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2010 National: MAKE $ FOR YOUR CHAPTER

Patrick W. Brooks

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The BCA National in Ames, Iowa, represents a first in terms of how the

event is organized. There is no official host chapter as the sponsor

for this event is the BCA National organization. The planning has provided

that 40% of the profit is to be shared among the volunteers who work the National, no matter which BCA Chapter they belong to. This means that if

you volunteer your Chapter will receive a portion of the profit from the

National. You sign-up to volunteer and register the name of your Chapter

and a check will be sent to your Chapter in your name for your efforts. The

more time you spend as a volunteer the more money your Chapter receives.

Our BCA President, Rick Young, and our Treasurer, Bill Stoneberg, are

managing this system and the division of profits. Be sure to volunteer and earn a share of the profits for you Chapter. WHAT A DEAL.:)

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The history on how this happened is very simple. The BCA had no bids for the 2010 National and this created a problem situation. Many things were discussed, including doing a National every two years instead each year. The BCA President, Rick Young, is from Iowa and a member of the Hawkeye Chapter. The Hawkeye Chapter is very small with an average age older than most Chapters. Rick approached us about being the Host Chapter. This involved a financial responsibility, as well as organizational committments, we were unable and unwilling to assume. We responded that the BCA should sponser the 2010 and the Hawkeye Chapter would assist in planning and execution along with BCA National volunteers Bill Stoneberg and Rick Young. A deal was struck that spread the responsibility and money to all those who help. This is a concept talked about for some years but never attempted. With no bids for 2010 a chance to try something new occurred. The National keeps 40% of the profit and the Hawkeye Chapter gets 10% for all our planning and assistance effort. The balance of 40% goes to the volunteers. The National assumes all financial responibility and liability for a loss and provides leadership through the existing organization. It is working extremely well and allows a small chapter to be involved, make a small amount of money, and provide a new site for a National. Going to new sites is best and this system allows even the smallest chapters to bid. I would encourage every small chapter to consider using this as a model and submitting a bid. My hat is off to Rick Young and the BCA Board for being bold enough to get this done.

Patrick W. Brooks, BCA #3939, member since 1974

Two terms on the BCA Board and BCA President for two years

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This is the kind of thinking that is needed to keep National meets relative and fun. This forum isn't the BCA - it's just a side note - but it would have been helpful to know these details a while ago.

Now, I just rejoined the BCA specifically so I could help at the National meet "behind the scenes" but am not a Hawkeye chapter member and don't plan to join the chapter.

What about National members that aren't chapter members? Do you guys have roles for us and does the leadership have the "volunteer" roles on paper where a person could say "I'll do that" or that - ?

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The second post is far more in depth than the first post, but there's still alot missing. Financial limitations? I mean, for as HUGE as planning and running a national is, and this is the extent of the info to base putting in a national bid? Not enough information for me. I know how it went with our regional and how lack of participation for one event cost us $600 on a deposit. Then the cost of swapping out the planned activity for another. There must be budgets set for these things. All I see are percentages. It's good that the home office is stepping up to the plate here, but where are all the details for the clubs to mull over to make the decision to try to host a national?

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I think there is some confusion. The situation Pat described above is a one meet only circumstance (hopefully). The BOD received no bids for 2010 so two BOD members stepped up to host the meet and to encourage volunteer participation since there is no host chapter the scenario Pat noted was established. The 2011 Meet will be chapter sponsored with the Minuteman chapter stepping up to the plate and being the successful bidder for 2011. For 2012 the BOD is aware of one chapter sponsored bid that will be submitted, other chapters are encouraged to bid.

As for chapters that desire to host a national meet: There is a national meet committee that assists the host chapter reviewing contracts for hotels and other services. They also advise the chapter with best practices and lessons learned to help the chapter be successful. The registration paperwork is also handled by a BCA representative. The BCA would like is only asking 10% of the profit from the meet and a small per registration fee. There is a major summary of the National Meet guidelines posted on the BCA website under documents. The BCA national office (Mike and Nancy) will also provide information to a perspective bidding chapter. This information can be used to develop a preliminary financial statement.

I hope that is a quick summary, light on details still though. If your chapter is interested in hosting a National meet I recommend you contact the BCA National office and read the guidelines and we can provided detailed information that you desire.


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Oh, I didn't understand this was a one-time seat of the pants thing to save the national for a year. I was under the impression this was going to be an ongoing program that smaller chapters would look towards to be able to hold a national event. But the old way of holding a national would still be upheld for the larger chapters, like you mentioned are stepping up for 2011 and 2012. I guess I was just confused how all this was going to work since holding a national involves a fairly decent outlay of cash, and signifigant risk to the host chapter that dictates a well thought out plan. We had our plan for our regional, and most all of it worked as expected. The 6 of us were pretty successful, despite mother nature and technology trying to work against us. The best part was the 77 Electra golf cart on show day. Right Dan?

As far as hosting a national, that's the decision of our current chapter board members. And I think right now it's pretty far off the radar screen.

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The idea of the BCA handling the registration and the BCA National Meet committee is meant to encourage smaller chapters to bid on the National Meet.

