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Peter J.Heizmann

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Everything posted by Peter J.Heizmann

  1. Peter: Don't send in the KGB yet. (Great photos by the way.) <P>I like Indiana Bob's suggestion. We'll chip in, send him a huge amount of Krispe Kreme's, bloat his chest to the point that his medals pop off like flies on Buffalo dung, then we can culture him in the "Hobby" and "Fun" and "Enjoyment", of which, we all are interested.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  2. Don't take the General too seriously, folks.<P>I immediately thought of a Colonel that is famous. He was actually a "private" in the Army, served 6 months in Cuba, but, perplexing as it is, was promoted to Colonel "years" after he was discharged and started selling fried chicken. <P>Go figure...<P>Regards, Peter J.
  3. Bob, good point about no trailers on the GSP.<P><B>"Not allowed"</B>as far as I know in the Northern Metropolitan NYC. OK only in the Southern End at Cape May area.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  4. Rich, it depends on how daring you are.<P>To take the George Washington Bridge will put you into the Cross Bronx Expressway. It is notorius for standstill backups. If it were me, I also would not want to chance a breakdown. In that case, you would be lucky to get away with your life, let alone get help.<P>I would definitely take the "Tappan Zee" bridge route. Granted, it too can have backups, but, you have a better chance and easier travel.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  5. Frank, I have PA's antique/historical vehicle tags. The only reason is the car is stored for 7 out of 12 months. The fee was $65 once and done.<P>The only time I get the police attention is rarely when they don't see an inspection sticker on the windshield.<P>My only experience with people taking advantage in the Reading area, was a guy who had a Falcon that used it for a daily driver.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  6. John. <P>Do not know if you subscribe to "Old Cars" Weekly, however, the 8/15/02 issue I received today has a large blurb about the "Iola Military Show".<P>They cover military vehicles and the fire power equipment.<P>All sorts of ads for military tires, vehicles, guns, supplies, tanks, "ducks", and, reenactments.<BR> <A HREF="http://www.oldcarsweekly.com" TARGET=_blank>www.oldcarsweekly.com</A> <P>Hope it helps, Peter J.
  7. Greg, the Deadline is August 16th.<P>I would call AACA National Headquarters and they can help. (717-534-1910)<P>Regards, Peter J.
  8. Frank, sorry to digress. "Do you attend Malvern Retreats?? I go during Holy Week.<P>Regards, Peter J. Prosit!
  9. Hello, Chuck.<P>That is exactly the point I am conveying.<P>To each his own.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  10. I don't think it is disdain, rather, opinion.<P>This Antique, or, Classic nonsense has been beaten to death with absolutely no resolve.<P>Here is my suggestion to avoid tying up the forum with such a boring topic:<P>--My answer, being an AACA member, as to what I consider my car: "It is an Older Model Car".<P>Really easy. It covers all cars since the late 1800's invention era.<P>--If you want a definitive answer, or argument, post this beaten subject on the CCCA forum.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  11. If it were my vehicle, I would simply make certain that whatever equipment/accessories I mounted, that, they be in good condition and "to the period" items.<P>As for modifications, I responded many moons ago that when I attended the University of Saigon, many modifications were made. Saw a Deuce and a half with steel plating added to the bed vertically. Steel, of course, is a better resistance to enemy fire than canvas.<BR>The Huey pilots would added rockets to the sleds, or, they would not, depending on the operation at hand. Saw a paranoid MSGT smashing the headlights & tail lights on 4 vehicles so the drivers would not accidentally turn them on during one night mission.<BR>60 or 50 calibre machine guns mounted on vehicles was an option.<P>Lettering: At Ft. Hood, Texas, vehicles arrived at the motor pool with the stars painted on, however, the Battalion, HQ, or, whatever unit designation were not painted on until they went to whatever unit.<P>Again, just keep the items to the time period. Remember: The more accessories, the more items to be judged.<P>Regards, Peter J. <P> <p>[ 08-11-2002: Message edited by: Peter J Heizmann ]
