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Cord phaeton. Asking price $75,000. It would be cheaper to buy a done one for 125K - 150K.


Junior series Packard with Rollston body.



Here's the rear of that 1938 Lincoln K that was modified when new. The one thing I don't get is why would it have Packard tail lights? Lincoln K tail lights are actually a bit more streamlined than Packard ones as are the lenses. Also, they didn't even use lenses from a Twelve, they used flat lenses from a Junior Packard.


Here a 1932 Franklin that was at the Hale Farm meet near Akron, OH this past August.


Model L Lincoln with polished aluminum body sides. Original green interior.


Here's a 1928 Cadillac club sedan that was at the Auburn auction a couple months ago. One of the easiest ways to tell a 1928 Cadillac from a 1929 is that 1928's had cowl lights while 1929's had fender lights.


Back to Hershey. Nice Darrin with all original medium blue leather interior parked on Packard row in the green field.


Back to Auburn at the Saturday morning club meet in the park. This car was recently finished and has been on the show circut this year.



You know, I don't really understand why people show cars with trunks on them. These trunks were meant to be put on when you went on a trip. When you came home, you took the trunk off & put in the garage or basement. You didn't drive around your hometown with a trunk hanging off the back all the time. The exception would be a close coupled or club sedan where the trunk was in front of the rear bumper and was more or less an extention of the body.

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You would have to say that now after I just put a trunk up for sale! LOL

I agree with every comment you made. The trunks make the cars look boxy and the Cord looked like a great project but I made the same comment about buying one for 125k (that was the actual number I used too) when I came upon it over in the ACD section of the Chocolate field.

It might have been somewhere on here where the story of that Rollson bodied Packard was discussed. Seems they were going to make a shooting brake out of it until they stumbled on to the fact it was a custom built body.

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The Rollson is supposed to be a '39 on a Senior chassis, built for a Mrs. Swayze of NYC. The owner knew what it was when he purchased it years ago as part of a deal on a '39 4 door convertible and yes he had fantasized about the possibility of turning it into a woody but better sense prevailed in the end. He also has copies of the original Rollson drawings. Unusual chauffeur driven coupe with only a driver's side front seat to allow easy access to the rear seat. Car is still available.

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