to a particular car or those with a sense of history or those who simply want to be part of the hobby. What's it worth redone? That depends on how you value fun. "Worth" does not always mean dollar value. Those who know the price of everything but the value of nothing should never undertake the restoration of a car such as this. I will step down off my soap box now.

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