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Here is a list of all the commonly used abbreviations, called ACRONYMS , used on most sites on the Internet. I think Padgett has some that are specific to his posts but, he is an CISSP (<span style="text-decoration: underline">C</span>ertified <span style="text-decoration: underline">I</span>nformation <span style="text-decoration: underline">S</span>oftware <span style="text-decoration: underline">S</span>ecurity <span style="text-decoration: underline">P</span>rofessional. So, I think we can allow some creative leeway in his direction. grin.gif Have fun. It beats the alternative.

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I've watched this thread with interest. I'm one of the senior members here, both in age (more than a half century) and membership, going on nine years. Frankly, I've not noticed a change in tone at all. I have, for the most part, always found everyone here very helpful. While I enjoy Reatta's, I like cars in general, and as such, belong to other automotive forums. The Reatta forum hands down is the best that I've seen! Not only in helpfulness, but in general good will. To be honest, in all the years I've been a member here, there has been only one person that really rubbed me the wrong way. I've not seen this member post in a very long time, so I'm with hope he moved on to other forums. As pointed out in one of the above posts, the forum becomes a little social at times. I for one don't see a problem with that as long as the Reatta mission is not lost. I see nothing wrong with wishing a member Happy Birthday or to issue a holiday greeting from time to time. I remember some years ago, my mom passed away and within hours of her death, my aunt died too. Our good friend to the North, Robert, took time out to offer his sympathy as did others on the forum. Something that made me feel a little better and I shall never forget their kind gesture. One member even sent me some fuel injectors trying to help solve a problem I was having. He would not take any money! Now that's social. As to the spelling issues. It's possible that some of the errors are not spelling problems, but typing mistakes. I learned to type in Junior High on a non electric Underwood! Yes boys and girls computers have not always been around. Later in the school year, we got 10 IBM Selectrics, the one with the ball, A and B students got to have first shot at them. Yep, I got to use one of the IBMs. However, many people just don't know how to type or do so poorly. While misspelled words may be harder to make out, they don't bother me a lot. What does, is incomplete information. An example, "My speedometer does not work, what's wrong". Well, what model is the Reatta in question? Just what is the speedometer doing or not doing? It's hard to help someone without all the facts. Also, I'm not phased by the some question being asked over and over. If I had a dollar for each question about dash lights on an 89, I could retire. Yes, there is a search function, but new members may not know about it. Or, they may have looked at it and found it confusing. In summary, the Reatta forum is one of the best I've found. Great people with huge amounts of information. Lets hope our little corner of the web stays like this for a long time.

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Guest simplyconnected

I'm with you, Howard. Helping fellow restorers with their problems, should be (and is) the main objective here. Social? It has to be.

This forum is truly a pleasure for many folks because right or wrong, the First Ammendment is spoken here in an open forum. That's what makes it great; a free exchange of ideas among many experienced enthusiasts and restorers. Learning from others is a hierarchy of learning.

Hey Howard, I still have my IBM Selectric. Wanna buy it? It weighs about 80-lbs. (Sorry to hear about your mom.)

I also remember when Slide Rule was a class in school. Sorry, but my K&E was kicked to the curb when scientific calculators went down to $15.

Guys who give incomplete symptoms or problems, are new to mechanics. Don't forget, we all started there. It's difficult to go back, but be patient and ask for more info. This may be the first restore for some of these young'uns, and you know well, the books leave out a lot of info that's offered here (thank God).

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No thanks on the IBM :), I still have my 1967 Smith Corona Electra 210! I use it from time to time, still works great. It took me through high school and college. I've used it so much that some of the paint is worn in places. I did master the slide rule too. If someone put a gun to my head today, I don't think I could remember just how it works.

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Guest Reatta1

Hey Howard. I've got an even older typewriter. An old Royal mechanical. Same kind of machine I took typing on in high school(1952). Never got past four finger typing then and am still no better. Actually am now down to three finger typing only cause I only have a thumb on one hand. But I can still do 50 words a minute with mistakes. Ten words without. smile.gif Anyway, I can't worry about some piddling spelling mistakes here in deference to the comeraderie, information and many friends gained by being here. Life's too precious (and short) to sweat the small stuff.

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Guest simplyconnected

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 'Reatta1'</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...I can't worry about some piddling spelling mistakes here in deference to the comeraderie, information and many friends gained by being here.</div></div>Well said, Riatta1. That's what it's all about, and I am humbled to be here among you guys.

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I have a Goldwing, and I thought the Goldwing guys were about the best in the world to offer help and advice, but I gotta say the Reatta guys are just as good if not better. It helps immensely, good grammar or not! I gess us teacheeres gots to done a more better job learnin these kids. I borrowed em all I could but them jest don't learn. djsi fr kf snmdfkj

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