  12. Amen, Howard...<P>For the benefit of this Forum's regulars, unregistered folks, closet readers, or, new readers, take the last 2 posts into consideration as to the validity of what you read.<P>Hopefully, do not take the U.S.A.Today article on face value. <P>My opinion: It is just a hobby not retirement income.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  13. I am quite certain that many of us have at one time given an interview to a newspaper reporter, or, other news media.<P>Sitting here, I recall 4 times I have experienced it, and, in all 4, I was shocked/stunned to read the final product the next day, only to ask myself who in the hell did they interview. Two cases were foundry and machining topics on the industry. They made up words to describe the process, the machinery, twisted facts around, despite my asking if they "got it straight?" at the end of the interviews.<P>Unfortunately, a high percentage of readers believe whatever they read "just because it was in print". What has always concerned me is the subscribers to the National Enquirer and swear on a bible, that, it is true.<P>Fact of life that will never go away...<P>Regards, Peter J. <p>[ 08-08-2002: Message edited by: Peter J Heizmann ]
  14. Sadie & Patt,<P>AGNM's are not like Spring, or, Fall Meets.<BR>There is no parts markets, flea markets, or, car corrals.<P>Last August, I attended the AGNM in Moline, Illinois. On Friday, we pretty much just registered, met old friends, met new ones, walked around Moline, then, enjoyed a great Paddle Wheeler cruise in the evening. Saturday was the meet and banquet. That was it. Had a really good time.<P>At New Bern, the same venue. The Pig Pickin dinner in the evening, the meet on Saturday. I am excited about New Bern as the town is beautiful with a lot of history, shops, etc., to see on Thursday & Friday.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  15. Chris, good mind joggling tip.<P>I do commercial art for a hobby have used the "dish soap & water spray" on various projects.<P>My only add on to what you mention, is "do not spray it too heavily". It will reduce the squeegy time to get the water out.<P>I can cite the Trailer Decals that AACA sells. The accompanying instructions also say to spray the trailer area and decal the same way.<P>Regards, Peter J.<P>
  16. Peter, thanks for posting the map. It should rid the heartburn from a lot of people.<P>Peter J.
  17. CAM: As is the case with all Nationals, you will receive the packet at the meet.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  18. Rich, that's weird. I'm looking at Page 9 of Eastwood's "Late Spring 2002" and it is shown.<P>Of course the goal here is to help you find a source. <P>Regards, Peter J.
  19. Rich, how are you?<P>My advise is contact Eastwood. They are a well known name to hobbyist and specialize in coatings, body repair products, etc.<P>Looking in their catalogue as I sit here, they have a Silver High Temp Coating they tout as "Brilliant matte silver sheen". (Reference Part #10175Z). They also have many other coatings.<P>Contact them at <A HREF="http://www.eastwoodcompany.com," TARGET=_blank>www.eastwoodcompany.com,</A> or, phone 1-800-345-1178.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  20. Bob, sorry to hear of this mishap, not to mention the disappointment in not going to Macungie. Hope the basement damage was minimal.<P>I stopped by Friday and the field was full, not to mention, the market area. They do a good job improving and adding venues.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  21. Hello, Bob.<P>There is a totally mixed bag of entrants. The Duryea Hill Climb has been an annual event as long as I can remember.<P>It is a race against the clock affair. I've seen VW Beetles, old Lotus', modern Corvettes, Camaros from the '60's, etc.<BR>There are 2 races each year. <P>What I'll do next week, is get as much info as I can from their officials and get it to you and Dave, plus post what I can on the forum.<P>Regards. Peter J.
  22. I'll make a nostalgic run up there for you, Dave. The City has the Duryea Drive in good shape for the hill climbs. A climb will be held on August 8 and I'll let you know how it went. I could mail the newspaper coverage to you.<P>Tomorrow, the Blue Mountain Region-SCCA, is holding a British car show and road rallye at Maple Grove Dragway. I plan to attend.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  23. Dave...ironic that you recommended the AMC Rebel. Stopped by the Macungie, PA show today and there was a Rebel in excellent condition. I forgot how nice the AMC line of cars was until today. Interiors are also sylish.<P>By the way, the Pagoda still stands here in Reading.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  24. TomP...to the right of "Collectable Automobile Discussion Forum" at the top of this page, you will see "search".<P>When the prompt for a subject box shows up, type "Pot Metal" and then scroll through various old posts. Hope this helps.<P>Regards, Peter J.
  25. Thank you, guys. The fact it is hot everywhere gives me relief that we are all in the same boat.<P>John, how are you? The Mt. Joy Foundry registered 121 degrees in the melt area yesterday. My hat is off to these folks. They show up daily.<P>Regards, Peter J.
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