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headed to hershey


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That is wonderful, Melvin. Sounds like you folks are cranked up.

Reminder that there is the "Youth Program" for your grandson. Also, the Race Car & High Wheeler condition runs in the stadium, plus the AACA Library/National Headquarters/ and, just up Rt. 39 North (1 Mile) is the AACA Museum which is an absolute "must see".

Have a good time,

Peter J.

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Yep, I love to see kids at Hershey, I even take my son (now 14, but will miss this year) out of school for a couple of days. He's been going to Hershey since he was 6 or 7, and my favorite memory is of him in yellow boots, stomping through the mud puddles...said puddles now gone of course, and sometimes missed.

Kudos on bringing the young 'un, that's what the hobby needs.......

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Yes, great to see the young people at these shows, glad some of them have the enthusiasm I had for these cars when I was their age.

Here's something that goes a long way--one of my good friends has a 2002 Corvette convertible, and as such always gets to see some young guy (or gal) admiring the car.

Fred always carries his Polaroid Instamatic with him (the ones that shoot the picture out immediately after he takes it, and takes about a minute to develop). You should see the smiles on the faces of these kids when they see themselves in the picture, behind the wheel of a beautiful car.

Anyways, what I always get out of a big car show like Hershey, is meeting up with old friends, and always making new ones. As a percentage, I believe that the people who comprise the old car hobby are among the finest group of people anywhere, in spite of the occasional "stick in the mud" person there's always a chance of running into. I dare say that what keep people of all ages coming back to shows like Hershey is not just the cars, the items in the swap meet, or all of the activities associated with the show, but the people you meet, and meet once again.

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I'm planning to go to Hershey for the first time this year too. However, I have to pick only one day to make a day-trip of it. Out of the four days, which day would you guys suggest as best for a newbie to get an overall feel for the event? Do most people arrive early on Wednesday, or would Saturday be busiest and most interesting? Thanks!

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If you are hunting for parts then Wednesday is best as the items will be less picked over. However, not every vendor gets there then. Some don't come until even Friday. For bargins Friday and Saturday are good. Vendors don't want to haul some of the stuff home and will cut prices to not have to pack stuff up. :D

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My grandson was born on October 9, 2008, the Thursday of Hershey that year. Our daughter wasn't due until the 13th or 14th so I thought I'd be home before he was born. I skipped the car show Saturday and came home. This year, the 9th is Saturday so I'll be on my way home that afternoon and evening. None of my kids has any interest in cars so I'm hopeful my grandson will. It seems like he's starting out that way. He loves to lay on his side on the floor and push cars and trucks around and he carries his favorites with him everywhere. I'd never try to bring him to Hershey or any car show yet. It would be way too much for him. I told my daughter and son-in-law that I was going to get him a fire engine pedal car for Christmas like the one I had way back when. I almost bought one last year and regret that I didn't. I'm hoping I can find a good original or restored one this year.

Big - I've only been going to Hershey since 2004, but I'd agree that the best deals are on Friday and Saturday. Last year, though, it seemed to me that lot of venders packed up and started leaving on Friday so if I had to pick one day for parts cruising, I'd pick Thursday. Of course, the car show on Saturday is huge so I guess it depends on what you want to see.

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