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lost title

R W Burgess

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I'm lousy at searching this web site! blush.gif

I can't seem to find threads about lost titles. I'd like to know more about replacing a lost title. There is a car I am interested in, which is located in another state. The owner says he can get a new title in Alabama, or somewhere, with my name on it, which would make it legal.

Now, the sellers being dealt with here are well known, righteous, individuals. So, I'm a little confused. Is this title going to fly in Virginia?


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The issue isn't that the seller lost the title because if he did it's very simple to get a duplicate. The issue is that he never had a title in his name to begin with. Broadway Title in Alabama basically works by selling them the car (Alabama is not a title state) and the sell it back to you with the proper Alabama paperwork that allows you to get a title in your state.

In theory it should work fine (assuming the car was never stolen, of course). However, title issues are a pain in the ass and I would factor that into the price. Some states are starting to crack down on companies like Broadway. I do know that a friend was able to use them in Mass not to long ago successfully.


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Guest bchevy

Sounds like you are better off.

I know Maryland takes the Alabama title deal, and I've heard the Delaware does not.

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