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Everything posted by FlyByNite

  1. First step would be try the SEARCH function from the main navigation menu, Pick your forum, make the search for a year instead of a week, key parking lights in the search box, peruse the results.
  2. Look HERE for answers to 98% of your questions. Fairly easy fix.
  3. Did you delete the "_removemefirst_" from the email address before you sent it. It's just a webmaster trick to make an email address useless to spammers.
  4. Once I finished the FSM, I went through and broke everything down into chunks of about a neg each, when I did this I lost all the bookmarks in the original file. As soon as Tom turns it loose you'll see what I mean. I built lots of bookmarks into the whole manual files. Online is good for some purposes but having it on a cd is the ideal situation. What I have been doing is having people send me a blank cd, their return address and return postage. This way I can not be percieved as making any money on it but the information goes out to the people that need it. The P&I covers 1986 - 1993, aka all Reattas.
  5. The 90 manual I scanned at 150 dpi came out to be 63 meg ( 1965 pages ) 150 dpi seems adequate for printing. The P&I is 44 meg ( 1566 pages ) again at 150 dpi. Both of these were looseleaf in binders. You may want to up your estimated completed file size a bit, and lower your dpi. The P&I would have been a larger file but I cut the scan down from 8.5 x 11.69 to 8.5 x 11, saving a little bit on each page times 1566. In the P&I there were a lot of "Notes" blank pages. Unfortunately they numbered them so I scanned them anyway if for no other reason than to produce an accurate reproduction of the original.
  6. Delores, read your private messages on this forum. My hotmail account doesn't seem to like your email address.
  7. This attachment is a quick peek at what you are dealing with.
  8. Make use of the guarantee and at least get your $10 back.
  9. Do you have an email address? I can email you some good info.
  10. These folks have a toll free number and a Guarantee. http://www.exstink.com/
  11. Each year has it's own set of versions, if you need a 90 and ordered an 89, 89 is what you will get.
  12. Helms has been sold out of the 90 manual for a couple of months now. Maybe they have heard about my scanning activities.
  13. Be aware there are several versions of the Field Service Manual ( FSM ). The least desirable is New Product Information, through most desirable Final Edition. The 90 FSM may soon be online for your tinkering pleasure.
  14. FlyByNite

    Dash problem

    Try exercizing the connections, with a liberal dose of tuner cleaner between disconnect and reconnect.
  15. Wonder what THIS will end up going for?
  16. These are the files I have, I'll email with sizes. 90Reatta-00-GeneralInformation.pdf 90Reatta-01-HeatingAndAirConditioning.pdf There is no section 2, it was renumbered to 10 90Reatta-03-SteeringSuspensionWheelsTires.pdf 90Reatta-04-DriveAxels.pdf 90Reatta-05-Brakes.pdf 90Reatta-06-Engine.pdf 90Reatta-07-AutomaticTransaxle.pdf 90Reatta-08A-ElectricalDiagnonsis.pdf 90Reatta-08B-LightingSystemsAndHorns.pdf 90Reatta-08C-InstrumentPanelConsoleAndGages.pdf 90Reatta-08D-ComputerSystemDiagnosis.pdf 90Reatta-08E-WindshieldWiper-WasherSystem.pdf 90Reatta-09-Accessories.pdf 90Reatta-10-Body.pdf 90Reatta-11-Index.pdf They all require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view/print. It is a free download HERE
  17. I have the entire 90 service manual scanned. Would you want to or could you post it for general consumption?
  18. Fourth pic down makes it look as if the top is not fitted very well, no carpeting on the panel over the spare tire in the trunk.
  19. FlyByNite


    Until Wednesday you can look HERE .
  20. FlyByNite


    I am sure they can. What year are you talking about? When I get back to Virginia Wednesday I'll check the FSM and and get the section on the ECM to you.
  21. Scan at less dots per inch or resize with just about any graphics program.
  22. The cost of the cd is somewhere between a dime and a quarter. The time involved doing the scanning is the big thing, working at it off and on, it took a couple weeks to scan the Helm's 90 service manual ( six inches thick or about 85 megabytes scanned ) I also scanned a half assed parts list and had to go through girations because instead of black and white it was greyscale and required scanning at 200dpi to be readable. The FSM is scanned at 150dpi so that it would be usable when printed, it actually looks better printed than it looks on screen. 75dpi vs 150dpi. I'm visiting my daughter in Missouri until next Wednesday, when I get back to Virginia I'll attach a few pages to a message so you can see what it looks like. I save everything as pdf files so it will take Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. It's a freebie, what isn't a freebie is Adobe Acrobat to create the files.
  23. If anyone buys THIS I will swap a scanned 90 service manual for the opportunity to scan the parts list also. It will be returned to you in the same shape that I recieve it with a cd containing it and the FSM.
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