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These are the best Reatta plates ever, with sharp details and resilient finish.

Black Beauty has one permanently affixed to her front license plate holder, just beneath her "Texas Moustache". Bob's Reatta license plate is a "must have" for any Reatta collector, or even the occaisional reatta driver. These are not reproduction items, but re-issued by the OEM manufacturer with exact details of the originals. In the years I've run this plate it has brought me only satisfaction and praise, NO tickets! Every police officer has commented on it, saying it's the most appropriate plate for Black Beauty. I've shown Beauty at 3 regional BCA shows and 2 BCA National events, (one judged, plate recognized as OEM!), including a ride thru downtown Flint, MI for the "100 years of GM cars" parade at the GM 100th anniversary show, and the Buick 105th anniversary National show, held on the same weekend.

Bob's dedication to the Reatta division is unparalleled, offering all proceeds from sale of these plates for the club's benefeit. My kind of philanthropist!

So, get yours today, before they are gone, and the price to acquire one goes back to rediculous prices over ebay.


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  • 7 months later...

Thank you to everyone who ordered the Buick Reatta license plates. They now are available through the Reatta club. I made sure Carole has enough for anyone who needs them throughout the year.

I hope everyone has a nice holiday! My Reattae are under wraps until the snow thaws in the north.

Merry Christmas to Reatta owners everywhere!


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Bob - between my woodworking vice and my hands, I got them fairly straight. Since front plates are required in Manitoba, these will be decorative, so they are fine for that.

You had wrapped them in cardboard, but the plates were longer than the cardboard, and they got bent along the edge of the cardboard. Perhaps a single longer cardboard rather than doubling up and taping the plates to it would prevent this.

I'm not complaining - I'm quite pleased and for the price, I wouldn't want to bother with an exchange. Thanks for the offer and have a Reatta good 2011.

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