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Everything posted by TG57Roadmaster

  1. From the album: Buick

    Captured at an AACA NC Region car show at the NC Transportation Museum in Spencer.
  2. From the album: Imperial

    Taken at a visit to Biltmore House.
  3. From the album: Packard

    Here's another of the Cofer Collection's Stable of Thoroughbreds in Tucker, GA. Car clubs and groups are welcome to visit.
  4. From the album: Member Galleries

    Don't know what it is about U.S. Hwy 29 and aerial Triumphs, but this one's been rusting away on the south side of Anderson, SC for at least 20 years. Soapy's has it all...do your laundry and wash your car, while dishing the dirt with your friends!
  5. How about this 1978 Wyoming plate seen at the Central Texas Museum of Automotive History in Rosanky, Texas? The museum was founded by Richard Burdick. TG
  6. Yo, jd in Long Island, Whatever became of the <span style="font-weight: bold">Big Duck</span> in Riverhead? It was sitting pretty in '87 when I took this shot, and I know it's really not a "Look Up in the Sky" image (unless you're 3 or 4 years old), but Enquiring Minds might like to know. TG
  7. From the album: Member Galleries

    This li'l example of a '57 Chrysler New Yorker carried a lofty price tag of $1500.00 (firm) at an Ohio Antique Mall last July. A closer look at the box reveals an image of a '58 New Yorker. Hmmmm... Maybe I should have called it "Mint In a Box! To Buy, or Not to Buy; That is the Question!
  8. From the album: Member Galleries

    I started a thread in the BCA General Forum with this "Modified" Buick. Look for "Bowdlerized Buicks." It's another word that means "Illegitimate"...if you catch my drift.
  9. From the album: Member Galleries

    This six-fender beauty resides in "The Cofer Collection" aka "The Stable of Thoroughbreds" in Tucker, GA.
  10. From the album: Member Galleries

    Miss Louise is my buddy Dave Bowman's '60 Invicta Flattop, so named 'cause she's a li'l ol' lady car, bought nearly new so Louise could learn to drive. At 72 years old! She was a spinster, a maker of fine ladies hats, and you can still see the scratches from her big ol' diamond ring on the driver's door window. Miss Louise appears at many shows thruout the area in the HPOF Class.
  11. From the album: Member Galleries

    The local College was throwing out these trophies one day when I passed by, and I couldn't resist saving them. I'm not a trophy-hound, but recycling is very important. Besides, some were quite old...solid wood, marble and metal, not plastic and pasteboard! My'71 Swinger was loaded to the gills, flashier than one of Liberace's outfits when I got to my storage unit. I've since given some of the bigger ones away, to be reused by worthy organizations. The sweet old ones...I'll keep them, just out of vision, so folks will think I've actually won something with my DPC & HPOF cars!
  12. From the album: Member Galleries

    This photo is explained in the "Airplanes & Buicks & Caddys, Oh My!" thread, over in the General Discussion Forum.
  13. From the album: Member Galleries

    Told ya I like Rankin's. This is a top-of-the-line '57 Roadmaster 75, introduced in mid-March, the same time GM intro'd the incredible 1957 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham. The Roadmaster 75 possessed all power equipment (save A/C) as standard, and featured a Cadillac-quality interior. They also included the first use of the finned brake drums that would solve the earlier model's braking issues.
  14. From the album: Member Galleries

    Rankin Grocery has stood silent vigil for decades in Anderson, SC, selling some gas, but mostly feeding the "sweet tooth" needs of thousands of high school students. It's a favorite stop when visiting dignitaries and their old cars come to call. This pair of '57's was shot on a sunny, short-sleeve shirt Spring day, in 1991. The next day, the "Storm of the Century" swept up the East Coast, leaving us with 10 inches of snow. My buddy Bob Smith, owner of the Caballero, had driven it from Chicago for us to work on it. He had to call to work up there & tell them his departure for home would be delayed because he was, quite literally, snowed-in! Luckily, the storm received national news coverage, so the reason for his delay was accepted.
  15. From the album: Member Galleries

