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And the Big Three were there........

Dandy Dave

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....to gear up and help us win!

Yes, Today, December 7th... 1941 is a day that will live in infamy....

Oh don't tell me you have forgotten Pearl Harbor Day???

To all those who served, I salute thee! grin.gif

And to all those who worked here at home to help win the war. hats off to you and I thank thee.

Yes Buick was a part of this legacy.

Now, how about some of the stuff that was produced that you folks have been hoarding. Show us. smile.gif Dandy Dave!

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Having never been in the service, I would like to say <span style="color: #FF0000"> </span> <span style="font-family: 'Comic Sans MS'"><span style="font-weight: bold"> <span style="font-size: 17pt">thanks</span> </span></span>to Veterans of all the wars this country has been involved in. Truly, your sacrifices are appreciated.

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Guest ZondaC12

Yes indeed, thank you to those who have served or are serving. Honestly did not think of this. However...I didn't know it was the 7th...forgot what the date was as usual. laugh.gif

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Guest Dan Cook

Thank you Dave, JD and Paul and everyone else who put out their flag for remembering those who sacreificed so much this day 67 years ago. And my thank you to all the Vets past and present for insuring my right to persue my dreams and ambitions in life.


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My family ALWAYS remembers Dec 7th. My father was a Pearl Harbor survivor serving on the USS Oklahoma (BB-37) on that fateful day...he continued to serve in both the Pacific and Atlantic fleets, the Korean War, and ended his 30 year naval career as a Chief Gunners Mate & Drill Instructor. My younger brother served 2 tours in Vietman in the Army Corp of Engineers in the early '70's. Unfortunately, both have passed.

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Ship, I dedicate the following tribute to all who gave at home and on the front but especially to your father. He is one to be proud of. Thank you for posting.

The technology of YouTube can be a good thing. I will use it here to help us all remember.

Pearl Harbor Day Attack

And yes indeed, the Big Three were there for us then...will we be there for them today? I pray that we will.








AND THEN WE WELCOMED THEM HOME with great new Buicks with lots of chrome and shiny paint to help them forget the bloody beaches and smell of gunpowder



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Lamar, thanks for sharing those pieces. I need to start searching for Oldsmobile WW2 literature.

And thanks to all living or deceased who served. Mama's oldest brother is still in the Arizona, and all the uncles on both sides served. I count myself lucky to still have three of them, but they will not talk about the war.

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Guest John Chapman

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: rocketraider</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> ...but they will not talk about the war...</div></div>


This isn't uncommon. There are many efforts ongoing today to capture the personal history of WWII servicemen before all that individual knowledge is gone. It might be worth the effort to see if there is a Oral History establishment for your state or your uncles' military units.



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Guest Dan Cook

As a kid growing up near Bremerton, WA, every friend of Dad's and every man I met growing up was a WW11 Vet. With Bremerton being a Navy town you would think you would hear a lot of war stories but I can never remember Dad or anyone else talking about what happened during those years.

Dad was a Pharmasist Mate Second Class on a baby flat top in the Pacific but I'm not sure if his ship was ever involved in any kind of action.

About once a week for the last several months the newspaper here has been printing War Stories from veterans who would talk about thier experiences and another series called Letters from War where people would allow old wartime letters to be published. It sure gives a better understanding of what went on between a service member at war and the loved ones at home. It would be great if other papers would do this.

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My dad was from Bloomington Indiana. He ended up at Geiger Field after WWII began just west of Spokane, met my mother and the rest is family. He was a construction engineer in an aviation battalion in the Aleutians and later in Okinawa, Saipan and Tinian. After the war, dad worked construction for a while, then went to work for a Buick dealer in a small farming community in eastern Washington. He worked as a Buick mechanic from '48 to '57. I learned to love Buicks because of my dad, we always had one.

Jump to '68, I was drafted, went to Vietnam as a groundpounder, somehow made it back home in one piece. My best buddy was from a place called the Bronx. He still lives there, not far from Westchester Bay. We've been there twice. Up I-95 to Connecticut, Rhode Island and the Narragansett Bridge, Newport, Westerly. Stood in the plaza at the World Trade Center and looked up with my mouth hanging open like any tourist would do... Next trip up to Vermont and New Hampshire in the fall,what beautiful colors... on to Montreal and Ottawa, back to the states, crossed at Cornwall, Malone, Lake Placid, down the interstate past Albany and over to the parkway past places like Mount Kisko and Pawling coming back to the "city". They've been west twice, the Oregon Coast, Washington Coast and Cascades, Canadian Rockies. Wherever we went, we were always looking for old Buicks. Saw one in Vietnam in '69, it was a '55 Special two door sedan black and red, in a little handmade hooch on highway 15 between Bien Hoa and Phuoc Le....couldn't believe my eyes. Saw a beautiful blue '37 four door on the street going to the Circular Quay from the Hotel Sydney in Sydney Australia when I was there in '69 on R'n R...

oh those Buicks...it's fun to travel and watch for 'em, where ever you are!

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