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Everything posted by tbirdman

  1. Thnaks for all the suggestions. OK, with a little persuasion, the bolts went in. As I got more in they pulled the shell in to better alligment with the holes. I thought it would had lined up better, but I guess with the replating etc, tolerances were off. Can't figure out how I ended up with extra washer and not enough nuts.
  2. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Packin31</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hum I do have a Birthday coming up. But I really could use a new spray gun. </div></div> Get the spray gun at Harbor Freight
  3. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: cooter9</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Kind of silly question here: I've only driven a 39 Packard as far as pre-war Packards go. On this 1930 I assume it's a 4 speed and obviously the gear shift is in the floor. What is the pattern for 1st,2nd,3rd and 4th gear? Forgot reverse also? Is there any big differences in the way this car is started? Simple stuff for most but I would want to be sure before I go a grinding. </div></div> The pattern for a 4 speed (at least a 32) is an H with R at top left, followed by 2nd, then 3rd is top right follow by 4th. 1st which is a granny gear is all the way to the left and then down.
  4. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Speedster</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I was just trying to remember about the 4-speed tranny in '30. Was it an Option in '30 or did they change to 4-speed in mid-year? Seems like I remember someone saying that not All '30 models had the 4-speed as the Standard? Or maybe they were just using up the leftover 3-speeds, from '29? </div></div> 32 was the year they switched from 4 speeds to a 3 speed during the production year. I have a 4 speed in my 32.
  5. OK it's not the tabs as the holes line up vertically (if the unit is standing up), it's horizonatlly that the holes do not line up.
  6. All, I bought one and it loks very high quality and a good product.
  7. I've been struggling trying to install the radiator shell. I have installed the radiator shutter assembly onto the radiator, and now I'm trying to install the radiator shell over that assembly. The radiator on one side won't line up with the holes...it seems like the shell won't sit on the shutter/radiator assembly deep enough to allow the screw holes to line up. They are missing by about an 1/8". Is there some stupid and obvious I'm overlooking? I had the radiator flushed and the shutters chromed but no modifications of either or the shell. Do these usually go back together fairly easy. The only thing really that was taking apart was the shutter assembly. The positive news is while working on it, I dropped a screw. While looking for the screw I found the contact piece I was missing for the spare coil swittch I had. Not sure how it got to wgere I found it. I can now complete my sales transaction with Tom.
  8. Did some talking to Packard guys here in Oregon. Seems like their place of choice for rebuilding these dampers is Damper Dudes They are located in California and offer a 2 day turn around service.
  9. Well my Pilot Rays look as big as the Trippe lights I had. The turn with the wheels is a cool factor. I always make sure ata show that I have the wheels turned.
  10. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Packin31</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Wow where are they all coming from now. Beautiful car there...Wonder if mine will be worth that much when I am finished with it </div></div> Only if you Sawzall your roof off Should we ask for pictures of the dampener
  11. There is a rod that connects back to the steering arm that turns the lights in the direction of the wheels. These are known as Pilot Ray lights. West hates them
  12. Here's the parts list to give you even more to think about
  13. I have found that the NADA price guides have gotten better as opposed to the other price guides you can buy. Packard are tough to price as the market is not a one flush with transactions. I would think mid 30s to high 40s would be OK.
  14. $25K does seem like an reasonable price. However please notice that the seller has no ebay history. If you are serious about buying a Packard, I would join one of the National Packard clubs. Packard club members are very helpful for helping others look at a car that is for sale. It's hard to tell with pictures. When I was looking, I contacted a member in North Ca. We drove to the buyer's place together. He provide valuable advice. I should had bought his car but I don't think it was for sale. It was a 33 V12 Coupe Roadster. I would never by a car from Ebay sight unseen unless the price was very low. However from the pictures this car at first glance looks ok.
  15. This is an interesting thread with interesting and conflicting experience. My question is why would Packard put iming indicator on the flywheel where it is so much easier to see than on the dampener. I plan to research this a bit more awith our Packard club members.
  16. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Speedster</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: peter packard</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I would suggest that the #1 timing mark be marked on the harmonic balancer with white-out or white paint. A wire pointer should be attached to one of the timing case bolts. </div></div> This Won't work with this type balancer, since the outer part of the balancer is supposed to spin some on the inner part of it, so it won't take long for a mark on the outer edge to be in the Wrong place. And since the inner part is very close and hidden by the radiator you can't see a mark there. The inner and outer parts of the balancer have a clutch type material, that it spins on, between them. </div></div> So Speedster, to confirm what you are saying, does my 32 has the same type of balancer. If it does then I suppose whoever putthe timing mark on there originally wasn't aware of how the balancer worked.
  17. The other thing I did was mark the dampener with a mark on the timing chain cover on the front of the engine at TDC. Another mark already was on the dampener which is surmise where the timing should be set. Not sure why Packard made it difficult to set timing.
  18. It's not the softest rubber, but it is high enough and most is in place that it should prevent the tread cover from contacting the sidemount covers. The tread covers are chrome plated so no worry abot paint chaffing there. What do you think?
  19. Speedster, Can you explain how the cutout works? Thanks
  20. Puffer and Williams was sold to Vivian Lavine. Call them at 574-773-7561.
  21. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Speedster</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> The 40 piece set is the one I got, Good set. See Link: http://search.harborfreight.com/cpisearch/web/search.do?keyword=letter+stamps </div></div> And as an added bonus they are from a well known usa manufacturer Pittsburg
  22. I'm doing this from memory, but the bottom of the ditributor shaft on my 32 is offset so it will only insert one way. However the other end of the shaft where it enteres the distributor body the shaft is rectangular. I believe there are two ways that the dstributor body can be inserted into this square shaft and still line up with the triangular base on the head.
  23. These die stamps are available the internet. Looks like when I was looking, a complete number and letter set were available for easily under $100. Do a search on the internet and see what you can find.
  24. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: West Peterson</div><div class="ubbcode-body">EXACTLY! That's why I prefer cars without extra lights, white sidewall tires, bright colors, side mounts, etc. Your words hit on exactly why I like my car to look like the last place it's heading is to an auction where the pretty colors and gee-gaws are needed for the little woman to say, "Oh, honey, please by me that pretty little thang!" I was at one of the Harrah auctions, and I swear to God, that's exactly what the "little woman" said to the man she was with. She had no clue as to what the car was, or it's value, and neither did the guy. Thanks, John! </div></div> I think West just like to be outshined by the car he's driving:-) Though initially I thought I'd would only like whitewalls onmy 32 roadster, I have come to appreciate what blackwalls would do for the appearance of the car.
  25. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: West Peterson</div><div class="ubbcode-body">When they say dated colors, usually that means a color that was incorrect when restored, and was something selected because it may have been in style at the time. In other words, the colors "date" it to the time in which it was restored. By-the-by, did Ken and Tom get together on that coil? </div></div> Yes we did. Unfortunately after we came to an agreement for a sale, I could not find the contactor on the bottom side of the switch. So we have postpone the sale until I can clean up my parts area in hope of finding it.
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