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My Friend is Ill!

R W Burgess

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Guest imported_Bookreader

This could have been written--<span style="font-weight: bold">OUR friend is ill</span>. Peter has now made a turn toward the improving side and that is good news.

It would be great if we fill his mailbox with wishes for Peter to have a good recovery and as soon as possible.

He is missed by us all- the Library board, the Forum folks and just all who know him.

Fran Shore

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Just talked to Peter. He is on the mend but is still in the hospital until at least Tuesday. No access to a computer now and it is driving him batty. Peter was in a coma for 9 days. His spirits are good and he appreciates the cards he has already received.

Peter is in Reading Hospital in Reading, PA. His phone number is 610-988-9253. He sounds weak but I think over the next few days he would enjoy hearing from some of you.

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Steve's post beat me to it.

Pedro appreciated my phone call today. I'm embarrassed to say he called me.????

At any rate, he said he surely would appreciate some phone calls. I just wouldn't make them too long. He did sound a little tired to me.

Thanks for sending those cards in.


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Guest imported_Bookreader

I talked to Peter yesterday, Labor Day, and he was being released to go home. He does need to recuperate but is doing so much better.

Keep those cards going as they are a bit of friendship when one is house-bound for awhile.

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Hello, folks.

Just a quick note of very sincere gratitude for all the cards, prayers, and, good wishes. Yes, this Legionella Pneumonia (Legionnaires Disease) certainly is dangerous. There was a period of 9 days in the induced coma, of which, my wife Sharon had no way of knowing which way the good Lord was taking me.

Well, I am throroughly convinced that the prayers and support of all within our AACA family had a big impact on my condition.

As Steve and Fran mentioned, I returned home on Labor Day. Will be a slow process to regain my strentgth, however, I am inspired by all of you. Will keep you posted.

Thank you, again for all your help and support.

(Special thanks to L&RC Board members Marilyn Hunkins, Fran Shore, and, Sally Barnett for the support to my wife Sharon. She did not know which way to turn and the typical AACA family support certainly gave Sharon encouragement.)

My best to all of you,

Peter... wink.gif

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