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Interior paint questions


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Last year, heh heh, I replaced my sun roof in the '89. During the roof rust repairs, I used a rust killer ( Phospho ) extensively. Well, I didn't cover the interior adequately and my leather, vinyl and plastic trim pieces took some staining damage. It is cosmetic. My interior is saddle/tan (????). Anyone have any product recommendations for blending the leopard spots to a consistent color?

Sample of damage;


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Do you think the stain is on top of the surface or soaked in. If it is sitting on the surface I would try a product called "Opps" to see if it will remove it. One of the best products I've used to get marks and stains off walls and other surfaces without hurting the finish. I haven't tried it on leather but I have removed stains on vinyl. I wouldn't leave it on vinyl for long before washing it off. Walmart should have it. Look for a red and white sprayl can. Be careful if you use it in an enclosed area. It smells pretty good but it can give you a headache.

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