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What model should I get?


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A closed car may be more practical in PA, (if there is such a thing as a practical T) Having a closed car will lengthen your season appreciably. The hills will keep you busy driving, and will ensure that you keep up with your cooling system. (closed cars tend to be a little cheaper to buy, more expensive to restore) Real good ones are available all the time for under $10K.

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I've been into T's for a while, and my father before me so I've ridden & driven in several. Get in touch with a local Model T club and visit them at one of their local tours and talk to the owners. I can tell you from experience that most of them are good friendly people who will talk your ear off about their own cars. I'm sure several will offer a ride and let you sit in the drivers seat. This to me is important as they have very dissimilar comfort levels. Early touring cars and roadsters you sit high up and they have more pep. Later ones feel a little heavier and there is less room between the larger diameter steering wheel and your (or at least MY) stomach. Later Tudor sedans have a seat that some people do not think are comfortable, and the Fordor and Coupe seats are like a comfy old couch. Center door sedans are an odd combination to get in and out of but are somewhat unique. Also, o you want to bring friends along for the ride? If so you are not in the market for a coupe or roadster. And lastly, are you going to be satisfied driving in the slow lane? 35-40 is about the right speed for a T and it takes a lot of cash to get the speed equipment to go much faster and still stop the darned thing. Get a feel for what you like and how the comfort level is for you and then go looking for the one you like best. It truely is a fun toy!

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I actually dont know how much road time I would be getting with the car. I have a bunch of cars and for some reason I just think that the T's are neat so I want one. There are a few gentlemen in the area where I live that have several for sale so I could go see one of them first to see what the have in stock. I became good friends with some older friends of my fathers and they got me into the early cars. I also think that I would like to learn as much as I can from them because believe me most of the guys my age wouldnt even know how to start a T nevermind drive one. They look at my Model A and aren't interested in anything like that but I keep trying to change their mind. Thanks again

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I'm the same way....

I've got a couple Model A's and a few 50s Fords, but wanted a T just because of the Novelty factor.

not to mention any dedicated Ford collector such as myself should have at least one Model T!

I have a '21 Roadster in a bunch of pieces.

I'm 29 years old and I get all kinds of comment when I drive one of the A's like "Is that your father's car?" etc...

It throws them off when I say "it's mine and no i'm not street rodding it!"

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I would go for a 1915/16 roadster. The last year for brass radiators and brass trim but you get electric head lights. It was the last of the older style body.

Drawbacks: It has crank start unless you change it, nondemountable rims unless you change them.

You can drive the back roads all day and have a blast with the top down. Who cares if you only can go 35/40 miles an hour it is plenty fast. Get a set of side curtain and it will keep 50% of the rain off.

Buy a T for fun.

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