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Posts posted by JohnD1956

  1. The Riviera crew have been talking about their hotter than normal problems this year( ...Okay, I mean the cars...) Anyway, one person with a 68 said they solved their problem by closing the gap between the radiator shroud and the radiator, so that the fan had to pull air through the radiator core. This might be worth a look. Especially if running the heater drops the temp right down.


  2. Is that the 3.8 motor in the ford? I would think valve cover gaskets too. One of my boys had an older version of that car once. One of the soft plugs rusted through. We pulled it out and put in an expandable rubber one. Lasted a good long time too. Doe the engine still have the round distributor cap in there? If so, try a new cap to get rid of that wet starting problem.


  3. you should have a 160 degree thermostat. I doubt you will get that needle down especially if you put in A/C. When you have the antifreeze drained look inside the radiator. Did gunk from the engine wash in there on the top and plug your core? This happened to my 56 and I put in filter after having the thing rebuilt a second time in a few months.

    Also you'll need a higher pressure cap that will keep things a bit cooler. But the tech service manual I have for the 56 says later cars with A/C had a temperature guage where the red lense was removed because customers were complaining that the car were always running too hot. So this is an inherent thing and it was recogonized back in 56.


  4. We certainly enjoyed our time in Batavia. Besides the Finger Lakes Chapter working hard, it was so great to meet so many people from these on line groups. I would only have wished for more time to visit and nicer weather on Friday and Saturday AM. Neither of which could have been orchestrated by the Chapter. grin.giflaugh.gif

    John d

  5. Joe, isn't there a neoprene seal that is supposed to be better than the rope now?

    Smaltzie, be sure to mark the torque converter to the flywheel orientation. you can just dab a bit of pain on the flywheel and a matching mark on the torque converter before removal of the tranny. According to the manual these are balances together during original assembly. So you want to put them back as they were originally matched .

    John D

  6. G-K, I enjoyed meeting you as well. I was just sad that we seemed to get there after all the beer was gone... Maybe next time.

    Two things are for certain, The buick group is very friendly and open. The second is your car is fantastic. You can pick that out a mile away just by the color.

    Looking forward to Rochester Minn.


  7. I agree on the dash pot and add : be sure the choke is opening and the fast idle cam is dropping away from the idle screw.

    Since the vacuum advance is piped with a copper line, it is essential that you get the idle down before setting the timing. Mine is set for 450 RPM and runs just fine.


  8. I'm sure my GS could use some refining but here's what our experience was.

    On the way to Batavia, we took Rt 20, a two lane and kept the speeds between 50-55 MPH. This turned into a 9 hour trip including a stop for a picnic basket lunch. The first fill up calculated to 17.03 MPG. Meanwhile the 95 Riv calculated at 22+ MPG.

    I didn't keep the milage on the second tank, which lasted me through to Sunday AM but on the way home, we traveled the Thruway. I followed my son who was driving the Riv and we were cruising at 65 - 70 MPH. This became a 4 1/2 hr trip with no major stops. On the way home the GS booked 14.49 MPG, while the Riv did 27.5 MPG.

    So now I'm telling the wife if we go to Minnesota better plan on a slow trip over 4 days time. She is already re-thinking the whole thing. tongue.gif

  9. Those Bugatti's were supposed to be there for our Lawn show, but something happened and delayed them. It was too bad, I would have liked to have seen them.

    Don't feel bad about missing us on the 6th. That was the day we left for the BCA Nationals in Batavia. If you come back to NY feel free to contact us if you have the time. We'd love to meet you and go to dinner or whatever.

    John D.

  10. Hey Keith, One trip at a time. We have made our room reservations for Minnesota today. And will begin saving for this trip. But inbetween I would at least like to get my 56 painted. So that's first on our agenda.

    Seattle is also on the planning board for us. I didn't hear the dates for the meet though. And not to bad mouth Seattle, but I was personally hoping for California. You see the dates for the S California meet would have coincided perfectly with my work anniversary date. I was planning to retire officially on the day before the meet started, although I would have been unofficially retired two weeks earlier and on my way. The Seattle meet I think comes too early for that plan.

    John D

  11. Be careful of those drive on ramps. Make sure they are on solid ground and straight. If you see any tipping, don't go under there.

    As a better alternative I suggest you purchase a good jack and a set of adjustable jack stands. You can get these from Sears or any good parts store. This will give you a safer platform from which to work. If you have a lot of space between your jack and frame, you can always put a short piece of 2x4 on the top of the jack to take up that space. I just think the ramps are too shakey for my peace of mind.

    Also if you are working outdoors and on asphalt, I suggest you purchase a piece of 1/2 " plywood, and cut yourself a few 12'x12' squares to place under the jacks. In the heat of the summer the jacks can sink into the asphalt of a driveway ruining the driveway but also impacting the balance of the car when it is raised. It doesn't hurt to do a longer one just wide enough for the jack to ride on as well.

    John D

  12. Wow!!! What a show!!

    Unfortunately I didn't meet as many people as I wanted. But I still met a few and was grateful that I didn't have any problems with the cars we brought.

    There were some 150 cars in the driver class, which they parked on the front lawn of the host Hotel. It was quite crowded out there but back on the show field there seemed to be quite a few empty spaces. It was speculated that the rain on friday may have caused some to cancel out last minute. As it was a very heavy rain, which lasted to about 8 AM on Saturday, I guess I can understand.

    Also many spectators were shocked to walk among the Drivers class which had just beautiful cars all over, and then come to find out the judged classes were a short walk back to the hotel parking lot.

    But back home now, and pretty tired. My 2 sons volunteered for the Friday night grave yard security detail and I went out at 4 am to keep them company. Then the awards ceremony lasted very late Saturday night. So we got a late start home today.

    Hope to post some Pics I took in the next day or so.

    One thing however is very clear. Buick people are the BEST!!!

    Hope to see everyone again in Rochester Minn...

    John D

  13. Bill, this qualifies for the Horror story of the year award. I can't even tell my wife or the old car would probably stay home.

    I hope to meet you in Batavia anyway, and we'll tip one to the ole Buick anyway.

    John D

  14. Building on Reatta Man's post, if you do find the oil low, watch for a bad gasket at the timing chain cover in the area of the oil pump. Mine blew out in the 70K range and didn't leak at an idle, but poured out at 1500 RPM. The local dealer claimed this was common on this vintage engine, although I never heard of it before.


  15. Hey Mr. earl, thanks for the compliment. But it really isn't all that nice.

    The digital camera is the car's best friend I think. Although I'm getting the itch to finish painting her. At best it will be a driver class car. Re-furbished, not restored. I do plan to drive her more, but I hope the price of fuel begins to drop some.

    I see you got a 56 now too? I thought you were true to the 54's? But what's two years when they are that old. I guess you'll be keeping that AC unit now?

    John d

  16. I think I guessed $75.00. $150, worst case . Actually, that is not much more than a new GOOD 12V battery. Oh sure you can pick up a W-Mart special, but I've seen those unable to start a car in as little as six months. I'm glad you got a decent deal.

    How's the exhaust coming?

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