The Minuteman chapter is a rather large chapter that has successfully hosted a national meet previously, but the 2009 meet host chapter and the one known chapter bidding on 2012 are significantly smaller (about 1/3 the size or less) compared to the Minuteman.

Pittsburgh's mid-great lakes region location would likely draw a large turnout of cars for a National Meet....so maybe in the future!

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The idea of the BCA handling the registration and the BCA National Meet committee is meant to encourage smaller chapters to bid on the National Meet.

The Minuteman chapter is a rather large chapter that has successfully hosted a national meet previously, but the 2009 meet host chapter and the one known chapter bidding on 2012 are significantly smaller (about 1/3 the size or less) compared to the Minuteman.

Pittsburgh's mid-great lakes region location would likely draw a large turnout of cars for a National Meet....so maybe in the future!

I was questioning the BCA covering the tab and how all that worked. But from what I gather, that was a 1-time thing. I wasn't questioning the BCA handling the registration...the registration is the easy part...been there, done that.

The hard part is all the legwork to develop an agenda that will please the masses (or just get them to attend), make arrangements with the hotels and other local facilities to accomodate the attendees, dinners, parking, etc. After all the pre-planning which if done right will take about a year, then the planning for the event staff itself. That's another large load of work, ensuring you have enough people to do all the jobs necessary. Yes, a couple small chapters may have enough bodies, but then that means getting the chapters together many times over that year of planning. Depending on the geographic locations, that can be a little difficult, but do-able.

Add to all this work, the possibility of loosing the chapter's treasury if you make a mistake in any of these phases....I think you can see why only the larger chapters will step up to the plate here. Most small chapters are struggling just to keep membership numbers alive and some cash in the treasury. I'm a member of a council of car clubs, and the concensus is that lots of clubs, not just BCA chapters, are suffering in terms of membership. And that downturn in membership results in less resources to hold a national.

By the original post, it almost seemed like the BCA was developing a working board of some sort to help with the nationals, monetary and even to some degree body-wise. That's where I was kind of amazed, that anyone would have that kind of time to dedicate to this process.

As far as that Great Lakes National, you better ask the chapter members. I can't speak for them. Oh, I know, Stevo will steup up to the plate, right Stevo? :eek::D:D

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Us NY guys are thinking that a tent with a bar, and dancin girls would bring in the Buick Bucks. One of our gang said we could also sell asprin to those with achin necks and heads to bring in even more at the rear. :D Dandy Dave!

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Us NY guys are thinking that a tent with a bar, and dancin girls would bring in the Buick Bucks. One of our gang said we could also sell asprin to those with achin necks and heads to bring in even more at the rear. :D Dandy Dave!

I reserve the right to ask for photos of the dancin girls before any event would happen. Just to ensure certain members of the chapter aren't getting their wigs out for a weekend. :D

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Good Morning Again: The concept of the BCA National heading the meet, with no official Host Chapter, is available as a basis for future bidding for smaller chapters. I think it is a good idea. The local chapter does not have any risk whatsoever as the BCA National fronts all money and assumes all loss(es). The local chapter gets a small guaranteed amount of the profit as they assist with pre-meet matters because they are there (in the geographical area) while the National people may be some distance away. The only financial risk the local chapter has is that the meet may not make a profit and their share is zero. In addition, the contracting for lodging, parking, space for the show, etc., is done by the National. It has worked very well for the Hawkeye Chapter and the National has provided great leadership. The financial risk for an individual Host Chapter is significant and in the past there have been major problems from time to time. This is to say nothing of the stresses within the chapter and among the individuals involved. In any event, it has worked well for the 2010 National without any stress at all. In addition, the National needs the money to keep our dues low and the National has the experience to see it is done right and without losses. The National has slowly assumed many functions over the last ten years because of problems. This is why the National has assumed all responsibility for registration, the computer and record keeping. In my mind this is the next logical step. Patrick W. Brooks, Hawkeye Chapter Director

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With interest waning by chapters to present bids at national meets, wasn't it inevitable that the club take over National meets?

How many posts - many heated and emotional - have there been in the last 10 years about issues revolving around national meets and will they / won't they be held and implied references of possibly not having a National in such and such year or getting geographical 'spread' year to year and the issues that raises.

I think that the topic of locations of future national meets should be brought up for discussion this year in Ames.

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A word of advice....if you do solicit feedback from those attending and those involved in organizing the event, take the time to consider the schedules of those working the event and be sure to get their feedback. DO NOT just pick an arbitrary time and if it doesn't fit the the organizers and volunteers schedules, well, too bad. This coming from personal experience on the regional level. Work WITH the people in the trenches, not against them as has been done sometimes in the past.

It's getting quite expensive recently and it doen't take much to loose folks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Dans 77 Limited
The best part was the 77 Electra golf cart on show day. Right Dan?

As far as hosting a national, that's the decision of our current chapter board members. And I think right now it's pretty far off the radar screen.

Screeching tires , smoking brakes ,1/2 a tank of gas gone and I never made it out of the parking lot. I had a Dodge Dart I used to take drag racing that didnt get beat on as much as my Electra did that weekend. But all in all it worked out.

I dont think we are currently capable of hosting anything much larger than a cruise at the moment. Dont have the same manpower that we did in 04. Pretty safe to say we arent doing a national anytime soon .


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