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Posts posted by BUKE

  1. Hi everbody.Well i am off to hershey in a few days and this yeAR.i am selling for the first time . I cleaned out my garage and have some JUNK and some n.o.s for my 1940 and my 55 roadmaster that i sold.Not to much but for the $85.00 for the spot i have a parking spot in the field.So you are welcome to come and look you guys and gal's will get the bast deals i can give.Look for the BUICK flag in the red feld spot RWG 28.

    have a great BUICK day


  2. thank's MR. EARL I ORDERED 08-01-08 and it was del.on 08-05-08 very quick.I was not the person who ask but was very glad you replyed.It is a very good deal.

    have a great BUICK day


  3. Well i have the head on the 1940 century today it is all done all i have to do is put the hood on and i am on my way.So keep your fingers crossed no time for a real test drive so the test will be on to flint.See you at the breakfest.


    have a great BUICK day.

  4. Hi.I need help on my 1940 -60 I rebult the 320.Iwent all the way with it.After about 1 month i took it to a car show for a longer ride (75mi) and on the way home it over heated without waring.I stoped and let it cooled down from all the steam and restarted itwhen it was cool.I added water and found i had a bad water pump gasket. Itow it home and change it took it for a few rides and found it was pussing water out the overflow.After a few quick fix's i decited to pull the head I am starting to put it back on.Now hear is the Question"s.Do you think i did the right thing and would you used anything on the head for the gasket? Your

    help would be appreciated.

    thank you and have a great BUICK day


  5. Hi. Bryen.Yes i did think just to be not judged but i thought as a BUICK club we can do something nice for the kid"s. I know all it take's is just to take the buick name off some of them and send to some place were the kid's will get them.

    1940 century

    1983 riv

    1994 roadmaster wagon

    have a great BUICK day


  6. HI Guy's and gal's.I was just woundering what to do with my trophies.Don't get me wrong but a few are nice but thay do get to be dust colecter's,I go to some local shows and get some very nice 2 and 3 place but i would like someone two win but me.Iwas thinking (smell some thing burning) if someone in the forum has any body in the specal olimpics maybe we could start a clection and send all our unwanted trophies to them. If thay want them.

    have a nice BUICK day


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