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would I be assuming that my

Guest EDBS0

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Obama post turned into a bunch of partisan political mud slinging rather than a celebration of the event????????????????????????????????????????????????????

And got deleted?

I hope you are proud of yourselves.

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Guest CL_Reatta

I really dont think that it turned into a fight.... people in this forum recently have just been really fussy about nothing... Is it me or does this forum have a feeling that the gestapo is around lately

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Guest Reatta1

They are definitely touchy about political or religious stuff here. My personal opinion is that they should just be selective about individual posts an delete what they find offensive but leave the main thread alone. There IS value to discussion within guidelines, but I think the guidelines here are unecessarily stringent. But, that's only my opionion.

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The USA is at a crossroads. You have an incredible opportunity now, right now!

Either pull together or pull apart.

You are quick to ask of countries "are you with us or agin us".

Well let me ask posters are with your country or are you agin it? I could be wrong but it appears as though many are agin yourselves.

Divided you fail and are much weaker. Participate! Volunteer! Change!

For the most part contributing to the forum has been a joy, let me say you become the people you hand around with, so to fly with eagles I say sweet adieu, God Bless America, God Bless the world and God Bess the forum members.

This is your tipping point DON"T SCREW IT UP!

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Guest Reatta1

Mr. Obama made this statement in his speech. 'Lets fix America'. Problem is, it's not America that needs fixing, it's politicians that need fixing. The sooner 'we the people' understand that and do something about it, the better off this country will be. I'm not being 'political' here, just stating fact.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Obama post turned into a bunch of partisan political mud slinging rather than a celebration of the event????????????????????????????????????????????????????</div></div>Bingo! The usual responses by the usual suspects.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Is it me or does this forum have a feeling that the gestapo is around lately</div></div> I receive (in this case multiple) complaints, I address them. EDBSO made an innocuous post on the historic inauguration and the ditto heads couldn't resist piling on. There was only one way it was going to go from there. My preference would be to beat 'em down, but that's not the purpose of the Reatta Discussion Forum.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well let me ask posters are with your country or are you agin it? I could be wrong but it appears as though many are agin yourselves.

Divided you fail and are much weaker. Participate! Volunteer! Change!</div></div>For me our Pledge of Allegiance answers your question quite well when it says: "one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all."

If it appears to you that many of us a are against ourselves you are seeing us from a bad perspective. You need to come to a University of Tennessee football game where 110,000 people fall silent long enough to turn to the American flag and <span style="font-weight: bold">as one voice</span> say the Pledge of Allegiance. Go to a race Bristol Motor Speedway (TN) with 160,000 people in attendance (one of the nosiest places on earth) and hear the crowd go silent as our hats come off and our hands cover hearts as we say the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. For me it is truly a humbling experience and makes me proud to be an American.

Being from the Volunteer State I can tell you that we Americans stand shoulder to shoulder to face our problems. It may seem to you we are divided but we are not. It may seem to you we are weak but we are not. We are going through some hard times right now, but that is only a small ripple on a sea of hope, strength and opportunity that our country offers to anyone who wishes to join us. We have smoothed out small ripples like this before and have no doubt that we will do it again.

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Guest steakneggs

Except I've never seen the word "historic" used with the other elections I've yawned through. Admit it, this election was primarily about attaining some feel-good milestone and secondarily about replacement of an embattled regime. The election, the transition and the one-day feel-good fest are over. The truth can be told now. Steak

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Guest Greg Ross

From an Outsiders' point of view, you, the American people have allowed your political Representatives way too much slack. Your Liberal/ Conservative extremeists need to just clamp shut for a while and allow a group of intelligent, caring people to see what they can do about the mess you've all allowed to be created.

The collective wealth you've/ we've lost is staggering. I won't be retiring for the forseeable future, thanks to...

But, you're on the right track, just don't screw it up. The Man will probably use up his two terms just cleaning up the mess.

Give him a chance, and please, next election think about who you're voting for. Is he/ she with the program, or...

