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Louisville Meet 2010

Guest oniz

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Guest oniz

I registered for this Meet a couple of days ago but was just getting ready to send in my check and noticed that it said deadline was today (5/31). Can I go ahead and mail in my check and be registered? Thanks! ~ Stan

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I am a nobody, but go ahead and mail it in. Include a self addressed stamped envelope and you will get a confirmation mailed back to you.

Also, don't feel like the Lone Ranger. I registered on-line yesterday, wrote the check and put it in an envelope (with an enclosed self addressed stamped envelope) and put in in the mail box. It was too late for the mail yesterday, and of course today is a holiday, so it will not actually go out until tomorrow. I expect Randy Stone to receive it a day or so after that.

My best understanding is that as long as you registered on-line by the deadline, and you then actually send in your check without unreasonable delay, you are OK.

Also, welcome to the AACA Discussion Forum. You will like it here. What type of car are you bringing to Louisville?

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We had our reservations in for some time now as I like to get that stuff done early. We have guests joining us that have some health issues so we are all keeping our fingers crossed.

We will be bringing our all original 69 442. I promised Steve M. the last time we met that I would let him see it. I believe he lusts after all things Oldsmobile.

We'll be in the HPOF class. Really looking forward to it!

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Unofficially, I understand the count is well over 600 cars. Am not sure how many will participate in the Saturday show at the convention center. We could have some real traffic problems on some of the 5 self guided tours. There is an "Old Car Parade" at 5:30 Wednesday to a Private Museum & Ice Cream Social. The parade could blow some people's minds.

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Guest oniz

Mr. MCHinson, Thanks for the warm welcome! My father and I will be bringing our 1930 Chevrolet Coupe. We hope to win a Senior award. We got the First Junior last year in Lebanon,Tenn. See Ya There! Also,thanks to all for the registration information.

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Thanks everyone for the interest in the AACA 75th Anniversary event! The response has been overwhelming.

Send your check in, we know we will have to process a few registrations that might be "tardy" due to the Holiday, etc. We want everyone that wants to be there to get the opportunity to be there.

Results prior to the deadline indicate a great turn out with over 700 event registrations and approximately 600 vehicles and still counting.

See you in Louisville!

Thanks JOE

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