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Posts posted by BUKE

  1. It very well may be a bad cam shaft your lob might be too low or even worn out I have a 1940 century that will not run without my electric fuel pump I might go 25 miles and when it's hot out I guarantee you it will slall I just hit the switch and keep on going down the road. Now if your car is a driver I would definitely put an electric switch in thar and I guarantee you will never have a problem. But if you trailer your car just change the cam.

    Have a great Buick day


  2. Unfortunately we didn't have much of turnout. But the weather seemed to cooperate with us and fortunately it turned out to be a pretty nice event. We had a couple that are from New Brunswick Canada with the 63 Buick very nice car. On the way home the skies opened up and with my 40 windshield wipers it was a rough trip home. But I made it safe and sound and it was Miller time. Hopefully next year the weather is better. And by the way they did turn the music down.

    Have a great Buick day


  3. Nice-looking car sid. Just think about it what's $1500 when he went that far and looked in the mirrior on the way home and seeing that pretty Buick following know when it's going to your driveway in will be loved. Lots of luck and enjoy the car.

    Have a great Buick day


  4. Hi everybody. I know this is late notice that the Minuteman and tulley Buick/Pontiac are having an all Buick and Pontiac show Sunday, June 6 Merrimack New Hampshire show is 8 AM to 3 PM awards at 230 it's always a fun day and there are free tours of the Budweiser brewery and the Clydesdales all day long. Please come with your Buick are Pontiac and enjoy the day bring the whole family is lots of fun.

    Have a great Buick day


  5. Hi everybodywell I found this in a field in Rhode Island(I really did) the man said that it was going to go to crusher. Noooo so I gave him $300 and tow it to my friends house so my wife couldn't find it. Well winter is over spring is here and his wife said it had to go so like a thief in the night I snuck into one of my garage hoping she never sees it. Well it looks like a 1940 and I think it is but nothing fits my 40 century so before I sell it for parts I need to know exactly what it is it has no vin plate on it and it looks like there never was I have no papers so I am just not sure. If anybody's interested in all car just let me know it's yours for the price I paid for it plus $50 for gas. I am going away for a week of R&R but I will get back to you as soon as I get back from my vacation thank you

    have a great Buick day


  6. hi anybody else going to Charlotte April ninth to 11th I will be there taking big brother for a ride (1940 century) it's still cold up here in Massachusetts looking forward to go where it's warm. I asked the woman who works my stings if she wanted to come but she said no(somebody has to work in this family) so off I will go on my spring dust off ride. See you there.

    Have a great Buick day

    Frank the Yank

  7. Watch this movie yesterday didn't like it much but that 54 Buick was outstanding. Mr. Earle that is the one that told you about that is in a new Rochelle ny. Did you ever get the time to call that man like I said he built three of them for the movie. Great looking car anybody else watch this movie?


    have a great Buick day

  8. Just a quick note I changed distributor of my 40 century when I went to the back my brother who was helping me spun the engine over to get the rotor to point towards a number one wire( wrong) drove me crazy but an easy fix. I pulled out number one plug put my finger in the whole I felt the pressure from the piston coming up I stopped cranking them put the distributor back in with the rotor faces close as I could to the number one plug wire. After pulling my hair out and fired up and down the road I went.. I hope this helps.


    have a great Buick DAY

  9. Hi Melody. If you PM me your e-mail address I will try to send you those pictures or if someone else knows how to do that maybe they can help. The car on the tracks is a 1953 super I believe but it is my favorite picture too. If it's not the super I hope someone will correct that.


    have a great Buick day

  10. Hi everybody. Not that I'm writing to blow my own horn I just want to suggest the way I tried to get new members for the Buick club America and it does work. I keep a copy of the application for the BCA and for a local club the minute Man of Massachusetts in every vehicle I drive I also keep one of my old bugles I know it's hard to give them up but if I see an old Buick and there's someone around I give it to and welcome them to join the club. It has worked twice for me and I think it's a good way to get a new member and to show what we're all about at the same time. And those pictures of the 48 that the new member put online are nice but up close to the car is even better I hope to see that and a lot local car shows.


    have a great Buick day

  11. Hi everyone am going to try uploads pictures for you I sure hope you like them as much as I do this is my first time trying this so I sure hope it works if you click on the pictures they even get better.


    have a great Buick day

  12. My brother sent me some very interesting photos in an e-mail I would like to put them in the form of sure everyone would like to see them but I don't know how any help would be appreciated even if I forward the photos to you and you could post I'm sure you will love them.


    have a great BUICK day

  13. Hey Bryan (BJM) really neat toys you put on this post thank you. Now to change the subject I think you would make a great B C A member. If the 2500 posts you put on the form does not tell the members of your thoughts of Buicks I suggest we hogtie you and get you become a member. What do you say guys and girls let's take a vote I sure hope we can talk him into joining the BCA. Thanks for all your post.

    Have a great Buick day


  14. Mr. Earl could it be that the first thing we seen was that 1954 Buick in the driveway that made you like this movie so much. L O L it looks like the one I e-mailed you about. The one in New Rochelle New York. My wife might like that movie as I will just looking at the cars thanks for the tip.

    Have a great Buick day


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