    I had the good fortune to work at the U.N. for two years in the mid-'80's, doing engineering for a new phone system. Having an "all-access pass", I discovered one day that the the door to the roof of the Secretariat Bldg. was open, looking out on this view of Manhattan. There are scads of pix of the famous skyline, but none with the incredible Chrysler Building front & center. Because of its distance from the Empire State Building, it even looks taller! In this 1986 shot, the brown box with the glass roof in the foreground is the Ford Foundation, the major thoroughfare at left is 42nd Street. This view can never be replicated, due to buildings that have since altered the skyline, lessening the Chrysler's visual impact.
  16. From the album: Member Galleries

    A Field of Dreams captured at Atlanta Motor Speedway circa 1990. They do come in turquoise too, don't they?
  17. From the album: Member Galleries

    Predictive of another "Crash" that'll make 1989 look like a Garden Party, the prices of our increasingly auction-driven old car "hobby" have got to go bust soon. Toddle on over to the General Discussion Forum and look for the News Releases about this next, "World's Most Expensive Car." (Use the "H-word" in your search.) Bring hip-boots, waders and noseplugs.
  18. From the album: Member Galleries

    Sometimes it's worth finding the nearest exit, circling back, and taking a picture.
  19. From the album: Member Galleries

    This Heinkel He-111 was at the Anderson County (SC) Airport in 2002, along with the B-17. This example never saw wartime duty, as it was built in 1947 for Spain's Generalissimo Franco as his personal transport. Arguably one of the most elegant twin-engined tail-draggers of the era, it's best viewed airborne in profile. The excellent 1969 British movie, "Battle of Britain" contains a whole wing of these planes, lent by the Spanish Air Force. I saw it in its first run in theaters, and the flic left a lasting impression. Watch this movie the next time it's on....you'll really enjoy it! Tragically, a year later while on a routine flight to an airshow, this plane, the world's only airworthy He-111, crashed on approach. Its two pilots, veteran airline captains, volunteers, perished and the plane was a total loss. Besides their personal tragedy, it's one reason that a photo-op missed may never come your way again.
  20. From the album: Member Galleries

    Taken at the Anderson County (SC) Airport in 2002. We were lucky to have been a "layover" between a couple of large shows.
  21. But the "good" news on this item doesn't end there... After it beat 'em in Belgrade (no small feat!), it was shipped on the NordDeutscherLloyd's <span style="font-weight: bold">Bremen</span>, just in time for <span style="font-style: italic">Scarlett O'Hara</span> to pilot it in the parade in Atlanta for the Gala Premiere of <span style="font-weight: bold">"Gone With The Wind."</span> From there, it took a ride on the <span style="font-style: italic">Sunset Limited</span> to <span style="font-weight: bold">Hollywood</span>, where <span style="font-weight: bold">Judy Garland</span> was supposed to drive it down the <span style="font-style: italic">Yellow Brick Road</span>. But, Dorothy had [censored]-slapped too many <span style="font-style: italic">Munchkins</span> that day (they had to give her a pill), the director yelled, "<span style="font-weight: bold">CUT!</span>", and the car's career in films went down like the <span style="font-style: italic">Hindenburg</span>. Here's a never-before-revealed glimpse inside the studio where <span style="font-style: italic">Ms. Gail from Kansas</span> is getting a "crash-course" driving lesson from the <span style="font-weight: bold">Scarecrow</span>. TG Now <span style="font-style: italic">that's</span> a car with a <span style="font-weight: bold">pedigree!</span> Whad'ya think it'll <span style="font-style: italic">fetch</span>?
  22. Yeah, those were annoying ads...They still use the "Zoom-Zoom" kid, only just in voice-overs. Like Harry Potter, you can't stop 'em from growing up. Word on the "skreet" is that the Z-Z Boy will have a cameo in Paris Hilton's next Home Movie...a "walk-in" role. I think I found some hubcaps from that annoying place somewhere in the Southland. Did a double-take when I laid eyes on these ersatz caps. They must have been sold thru Warshawsky's or other parts wayerhayouses. You just don't understand South-Speak; the laying-on of extra, useless syllables is the highest form of "Gentility!" TG
  23. What with "Big Brother" coming in and killing all our fun with zoning and such, how long will we be able to see these great Roadside Aerial Autos as Advertising? Here's your chance to dust off the photo albums and show us what you've seen... TG Go to my Photo Gallery page for the description. (Thanks to Centurion for letting us all see the light on inserting pix in our text!)
  24. Hey Randy, You really know how to get us going with pix like this! How'd ya do it? TG
  25. I'll save you a trip to the CVS... West, do you want our playmates to see all four? It's your game! TG
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