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Hershey Buick photographer needed

Pete Phillips

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I am not going to be able to attend the Hershey, Pennsylvania meet this year, which means I will need someone to take photos and notes of the various Buicks at the meet for the usual article and photo essay that I do in the Buick Bugle. Can anyone help out with this? You need a good digital camera and a pocket notebook to keep any notes you make to identify the cars and the prices (if they are for sale). I also try to take photos of most of the Buicks in the Saturday car show, but I don't always get all of them. Then, we put an article with 40 or 50 photos in the December magazine, telling about the old Buicks at the Hershey meet. I'm not sure, but I think most members look forward to this feature.

So, if there are any volunteers to be the BCA's "correspondent" for the Hershey meet, please let me know. You will get full credit for anything you write or photograph for the magazine, and you will be helping the club and its publication.

Pete Phillips, BCA #7338

Bugle Editor

Leonard, TX

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Pete, I am going and showing the 32 Buick all week under the restorers tent and at the showfield Saturday. Since I am batching it I will have time to walk the corral and lots of the fields so I will take the Nikon and plan on photographing all the buicks I can find.

Lets talk soon. I am flying to Boston on Monday, Oct 3rd, grab the pickup, head to Connecticut and pick up the trailer and will arrive in Hershey Wed afternoon. Plan to leave for Texas with 32 in the trailer on Saturday after the show field closes.


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I will be there Friday all day and Saturday for the show in the morning. I will have my digital camera with me and I will try to bring a notepad to write down information. Let me know exactly what you need as far as info is concerned and I'll see what I can get done. Better to have duplicates than none at all. Just let me know. Thanks Matt

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