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Original Lorraine Spotlight and Patent/Background Documents - VERY RARE

Guest jkressin1

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Guest jkressin1

Our grandfather was Clifford Sklarek, the original designer of the Lorraine Spot Light. Prior to his passing, he had sent the original prototype, which is shown in it's original green velvet case, which he used as a sales tool, working with all the major car builders of his day. Included, are many historical documents and items of interest from his day, including records of patent, and newspaper clippings from the era. We will entertain offers, but mainly posting for historical sake. Thanks for viewing.











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Heck, not only didn't my ship come in, the tugboats aren't even warming up....oh well...this would be a great museum piece, thanks for sharing....

What determined whether a Lorraine spotlight was engraved with name, or had a tag? I see this salesman sample or prototype has a tag (and I have samples of Lorraine tags with the "Pierce" logo on them), but the spotlight on my '31 Pierce is engraved in the steel....

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I'm wondering when that display case was actually built. Lorraine spotlights were common on fire trucks in the 1920's and 1930's. I have a set my dad pulled off a 1920's Ahrens Fox fire truck in a wrecking yard in the early 1950's. The display case appears to show a spot light from the 1950's, not pre war. I'm not doubting it's a salesman display kit, but I think it's post war in design and not the first model of Lorraine spot light made. Perhaps your grandpa designed the one you have, but it's not from the 1920's.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest jkressin1

Clifford designed the original back in the 20's, named after his girlfriend Lorraine. All his spotlights are in the Auto Museum in Harrah's/Nevada. This prototype was a patent prototype from 1962.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest jkressin1

Lorraine was simply a girlfriend, no mention of her in any documentation; only the fabled story that he named it after her....

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  • 1 month later...
Guest jkressin1

Would anyone have any ideas regarding the best place to auction/sell these types of items? Additionally, what would you put it's value at?

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  • 1 month later...
Guest jkressin1

Still looking to find some sort of appraisal on these items. We have tried contacting Jay Leno, but no response. Any thoughts from the AACA forum gang would be appreciated. All bids are welcome as well.

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Leno is not a buyer of all things automotive.

Your best chance at selling is to put the items on Ebay, and either put a reserve, or let the price be determined by bidders.

With unusual or oddball or one of a kind items, Ebay is the best method of disposal, as the number of people who will see the item is very large....

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I commented in another thread that people whoe throw out the "Jay Leno will buy it" line are usually not familiar with the hobby.

My advice would be to put it on eBay with a reserve that matches what it is worth to you. In other words, if somebody is only going to give you 100 dollars for it then you would rather keep it. However, at 101 you would let it go. Post a link here to the auction.

This is interesting stuff for sure and would look nice in somebody's man cave. However, I'm not sure there is a tremendous amount of value. I think it may have more sentimental value to the family than monetary value to collectors.

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I had another thought. Perhaps as a donation to a museum you may get a favorable tax deduction depending on your situation.

However, I'm still not thinking there is a tremendous amount of value. This reminds me of a situation I had with a very cool wind-up flashlight that was invented by a relative of mine. It was done in the 30s, I have the prototype, patent work, lots of paperwork with various companies interested in it. Pretty neat stuff. When I looked into it's value with the flashlight collectors it became apparent quickly that it was worth more to me on a display shelf then what I could get for it from a collector.

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  • 7 years later...

Clifford Sklarek and his wife Helen were like my grandparents.  Helen and Cliff were two of the finest people I have had the honor of knowing.  I spent many an enjoyable day and night at their home in the Outpost Estates in the Hollywood Hills.  Cliff, as we called him, became my mentor as he was to my father.  "Lorraine" was indeed the name of one of Clifford's lady friends, I was informed of this by Cliff himself.  Cliff showed me the original of the photograph above of the automobile he built.  As a young boy I would play with his grandchildren,  Cliffy and Nancy, when they came out from New Jersey.


I know Jay Leno well enough that he let my younger son bounce around in one of his million dollar sports cars as my son got away from me at a car show and Jay noticed him and put him in his car for safe keeping!  Jay is an absolutely fabulous fellow!  One of the nicest people I have ever met.  When I saw my son bouncing around pretending to drive Jay's sports car, I profusely apologized!  Since Jay and I both collected cars, he said to me:  "I wouldn't let anyone else do that in my car, but we need to get more guys like you and me into automobiles while they are still young!"


I was also good friends with Pete Petersen, Petersen Publishing and the Petersen Auto Museum.  Unfortunately, Mr. Petersen passed away otherwise I am sure I could have got him to purchase your collection.


Let me know if I can be of any assistance.

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Yes, I noted the posting date, but ever the optimist I still availed my assistance if it would be so desired.  I felt I owed that much to Clifford Sklarek for all that he and his wife gave to me for many years,

By the way, nice collection of cars!   Enjoy them for me.  Mine are all gone now...

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