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Everything posted by FlyByNite

  1. In the misc folder on the cd there are some (600k) of the TSBs. Rather unorganized, but readable. If your cd doesn't have them let me know and I'll get them too you. Once you have culled out the Reatta stuff, send it my way and it will be scanned and returned. Back to the glory issueing, RawjaNYC deserves his share for lending me the P&I to scan and several of the magazine articles and miscellania.
  2. I'm not here to grab any glory, just set the record straight. Mcrispin's files, the cd's that were being sold at Flint are in fact all the same files. I scanned the manual and have been giving away copies on cd. Mcispin ( with a Mac ) posted them on the UK site in Mac sit format ( Mac's version of zip ) this was where his conversion was, the cd has them in pdf. The cd contains the entire manual (63 meg) and another copy broken down into more manageable chunks for web use. If anyone is interested in the cd with FSM, P&I ( coupled with the FSM an almost complete knowledge base ), various scanned Reatta ads and miscellania, Reatta pix, usually a rock video or two to fill out the cd. Send me a private message on this board, I'll give you my mailing address. You send me a blank cd, your return address and return postage ( <span style="font-style: italic">total</span> under $5 ). I will burn the cd and have it in the mail back to you the day after I receive it. For the little cost involved folks with any year will find the P&I (covers 86 - 93) a very usefull piece of reference material. Mcrispin does deserve his share of glory for taking the risk of posting it without GM authorization. My rationalization for sending out cds is they are my offsite backups so are legit withing copywrite laws. With my method of send a cd and return postage assures that I am making no money on them so GM can't make a fuss about me profiting on their material. If you want the manual by all means download it ( with high speed connection ). If you want the whole ball of wax, send me a blank cd.
  3. Barring any last minute contributions my slap it together fast 100th Anniversary page is ready for general consumption. Enjoy, and if you want to share any pix, they will be cheerfully added.
  4. With just a few more pix to post, it is ready. Lotsa pix to see, Go here:
  5. Thank you, I will. I'm just about to put the link in to Flash's stuff, I'll get EDBSO's up in the next day or two. Anybody else have a favorite pic to share?
  6. Another search option is range, it comes up by default as newer than one week, if you are shooting an obscure problem you will want to make it at least the last month or even longer. Most problems don't happen every week.
  7. Poncho, if you are in Northern Minn, I believe if you slip across the border, you might be able to get recharged with good old R12. I guess EDBSO will know for sure.
  8. Have you checked THIS out yet?
  9. Thank you. Yours is the first pic posted, that fact and $1.59 will get you a cup of coffee at most conveniance stores. The URL once again is:
  10. I'm setting up a little web site for Flash to display his pix. If you don't mind I would like to post your pic there also. Credit will be given to the photographer, but remember, once it hits the net, anybody can download it. For credits I figured I would just use the name folks use in this forum unless otherwise directed. Take a pre preview look at:
  11. Okay, I won't need the file list, that's the one I gave mcrispin, who posted it on the UK site, it is my work. I'm still a bit miffed, a step or two better than pissed. I can't count the hours it took to scan all 1965 pages and the $127 the paper manual cost in the first place. Miffed, pissed, slightly annoyed in time, I am still offering the same files and a lot of others for a total cost of under $5.
  12. DO NOT BUY the 90 FSM on cd, see my post "Almost free 90 FSM" This lowlife took my work, that I'm giving away and is trying to make a profit. Tell any other Reatta owners that they can get the same thing and the 86 - 93 P&I for under $5. If anyone has already bought one I'ld like a listing of files on it, just to see if it is my work. If I had known someone was going to make money on it I would have send copies with someone to give away.
  13. Go to www.reatta.net find the brake test, print it out and take it with you and run it on any vehicle you are considering purchasing. This will let you know if you will need expensive and esoteric (Tevis) brake work.
  14. From another thread I see someone is selling the 90 FSM on cd for $35 in Flint, DO NOT BUY IT, I have it scanned on my hard drive. If you want a copy, send me a private message and I'll give you my address. You send me a blank cd, your return address and return postage ( total cost less than $5 ). The main files are in pdf format and Adobe Acrobat Reader is also on the cd. It is all scanned at 200 dpi so it looks better printed than it does on screen. My intended use is to find the few pages needed for a job, print them and if they get fingerprinted or greasy, toss them out. The cd contains the 90 FSM, 86 - 93 P&I, Reatta pix. Vanity tags, and several other Reatta related files. I am really pissed that someone out there is trying to make money on something I did as a love for the Reatta and am giving away for free. Do Not buy from this lowlife.
  15. Is THIS what you are looking for?
  16. Actually, I scanned it at 200 dpi so it would look good printed. I hope he posted it with all the bookmarks in it. If you don't see them try hitting the F5 key. I usually set the view to continuous for smoother scrolling also. The way I use it is find the few pages I need for a project, print them, use em, toss em out. grease and fingerprints are no longer the enemy
  17. Dunbar, please read your private messages.
  18. Just a thought, timing chain and tensioner rattle???
  19. Uh huh, the check is in the mail.
  20. Please check your private messages.
  21. This attachment will give you a starting point. I had to downsize it a bit to get under the 100k limit.
  22. FlyByNite


    Helms has them for $90, or watch ebay, just be sure you get a final edition not the new product information.
  23. FlyByNite


    Try Jim Finn, he has several parts cars.
  24. My first action would be to come up with a Factory Service Manual. For a 95 Mustang it shouldn't be hard to come up with. I would imagine you could find one on ebay for less than what a dealer would charge. My personal opinion is every car should come with a FSM in addition to the glovebox owners manual.
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