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Posts posted by BUKE

  1. Hi guys and girls. For those of you who are reading when did the dues go up $50 please take note please do not take that all to heart. When the ballots went out you were elected by the membership and I repeat the membership. This form is a great thing with a lot of good people just airing their concerns and it is a great place to vent. I think members and nonmembers of the club do a great job helping one another and their nice to meet. So keep up the good work and have a great Buick Bay Frank

  2. Hi Greg. Sorry to say I take exception to what you said that you feel that the dues increase decision was steamrolled through by those of attendance. I've said this before and I'll say it again you don't have to be rich to attend one of the nationals. It's just a matter of planning and if you really would love to go. Another thing Frank and his gang did a beautiful job to make everybody welcome and I don't remember being pushed into anything that I want to do. I voted to raise the dues and there were a few that voted no. Like I said before if more people would come to the meetings when they have the chance and not everybody has a chance but there was quite a few BCA members in the attendance at the meet in fact every day the hospitality room was packed with BCA members if just half of them came to the meeting that was seen that it was not steamrolled through as you say but thoroughly looked at at all angles. Nancy and Mike Brook told us the work they did to keep the price of publishing a bugle at a minimum and I'm sure that wasn't done in 10 minutes our editor Pete Phillips does a great job with the bugle and as you can see at these meets and other meats i he attends he's always working and gives us great stories. I personally think that the bugle is one of our greatest assets but the things we all don't see is how hard the board works. So as not to push your buttons actually I truly regret losing the people that can't find $10 in one year to keep our club runing in a professional manner. And I am very sorry to see it again not to hurt our push anybody's buttons that nonmembers have so much to say about our club. Have a great Buick day Frank

  3. I too am a fixed income family no raises so security this year but a raise and everything else. The milk, the television, the mortgage, the rent everything goes up. Some of the complaints I hear are very good but why weren't they at the meeting to voice them. I know not everybody went to Colorado to those that did and there were many do not even stop in to see what's going on. The cost of the show and in ames is not too expensive compared to going to a ballgame in your home state. I'm sorry to hear that we will be losing some of our favorite members for a few bucks. It cost me 50 bucks for my BCA, 20 bucks for my minute Man club affiliation. But going to the the shows and spend the day at local shows, regionals, and of course nationals, priceless. This board has some tough decisions to make and can use your input to help. Just a little hint what I do this every day is to take all the change out of my pocket and put in a big jar and it adds up quick. Last year from the time I left flint to three day before I left to go to Colorado Springs I had saved over $800 and change. Free gas and more work for me that's guys and girls have a happy holiday.

    Have a great Buick day


  4. wellllll. I to am hiding a 1940 super from she who must be obeyed. This car to was destined for the crusher is a complete car and ran up to two years ago. Nothing in this super will fit my 40 century but I just couldn't let it get crushed so I gave the man to hundred dollars put it on my trailer and bravely headed over my friends house where it sits today. This car is complete but was setting outside for long long time and it looks it but it is all there all I want is the Jack and radio is anybody interested. If not it's going to be hard to convince my wife it's her Christmas present

    have a great Buick day


  5. With all due respect and I sincerely mean that. I too went to Colorado Springs drove my 1940 from Massachusetts and enjoyed every minute of it. Our national meets give us all a chance to meet one another and enjoy the buick's of yesterday. Though my Buicks are all drivers and stock I appreciate seeing and listen to the stories about how hard they worked to get the 400 points system it's all very interesting and very friendly. I do enjoy judging and learning so getting my point is the cost. If the judge's breakfast is an issue it shouldn't be the banquet is something we all who want to attend help pay the cost of it. All the workers volunteer their time and did a great job. I am sorry the old guy won't be in attendance and he will be missed especially at the forum breakfast. The next one I like to make there was a board membership meeting with approximately 500 empty seats and a handful of people that attended. For most of the eight hours that an old board and new board worked on the cost of the membership dues. The board did their best not to raise dues. The thought of losing membership by raising the dues was hard and long a lot of things were suggested by the small group that took the time to go to the meeting to try to work it out. Suggestions were made to cut the pages of the bugle and maybe even charging for memberships free advertisement of the cars for sale I personally felt the membership would not want that for the bugle is one of our best assets. Mike and Nancy came out with many different ways not to do this our editor Pete Phillips as I remember worked hard to keep the bugle as is and everybody agreed. When the last solution came it was to raise the dues and took discussion along time. The thought was to raise dues of minimum but the problem was would they have to come back next year and do it again. The solution was to raise the dues as it is today and hope that that didn't have to happen the cost of our membership was a great concern of all. My only suggestion is to please come to the meetings and voice your opinion and enjoy the show and everything that comes with it and remember it's not the Buick club of america decision to raise the cost of living. I sincerely hope I didn't insult nobody but I just had to reply

    have a great buick day


  6. Just a quick note to say Merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah to all my friends on the form and happy holidays to all that I don't know how they celebrated it. May you and your family have a very happy new year.

    Have a great BUICK day


  7. Well I have two of them 1994 and 1995 someone stole the 1994 and hit a pole with it I liked it so much the next day I bought the 1995 and I am very happy with it they are nice cars as I post it once before the 1994towed back my 1972 Skylark from Florida to Massachusetts no problem each one had about 150,000 miles in each one costs the same about 13 five very nice driving car but of course it's the Buick.

    Have a nice Buick day


  8. Hi Scott. I might have what you want but I don't know? Could you post a picture are drawing. If an eyebrow is the chrome bar that stretches from headlight headlight I think I have it but by that I mean I'm not sure are is what I have told a mushstash

    have a nice Christmas and a great buick day


  9. I have a 1940 super four-door that i just brought for $400 just so the guy wouldn't crush it you can have it for 500 I still did not take it off my trailer but it is a complete car and the man said he ran it around his yard with his son up to two years ago it did pull easily onto the trailer but the clutch was stuck to the floor and has a big dent in the roof it is a car that sat in the field for two years like I said it is complete even with a radio the extra hundred I'm asking for a had to go 75 miles to get it but I just couldn't see get let it be crushed if you like pictures please feel free to e-mail me-buke143@charter.net or phone me at 508-864-6316 I am located in Spencer Massachusetts

    have a great Buick day


  10. Hiwell you might want to rebuild your block parts all available if there are no holes are cracks. It's not too hard of a job and you might be able build it into a 400 with power. I did this with the 1979 Firebird and got all my parts from advanced auto parts. It worked out well and it was lots of fun for a winter project. Good luck.


    have a great Buick day

  11. :rolleyes:Hi welcome to our form. I'm sure you will find a lot of help on this forum as I do. Well to answer your request that motor is getting hard to find but can be found first off we need to know where you are located and maybe we get you some advice. I know up here in Massachusetts there are still some around in the boneyard so let's know where you're at and maybe we can help.

    Have a great Buick day


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