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Looking at Getting an Antique Chevrolet 1928 or 1929

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Good day to you all...

I am an avid enthusiast of antique cars !! I am also a Die Hard Chevrolet Man :) I have been doing lots of research, reading, and homework in regards to antiques. I am really interested in a Chevrolet from 1927-1932 range. I know that there were changes in those years, aminly going from the 4 to a six in 1929. Also believed the 1929 got a Mechanical fuel pump vs the Vacuuum Pump.

My question is what year is the best to get into ?? I am looking to get one that is a runner (In running ocndition and needs TLC) so that I can drive it, enjoy it, and then restore it over time. I really like the 1928 Pickup, however seems those guys are few to be found. I am interested in the small 2 door coupes, just in the debae of going after a nice 28 or moving up to the 29 or early 30's with the v-6.

This will NOT be a show car, dialy driver, or anything of hte sort. Really looking for a nice sunday driver to drive on a beautiful suinday afternoon on a short trip and turn a few heads, and truly enjoy the beauty of an antique car from the good ole days.

Things I am considering is the availability of parts, manuals, etc... to restore as well as find places that can do restoration work. Also anything else that I should consider in my acquisition of an antique. i know they are money pits, and you will never really get everything out of them that you put into them. I am in to the antique because of the history, beauty, simplicity, and the stories they hold and tell !!

Thanks for any and all info and feedback you guys can provide. Also any shops, restoration garages, people in the know near south eastern Virginia would be GREAT !!

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Yes you are correct, a Straight Six...

I'm partial to 32 Chevy-Pontiac's because they look more like a baby Cadillac with the hood doors instead of the louvered doors of 31 and past.


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I'd suggest you go with the 6 cylinder, 1929 and up, you'll be happier in today's traffic.

I'm partial to the 31-32 cars, styling is just a little sleeker.

Mechanical parts are easy to find, as a lot of these are getting hot rodded, and running gear comes up for sale constantly.

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Guest bofusmosby

Welcome to the forum BearsFan315. The reasons you mentioned for wanting an old car sounds just like my reasons. My passion is history. Of course, I am in the process of experiencing the "money-pit" thing right now.:D

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Yeah, I heard othe money pit, but figured it would be a good hobby for me, since i do not really ahve one. Plus i am taking my time in looking for what i truly want, would hate to get into something and then decide that is NOT really the car/ truck i really want. Also i am still fully employed, and have kids in school. Figure take my time look around, learn, and if something comes up snatch it. No rush !! Figure I have time to work and restore, and truly enjoy. Also something to do once the kids graduate in a few years and move on (maybe).

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I love the 1927 Yellow & black Roadster I got from TRIMACAR back around 1979, and kept until passing it to a friend in our club a few years ago. His family has outgrown it now, and I think he is considering selling it. It was a great driver, having completed several Glidden Tours and climbed Pikes Peak. It does keep up with reasonable traffic.

Maybe I can have him contact you.

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Guest BayouBoss


I am the owner of the 1927 Chevy coupe that Marty mentioned. I am willing to sell it. This vehicle is a 2-seater, 4 cylinder convertible.

Please provde me with an e-mail address so I can forward pictures to you and we can discuss other details.

Wayne Nunez

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That '27 roadster was a funny story. I am from and lived in Alexandria, Lousiana, for a long while. I thought I knew all the cars in town, but of course new ones did show up occasionally.

I was driving down one of the streets in town that was known for numerous used car lots in the mid 1970's, and there sat this roadster, totally out of place with the other used cars on the lot. Price was good and it drove fine, so 30 minutes later I owned it.

Marty got the car as mentioned in the late '70's, and drove the heck out of it, I know he and his wife really enjoyed the car. Interesting to know it may still provide enjoyment for yet another family!

Marty was a good "customer" of mine, I think he ended up with at least three cars that I owned.....including a 1917 Franklin and an 1958 Chevrolet....

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Pretty cool, and like when a car stays in the Family per say, even if not direct family, at least it stays in the Antique Car family, those of us who appreicate and value them.

Also anyone know of Transporters ?? may need one that can pick up an antique in pieces, project car. Rolling chasis & frame, plus many other parts and pieces ?? let me know

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  • 5 months later...
Guest donhotrod

If your looking for a car to work on make a point that you find one that runs ,that means a lot less surprises. A tittle is good also ,and yes a 4 banger just doesn't cut it I have an original 27 and I am fling if I am going 40 mps

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