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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. Darn it...another Anonymous. I will waste time answering anyway, as I am not hiding my identity. You directed your "Here! Here! to my post. Why, I do not know. If you would take the time to go back and re-read my post, it, defended the efforts that go into making the Fall Hershey a "tradition". Take time before you click the 'ole keyboard. Regards, Peter J.
  2. Hello, Greg. Ronbarn's tip for oldgas.com should help you. If you need further detail, search www.halliburton.com. My company made castings for the Wayne Pump Division of Dresser Industries in Salisury, MD. A good friend, Howard Scotland, also supplied the glass globe faces to them at one time. Halliburton bought the Wayne Pump Division from Dresser. In turn, the Union went on a rather lengthy and nasty strike in the 1999-00 era. After many years in Salisbury, Halliburton closed it. Really a shame. This plant produced the "mechanical pumps" for farm use, home use, truck fleet use, etc. These utilized motors and hand cranked at one time. The computerized pumps were produced in the Houston, Texas area. Hope this helps. Regards, Peter J. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
  3. Wayne...I'm not senile. What were we typing about? Had a momentary memory lapse...remind me tomorrow. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />
  4. Anonymous... This forum does not automatically answer your very important questions. This forum is just that, a discussion forum, not a "Hot Line" to National Headquarters. 1--Why not identify yourself? You obviously have important questions. 2--To ask AACA to tell Dad to stop throwing away the renewal notice is a bit much. (That is what I read into your request.) 3--Get off the old duff, look at your copy of AA Magazine, call National Headquarters (717-534-1910),or, write Sharon Lee, VP Membership and I am certain you can work out this problem. 4--Be perfectly clear, I am a "member" only, not an official of the AACA...just baffled that you do not know to go to the top for such a request. The AACA has been working hard to attract young, future members. Please follow through and you will reap the benefit of your well intentioned efforts. Regards, Peter J.
  5. Peter, thank you for posting these. Thanks to all the folks that took the time to submit them. Special thanks to Wayne Burgess for bringing something to light. No thanks to me. I called for a DF'ers meeting behind the last photo on Page 8 (Ron Flory's '64 Allstate. Well, I forgot all about it. Sorry, folks. If you want to see the twit that forgot to attend, look at the Page 8, the 3rd to last & 2nd to last photos. A little practice at organizational skills, and, I will redeem myself down the road. Regards, Peter J. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/blush.gif" alt="" />
  6. Skyking...that's an interesting observation. Biff & Buffy, after discharge from the hospital, probably looked at them, wrote another check, and, bought another.
  7. Peter, I started to cry for the cars...as for the driver's, I am considering the source as to who and how these got wrecked. Mine is far from exotic, but, glad to see it wasn't on the list. Went out to the garage and it's still there. See 'ya, Peter J. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif" alt="" />
  8. This thread moved from "Forum Questions"-to-"Tech Questions. Regards, Peter J.
  9. Gents, I have to stick my 2 cents in here. In all fairness to the Hershey Region, they "busted their humps" this year negotiating with HERCO (of whom, owns the property) and doing an awful lot of last minute arrangements. If you take the time to go back to posts in early September, you will see that Hershey Region did the best with what they had. In all fairness to you gents, you do not live close by Hershey. Personally, my answer to your comments are: "The Earthmover engines were still warm, the asphalt spreader engines were still warm, and, the big "new" building you may have noticed in the green field cropped up since last year, all of which, HERCO owns/planned. The Hershey Region had to work around all of this to make it a great event. They start working now to plan the 2003 event. Have confidence, as I do, that Hershey Region, and, all sponsoring Regions/Chapters for that matter, review, analyze, and improve each area for the future. Regards, Peter J.
  10. Greg...the scoring sheets were already filled out (printed) with your pertinent data at Hershey. You should have no problem there. Ron has a good question: Where you with your vehicle when it was judged? It has always been advised that the owner be there, identify yourself as the owner to the Judging Team Leader in case they have a question about a particular accessory, originality of a functioning part, etc. Headquarters will mail you a letter in a few weeks if you won an award. You will have to pay the postage/shipping charges. Regards, Peter J.
