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Posts posted by BUKE

  1. While I'm sitting here thinking(can you smell wood-burning) I will have a full house for Christmas. I will also have a full house in my garage. Three roadmaster's and two centuries. A happy home and a happy garage.

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all

    buke (FRANK)

  2. HI everybody I'm going to try and attach some pictures of the roadmaster(1996) this is just a little bit better than I found it. I put the tires and rims and brakes on it since I got it home. I found this car through a couple of BCA members.(It's nice to go to shows and talk about Buicks) it was just weeks away from being crushed. It has all the toys and bells that it could handle. I can't wait till it's roadworthy and detail. It only has 59,000 miles on it so when it's done more pictures to follow.

    Have a great Buick day


  3. Hi everyone. Receive my bugle today again very very nice. I just want to thank everyone connected to it. I noticed today hundred and five new members. I think that's great. That only goes to show that our members are actually ambassadors and do a great job at it. I know and I don't want to rehash the good or bad thoughts about the BCA. I would just like to take this opportunity to say thank you to a bunch of great people in the BCA. Have a great Thanksgiving.

    Have a great BUICK day


  4. Thanks everybody I appreciate your kind words. Mr. Earle is right again it is the old not another Buick. But after a nice dinner out I'll tell her sleep on the couch for a few days and all will be forgiven. A friend of mine told me about this Buick in the boneyard so as curious as a cat I had to go to see it. The man told me that the car was impounded and that he bought it from the state police with no title and he was going to scrap it. I looked at this roadmaster and said to myself nooo way. He had already sold tires and rims had taken all the breaks and rotors off took the exhaust off and the car was sitting in the dirt waiting to get crushed. This car did not have a scratch on it but it was filthy dirty and still look great look at the speedometer and it read 59000 miles on it it has all the bells of future years so I asked him if he could sell me the car as a parts car with the salvage title. That meant that I would be able to part out the car only. And he did for $600. Inside the car was filthy as I started to clean it I found an old traffic ticket with the owner's address on it playing Detective I found where he now lives and offered him $100 for the clean title. After one minute of negotiations I gave him 150 now have a clean title. I already have the breaks the wheels and tires and exhaust on the car I drove around the block(no plates on it) and it drove beautiful as soon as the weather allows I will take some pictures and show them. I thank the two members of the B C A for the great lead (another reason to belong to this club) pictures to follow.

    Have a great Buick day


  5. Hello everybody. Sorry I was really a busy October November. Right after Hershey my world got turned upside down. My sister's husband received a new liver and down to Philadelphia I went. For two weeks it was touch and go God decided to let us keep him. So home I went one day later my wife's brother put a lot on the fire and bent over and passed out into the fire. Third degree burns over his body(this is her older brother Ed not Vick) Vick is the one who comes to the car shows with me. He is on full life support and again it's up to God and the doctors. I thought I was through but no got a phone call Saturday that my older cousin passed so down to jersey I went I got back home last night and finally had a smile reading the form. I wish I went to Texas for the show that 1940 of mine would have stole Mr. Earls long distance award.p/s picked up a another buick(1996) it's in my garage hideing I will fill you in on a later date.

    Have a great Buick day


  6. I'm moving to San Francisco LOL. Seriously I love to see everybody drive the car across this beautiful country of ours but come by boat ,trailer are plane it will be our pleasure to have you. Yes John Henry is working hard to get it all set up to get good prices on the tours and I'm sure we'll have them up very soon.

    Have a great Buick day


  7. Well I'm glad to say that the big old Buick brought me safely home again. The only time I open the hood was to check the oil and water. It used 2 quarts of oil and one quart of water. One day into Toledo Ohio and the next into Spencer Ma. It was a very nice ride home. I had a great time at the show a great time up in jwel. Next year I'll have a 30 mile ride what a great thought. Hope to see everybody out there come to Massachusetts next year. Remember Buick will always bring you back. Later I will try to attach my pictures.


    have a great Buick day

  8. I'll be leaving Saturday morning with my brother-in-law first I will be in Buffalo for the car show. Then on to Ohio to get new tires put on at the Seybold's garage. And Monday evening I'll be gone to wherever I stop in whatever I'd like to see. So when you pass the 42 century blow the horn and wave. See everybody there.

    Have a great Buick day


  9. I have a question for you all out there. I was down the Elks Lodge in town when a couple friends came in who are carpenters and told me a story. They said they were building a farmer a new barn but had to take down their old one and in it was in 1958 Buick. Now remember I didn't see this car I just took their word but they said under the hood was a 400 nialhead. I don't believe there ever was one but as I am getting ready to go to a ames I might not have the time to go look at it somebody let me know if there ever was such a thing. Because they have my curiosity up. Thanks everybody

  10. Just a thought that maybe useful to the new people who come to the breakfast. If somebody would explain better than I can how to join in all the fun we have at the annual forurm breakfast.

    Have a great Buick day


  11. Woody. I am planning that already. I had a great time at your show all the people there were great let me know the sure date. But this time I will pass on a long-distance award so someone else will get that great prize. Thanks for the invite

    have a great Buick day


  12. Dave. Very nice looking BUICK like John said bring it to Easthampton a very nice place to show off that beautiful Buick and if you're real nice I will bring you a working radio as a gift. How can you beat that a great show put on by the minute Man and the radio and of course a good shot at a nice trophy for that car. See you there.

    Have a great Buick day


  13. Got a letter just this morning it was postmarked Iowa.It was typed and neatly written offering me a better show. Lots of Buicks and a flea market and lots of things to do and bye and all I have to do is be there by July. I am getting all excited because you know I won't fly. I will just get in my big Buick and away I will drive. Thank you for invite you all see you in ames Iowa if my Buick don't stall. (Tune stolen from Roger Miller)

    have a great Buick day


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