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Proper finish for the backside of the front fenders


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Hey guys,

Got the fenders in primer today and I'm unclear what the factory finish was for the back side. I have 3 full sets of fenders and it appeared to be everything from a black primer to overspray body color.

So what is the proper finish?

Any of you that have completed restorations on your 55s feel free to weigh in.

As always I appreciate your help. I wouldn't be anywhere near the point I am if it wasn't for all the info you guys have shared with me.

Thanks very much,


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Hey Guys,

Thank you for all the quick replies. It did appear on a couple of these that there was no finish at all or at least a very thin layer as they seemed to be mostly surface rust.

I like the black with a bit of flatener though and it just so happens I have some left over from my inner fenders and rims :D.

Thanks again guys,


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In more recent times, the fenders would have been dipped in black primer, a layer of which was on top of water in a vat, which explains the runs that you might find in the primer. Nothing pretty, just functional. Satin, which is different from "semi-gloss", would be more correct. With extended time, the thin layer would probably "evaporate", allowing the surface rust mentioned as time progressed--depending upon the general atmospheric environments the vehicle lived in.

Over-spray would be normal, too, from spraying the edges of the fenders, as that would be done after the primer happened. Just like Old-Tank mentioned!

Just some thoughts,


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