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Everything posted by mercer09

  1. after all the weigh in................................ may I suggest a 1932 chevy roadster on ebay? It is not my car, but is beautiful, restored and wont cost a fortune to repair. I like the Pierce you have chosen, as I own a 31 model 43 close coupled sedan. Parts and repairs can be very expensive for Pierces, as well as fuel costs in Europe. the hudson looks to have been "patched" up many times over and I would run from that "project' you will have much more fun with the chevy I mentioned, which needs no repair and is ready to go. Parts are very reasonable, it is an open car and resale will be fine, should you ever wish to onw a different "model" car down the road. the 32 chevy roadster has beautiful lines in it's own right and is very practical. good luck in whatever you choose!
  2. that top is better known as a "mohawk"......................
  3. just bought two box truck bodies and put them on my property. a 23' and a 15' no taxes to pay, nobody to deal with and the prices were downright cheap................... just an alternative.
  4. auburn, do you require new tires or will the old cracked ones do???????
  5. a 68B was just listed on ebay last week-was a project and went for 8700. on a buy it now looked pretty similar to the black one on CL-but motor was frozen and the big question with these cars is the wood. of course it wasnt a slant, but quite reasonable at 8700. sometimes you just have to pull the trigger...................................
  6. Me thinks we had a dreamer. spot on.............. nothing to see here-time to move on.........................
  7. ersatz, any idea what it hammered down at? can't believe it is the same car as the photo on the left........................
  8. I have an old frame, for the rear windshield-needs glass. 125.00 and shipping-heavy. my email rdz69@aol.com can send a photo
  9. Very nice car! I have on 07 DR-they were built quite well and and one of the best sellers in that period. Good luck!
  10. mostly from NJ-backs all filled in and mostly from NJ 1940s and 1950s first 99.00 or swap for????????????????????????????????? free shipping rdz69@aol.com
  11. yes Dale, the rules have changed and info is not a priority, as we make our way through the darkness, squinting and reaching out................. LOL!
  12. about the same info my wife gives me when she wants a "project" completed around the house............................................................
  13. take a late 30's or early 40's hood and use it reversed for your "boattail". saves much work.............................
  14. I'm with you on that Mike-have since bought a nice used canvas top and rear window to go with it. I am beginning to fix it up and will be pulling the ad in the next week or so.....................
  15. Chris Please email me at rdz69@aol.com finally got the photos open
  16. very rare 1911 touring car for sale at auction Dragone very few Mercer tourings extant.................................
  17. if you could pleasesend a few photos to rdz69@aol.com I am not able to open these-thank you.
  18. Did Hudson build a speedster in 1910 or 11 or did the mile a minute only come out in 12? for how many years was the speedster made? Were the engines the same as the standard cars, or tuned for racing?
  19. mercer09

    1920 Mercer

    other then the limo-are all Mercers of 1920 on the 132 wheelbase chassis? was this the only chassis size used or were earlier models on shorter chassis?
  20. what do you need? for sale or swap for model A ford parts............................. rdz69@aol.com
  21. TTT.......................................................
  22. over 2000 car titles-for sale or swap for model A ford parts or???????????????????????????????????????????????????
  23. TTT..................................................................
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