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Boys and girls, I don't wish to sound like a grouch, but if I wanted to read someone's opinion about the politics of our country - or Canada's, for that matter - I would seek out a forum that addresses just that. I came here to discuss Reattae and I'd just as soon we keep to that. In short, I don't give a rat's what your opinion is except as to the subject of this forum. Now, if you want to start a thread addressing politics - or religion or anything else - that's fine; but please put it in the subject line so I - and others - can avoid it.

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Guest MauiWowee

+1 Weren't we asked nicely not too long ago to take these kinds of threads and/or comments to another provided location? Please?


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Rawja GETS it…

<span style="text-decoration: underline">Now is the time to look toward better times to come.</span> It is a perfect time to tune OUT hate radio, and all the negative political trash talk.

If anyone fails to see the historic value of this event. No one could ever point it out to where you’d be able to see it.

Roger, you must be a very patient man. I thank you for your efforts to <span style="font-weight: bold">keep this Reatta train on track.</span> KennyV.

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Guest steakneggs

This thread is not forced on anyone. You deliberately went to it out of uncontrollable curiosity about issues infinitly more urgent than blank touch screens, which I have by the way. Steak

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I too would like to these type of topics either never posted or swiftly removed when they are started. But if they are not, I will be one of the first to defend my country when others choose to put it down no matter how they go about it.

To put an end to this nonsense I think it would be appropriate for all Americans to flood these threads by coming to our country's defense. I don't know why they have not before now. If that happens maybe the powers that control this forum will recognize these type of threads as being posted in the wrong place and swiftly remove them. I would ban those who repeatedly start this type of thread if necessary to get us back to the subject of Reattas and to stop the needless bashing of America.

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Guest CL_Reatta

Steak, you took the words out of my mouth... you dont need to visit this thread if you dont want to..... LOL I do find it funny how this forum is like a bunch of little kids though... we argue politics, and then get punished by the moderator(s) and thread gets deleted.... then we just start back again and again and again.... like the energizer bunny

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I wasn't going to touch this subject but:

I'd prefer not to have this discussion on the this forum. True, it is not forced on anybody, and we don't have to click or read it. That said, threads like these are open invitations for a break down in on-line civility which is usually a very fragile thing to begin with.

Shouting matches can erupt over just about anything related to our cars (which is supposed to be the subject of discussion in here) and when politics, religion or other touchy subjects get interjected, some people will not pipe down and ignore it because they are subjects that many people are exceedingly passionate about and feel compelled to respond to out of defense of their chosen position.

Same thing as an import car enthusiast coming in here and bashing Reattas (or General Motors as a whole) you know it is going to cause heated exchanges just by it's presence. While they may feel they have valid arguments to make disparaging remarks about our cars, they will elicit a negative response. Sometimes this is the entire point of such posts.

Further, if I wanted to have a discussion about politics, there are countless online forums that exist for that express purpose. Why muddy the waters here with such discourse? This is not a general anything goes discussion forum, so I don't think it is out of line for a moderator to lock and/or delete threads that stray far off subject.

For the sake of keeping the [relative] peace here, I put in my vote for having the moderators close and delete threads that have any political overtone to prevent the gloves from coming off.


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Guest steakneggs

I'm still looking for the "America bashing" on this thread. I can only find feel-good bashing and symbolism bashing on my part and opinion bashing on everyone else's. Steak

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I run the AACA forums. Please - show some civility. Personal attacks (like above) are out of line.

Stop it or you will be banned.

Also, this is a CAR forum, and in particular about Buick Reattas. Keep on subject or expect your posts to be deleted without comment.

Politics, religion and other non-automotive subjects are certainly worth chatting about and there are dozens of other forums which you can chat about them. Here is not the place.


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Guest Reatta1


Are you saying we are allowed to have a CIVIL discussion with SLIGHT political content, or are you about to lock this down? Sometimes politics are part and parcel to an auto discussion forum. The 'Cash for Clunkers' comes to mind plus other political actions that affect our chosen car hobby.

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