  11. Hi, Hal...hope all is well. Great experience your sons had. I don't think you can put a price on it. With everything that's going on in the world lately, it certainly is nice to hear of this scenario. Regards, Peter J. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
  12. Hello, Frank. Hope all is well... George Rohrbach and I spoke via cell phone at Hershey on Saturday. Unfortunately, George had his hands full waiting for a tow vehicle, loading his goods, etc. He will send me one of the early bolts soon and the analysis will only take a matter of a few minutes. Regards, Peter J.
  13. Good for you, Bob...just like finding a $20 laying on the ground. Peter J. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" />
  14. Restorer32...you said it all!! Regards, Peter J. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  15. Anonymous: Bill Stoneberg hit the nail on the head. SalG described the facts. I must interject probably the same points I do every year as this subject comes up every year: --HERCO owns the property. As Sal said, the park is closed. --Hershey Region is the show's sponsor, not the National Directors I assume you were alluding to in your comments. The AACA Natiional Headquarters, it's Officers and Directors DO NOT run Fall Hershey. --Someone posted a year or two ago trying to get Hershey moved to the Midwest and elsewhere. I'll say it again. Hershey Region started this event and it grew, and, grew, and, grew. If you want "Hershey" per say, moved on the calendar, or, move the event, forget it. You start your own Region event, work hard, and, grow it, grow it, grow it... --Reminds me of truck drivers complaining, complaining about a road construction project that takes years to complete. However, when the old two lane is expanded to 4 lanes, the job completed, NEVER do you hear any driver, for that matter, be as vocal to THANK the workers that made it enjoyable. In "Fall" Hershey, I have not heard anyone say how nice it was the last 2 years when the weather was nice. No complaints. Go figure... Mike said it clearly that no one can predict the weather. Look at Macungie this year when the humidity was absolutely oppressive. Yet, People showed up. Regards, Peter J. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />
  16. Hi, George. Do not know if you are enroute to Hershey and cannot access this memo. See you at Hershey and read this when you return. To the Forum, I will post the results of the test on George's bolt for your benefit. It dawned on me, after the above dialogue, to pass along follow up test results along. I think it will be interesting to see what the metallurgy of the '20's & 30's bolt compares to today's. As for Industrial Castings, in my relative experience, the Silicon content was higher back then in grey iron. George, that was Bill Stoneberg's tip to go for Grad 8 bolts and the website. I agree with him totally. Regards, Peter J.
  17. randjflo60 did not tell you folks the entire story... He's the one that said I'm in dire need of beauty sleep. I won't back off...I still plan to get there around 8:30. (My adopted nephew Nicky and good 'ole Rocky think I look great.) Regards, Peter J. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
  18. CAM: I don't know how early you can arrive as I need more beauty sleep than the average person (most people who know me will attest to this), thus, I usually arrive around 8:30. Allow enough time to do last minute car chores, plus, get onto the field. There are a lot of vehicles in line to enter. The Hershey Region folks keep things moving nicely, but, if it is 9:55, you will cut it close. One thing I do know, is cars start arriving before sun up. The banquet at the Hershey Lodge is roughly 2-2 1/2 miles from the show area. How far it is from your lodging I don't know. Regards, Peter J.
