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Robert G. Smits

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Posts posted by Robert G. Smits

  1. Terry a few years ago I stopped by your flea market space at Hershey to purchase several auto related items of sheet music on set up day.  After visiting with you i wandered down a couple of spots and stopped to talk to a gentleman selling misc advertising.  After  talking for a few minutes I asked "what do you have under the table".  He replied "what males you think I have anything under the table?"  My reply was "everyone has something of value under their table."  Pam and I collected Art Glass all over the world prior to 9/11 and quality dealers always had something they were holding back to show to a preferred customer.  He related he was a fireman somewhere in Main.  An old fire station in his town had been abandoned for over 40 years and was to be demolished,  On a whim he went up in the attic and found 4 posters with multiple fire scenes advertising a fire school in 1916.  They were 24 by 36 in and upon inspection they were stone lithography consisting of 6 stones (colors).  I  asked him to set a price which he did.  I tried to buy all four but he insisted on keeping one so i bought three.  Unfortunately I lost the photos in a hard drive failure several years ago so I can't post them.  I sold one on ebay for 3K and still have the other two in my storage facility.  Slated to go to the AACA when Covid 19 gets me.  Terry you are the collector we all look up too.  Keep posting !!!

  2. 7 hours ago, bdc said:

    Doesn't matter what you use but the day you find out they're not reliable anymore is too late!

    Reminds me of the saying "a gun is like a parachute. if you need one and don't have one you will never need one again"

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  3. On 6/9/2020 at 4:53 PM, Terry Bond said:

    I can stop anytime and still be happy

    Like you my walls are full.  One of the few positives of being old and in the hobby 50 years.  I remember buying a 42 in DSP full feather Pontiac Service for $180 at a Omaha swap meet Al Edmond tool me to in 74.  Sure miss him!!

  4. 17 hours ago, edinmass said:

    think online auctions for cars under 250k are going to be a big thing in the future. 

    Ed, you may be correct however on 6/5/2020 BaT sold  55 lots for a total of $1,893,000.  Average price was  $27,500 although 3 cars sold for over 100  with the top lot selling for $280K.  Their total commission was  just over $100K for one day with minimal overhead, no advertising, no rental fees and no auction staff. and remember they do this every day.  Seems like a good business plan to me. Hemmings must  also think so  as they recently started a similar service. I have been following BaT since they started with 5 or 6 cars per day.  On average they have around 50 new listings every day.  The cars on their site present very well with emphasis on European  makes.  Cars must be submitted with accurate descriptions and paper work along with 50 to 150 high quality photos. Buyers have 7 days to submit question to the seller and all responses are public. Sellers pay $95 for a 7 day listing and can place a reserve.  Buyers pay a 5% fee.  The last time I flew to a major Auction I spent approximately $3000 for my wife and I and didn't purchase the car we were interested in because of non disclosed issues.  Recently bought a car on BaT and was very satisfied but unfortunately I am not in the over $250K market..




  5. When I was a intern at the University of Chicago the Chief of Surgery had a saying for situations like this.  "SH-T HAPPENS"  I think anyone who expected Hershey to not be cancelled was exercising wishful thinking.  I suspect over 75% of Hershey goers are in the High Risk Category. My wife thanks the Hershey region for removing the temptation..

    • Thanks 1
  6. Lets not overlook the humor in these responses.  I own two and love them.  Growing up in my hometown if you were driving a Buick you were probably not the most exciting person although my favorite spring car driver at Knoxville always drove Buick powered cars and was National Champion several times

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  7. Now that Hershey is cancelled is there any chance that the Glidden will survive?  With around 150 cars registered that would suggest  400-450 people.  If social distancing and crowd restrictions are still in place the logistics are hard to imagine.  We can all hope and pray something survives in the old car hobby for 2020   Our hats go off to the organizers if they pull this off!!!

  8. Makes it a lot easier.  I kept trying to imagine how to practice social distancing at a swap meet with friends.  Back in March I commented that I couldn't imagine the Hershey Corp being comfortable with the liability.  We are all going to save a ton of money!  I suggest we donate some to the library fund.

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