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Guest tae

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Can you install a supercharger on a 1991 Buick Reatta it has the same engine as the 1996 Buick Riviera which is supercharged?


“It don't mean **** right now... Daddy's won here 10 times."- Dale Earnhardt Jr. | Crankshaft Turning Tool on the loose.<o></o>

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Many posts on the subject but the L-67 (with boost) has a different crank, rods, and pistons (lower compression) and a stronger transmission. The 1991 engine will accept the supercharger but requires a remapped PROM.

Of course for about the cost of a swap, you can buy a Fiero and go faster.

I have modified my opinion of superchargers slightly. On an SI engine they still belong above 20,000 feet but are OK on a CI engine and think the future is CI.

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I owned a 2000 Regal GS for six years. If it wasn't for electrical problems, I'd still own the car. One of the sweetest engines I have had the pleasure to command. Why manufacturers prefer to turbocharge and not supercharge baffles me. And why superchargers are not incorporated into new engine design also puzzles me.

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Are a lot of reasons, some engineering (compatibility with PON, need to reduce the compression) and a lot bean-counter (supercharger/turbocharger is not cheap).

Also it costs less to turbocharge than to supercharge (particularly blow-through designs).

Now that I have one am really starting to appreciate turbo diesels but a lot is that the engines are designed for a lot of compression and run at WOT constantly. Modern ones are much better than the 240Ds that could not exceed 70 mph.

Latest BMW 3 liter that is now being imported develops over 400 lb-ft of torque.

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Guest Richard D
Many posts on the subject but the L-67 (with boost) has a different crank, rods, and pistons (lower compression) and a stronger transmission. The 1991 engine will accept the supercharger but requires a remapped PROM.

Of course for about the cost of a swap, you can buy a Fiero and go faster.

I have modified my opinion of superchargers slightly. On an SI engine they still belong above 20,000 feet but are OK on a CI engine and think the future is CI.

Back in the 1990's there was someone who was selling CI engines for experimental aircraft and the reviews were positive. He planned on building them for certified aircraft but I never heard anything else. I bet when he tried to get his engine certified the costs were astronomical.



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Guest CL_Reatta

I will let Philip know when I see him tomorrow, I beleive he used the AOL space for the pics, and since AOL closed all that down in October it isnt up anymore.

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