  19. Hi, folks. Some thoughts from the past that may be of help. There are 3 "hobbys" coexisting at any show: Vehicle Owners, Judging, and, Spectators. Hershey generates a large amount of all 3. I am basing this topic on my past experience, a post of a few years ago from judges actually getting hurt in the process. Car owners know that parking is a little tight due to the number of cars, compounded with many spectators. In my case in 2000 at the time the judging team started, I had a neighboring car owner with his door open to show his interior to a spectator, 3 of the judges were trying to get past 4 spectators looking at my car, the interior judge was frustrated with the "crowd". In the posts from a few years ago, judges cited how spectators actually have stepped on their hands, people bumped them hard, tripped over them while doing the undercarriage and so on. Some owners stated people brushed up against their vehicle due to the crowd. My approach, so all 3 groups can enjoy their day is: When the judges start on your vehicle, police the area of spectators. Politely request that people step aside during judging, you appreciate their cooperation as your car is being judged, and you will be happy to answer questions, or, chat when the judges are finished. I have done it a few times and it made life easier for everyone. Just some thoughts... Regards, Peter J.
  20. CAM, the Social starts at 6:15 and the Dinner/Awards Banquet starts at 7:00. Dress: A mixed bag: Any garb from suits, evening dresses, golf shirts, sport coats, blue jeans, and, so on. It is your discretion. Regards, Peter J.
  21. Hi, George... For Kingpins and Control Arms, as long as they are tightened correctly, I do not see a problem with replacements from a "GOOD" automotive parts supplier. Now, sitting here, I am looking over an "Iron Casting Society" tech chart, which list every grade of malleable, ductile, and, cast iron to include recommended use, elongation, yield. Do not know how far you want to investigate, however, if you e-mail me, I will send you a copy. It lists recommended uses for all of the above ferrous irons, to include white irons. Also, if you would like, send me one of the "old" bolts for a "DESTRUCTIVE" test, and I could provide the grade & matrix, except for CE (Carbon Equivalent). For CE, we send the piece to an independent laboratory at a sizeable cost. Destructive means, it will be useless after the test. Must interject a reminder to reading bolt designations from fairly recent headline news: Anyone recall the scam pulled on our Air Force some years ago, whereby, so called "ductile" bolts were contracted. The recipient of the contract sublet the order to Asian suppliers, did not tell the Air Force folks, the bolts sheared, were not to ductile specs at all, and, jail time ensued. What I am pointing out is watch out where you buy such items. Ask where do the the National Automotive Chains buy metal products? You are no on your own so I do not get a "Legal Beagle" problem. Go to an "American" supplier!! Get back to me, George. Regards, Peter J.
  22. Hi, George... I am not an expert on bolts and there markings, however, I can offer the following. In the foundry business, a casting (ductile in this case) at 85,000 p.s.i. is used for industrial castings that demand internal pressures upwards of 3,000 p.s.i. and are suitable. Compared to cast irons with 25, 30, 35000 p.s.i. on an average. I would think a bolt with 85,000 p.s.i. would be more than enough for automotive use. You did not mention where the bolts are utilized, so, I am assuming the engine block, manifolds, etc. Cannot imagine an 85,000 p.s.i. bolt failing in this atomosphere. Possibly someone will chime in who may have more knowledge in the bolt area. Regards, Peter J.
  23. MEJ.. There have been many posts on the DF concerning the show area, show field, etc., for months. To get updated, click on "Search" above, next to Main Index. It is self explanatory. Type in "Hershey" and you will get a miriad of posts and info. Regards, Peter J.
  24. Anonymous... Upon entering the "old" Hershey Show Field, the cars were driven along the driveway that normally is used for the Stadium events. The route was around the stadium completely, then, you were directed to your appropriate class. Have no idea this year, however, at most shows (Nationals) people sit/stand all along the entrance way taking photos, videos, or, just look. It is an excellent way of seeing all or most of the cars as all must enter the same way. On the way out, it is the same thing. I guess you could call it a parade but it is just the cars entering. Go one-on-one here on the forum. We're all family. Let the questions fly. Regards, Peter J.
  25. Hi, Wayne. Usually at Nationals, the DF'ers meet at Class 5 (Scooters/Motorbikes) around 1:00 on Saturday. Let's just do that and see who shows up. I'll be there as well as Ron Flory (randjflo.60). Ron has a red & white '64 Allstate Scooter. Look for his meet card on it. Regards, Peter.
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