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Heavily fouled fuel pump...


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I have seen it that bad and worse before on a friend's '50 Buick and my ownm '54. It cleans out easily enough, and does not seem to harm the pump in any permanent way.

It looks like some strange reaction of the alloys in the pump to whatever contaminants are in the gas - water and otherwise.

Just think how well it will work once it is all spiffy and clean!

Doug Cook

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Could be from moisture in the gasoline too. With all the crap they add to gasoline today, they need an ingredients label on the pump:


Gasoline - 64% (or less)

Ethanol - 10%

Water - 1%

Misc. Inert ingredients

(the crap we put in but we don't want you to know what it is)

25% or more, depending on how much profit we want to make at any given moment in time

Unless you have a fuel filter problem, that's most likely corrosion related from water and alcohol in the fuel.

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Yes there was some corrosion/pitting in the fuel chamber so likely thats it...the thing is the car was running fine on this pump before I took it apart. There was a filter after the pump so that protected the carb I guess. I was just wondering if it was debris from the "distilled" gas. The fuel system would empty after every use....I can only imagine how bad the fuel tank is :eek:

Thanks all for the comment...

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I am guessing the fuel tank is free of the corrosion being that is it made of steel. The fuel pump is aluminum and most likely corrosion from that aluminum is the reason for all that "white stuff". Maybe all of us should start to wonder if our fuel pumps are secretly corroding away inside from the acahol gasoline where we can't see it happening?

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