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Posts posted by old-tank

  1. I have never had any luck using an extractor on a frozen/rusted fitting only on a fitting that broke while torquing during installation; and only then if it wasn't bottomed out in the hole. Heat will only work if you can heat all parts safely to a cherry red color. Best to drill out and then retapp before you break off an extractor; then you will need a carbide tip drill(s) patience and a few choice words. If it is broken of in cast iron weld the broken part of the bolt to the center of a washer and then weld a nut to the washer...mig welder is best but a stick welder will work if you are a good welder. <BR>I can't share my favorite choice words on this forum so I will just offer my condolences!!!!<BR>Willie

  2. Another trick I have used on manual transmission cars is tow the car (in gear) with the spark plugs out...this primes the oil and fuel...just put the plugs in and fire it up. This also works in a car that has been stored for a long time...squirt some oil in the spark plug holes and tow away.<BR>Willie

  3. Not everybody is happy with Kepich. An exhaust system for my 55 century was MESS!<BR>The crossover pipe had to be cut and re-welded to make it fit (cheaper than sending it back again); the muffler was a ford truck muffler modified to look lide a Buick muffler (the inlet and outet was switched); and the tail pipe had to be modified by a local muffler shop.<BR>

  4. Hope by now you fired it up and all is OK. On the oil...use the same oil you will use in the engine after break in (unless you are planning to use synthetic)...I use 20W-50 here in Texas. Another way to prime the engine with oil is to install an old distibutor with the gear removed and spin with a drill...some times you can find a tool that does the same thing. Be sure it is FULL of oil when you start since the oil filter will take one quart and it will take another quart to fill all the oil passages in a dry motor.<BR>I always fire it up for the 1st 30 seconds with no coolant...just in case I have to disassemble I won't have that mess (shows my level of confidence doesn't it) Really this was suggested by an old mechanic who says this will help the head gaskets seal better.<BR>After the initial break in drive as you normally would (unless you are drag racing)...just avoid prolonged idling.<BR>Change oil and filter at 1000 mile and at 3000 miles and then every 3000 miles...should be good for 300,000 miles.<BR>Let us know how it turns out.<BR>Willie

  5. Don<BR>On the rope seals: front use the whole seal as supplied, tap in the retainer most of the way while the balancer is in place in the front cover remopve the balancer and tap in the rest of the way....be sure the balancer will fit into a well lubricated seal before you finish tightening the front cover in place; rear seals are trimmed flush after working well into the grooves in the block and maim bearing cap(some rear seals are nylon cloth with fiber glass core and are very hard to trim). This is usually trial and error before and after you put the crank shaft in...when satisfied put in the side seals of the rear cap. The side seals are very important and are a source of massive leaks if not installed correctely. Some gasket sets have cork seals that are too large and crumbly( throw these away) others may have rubber with pins...just pay attention. With the rubber and pin seals I use a tiny amount of silicone sealer on the end and some anaerobic sealer on the clamping surface of the main cap. Otherwise I have used cotton string soaked in #2 permatex and stuffed with a hammer and nail into the groove...very messy but never failed.<BR>On the oil pump..new will not be available and sometimes the kits are hard to find...check yours, if not scored pitted or grooved and tolerances are OK (You may have to resurface the cover plate) go ahead and reuse it with no worries. Most low pressure problems are due to bearings too loose, esp cam bearings.<BR>Good luck, Willie

  6. I've said it before, It's the the cars that bring us <BR>together but the people make it all worthwhile...and Roy was<BR>one of those people!<BR>I first met Roy at the meet in Phoenix...I was introduced<BR>by Jim George while I was detailing my car for the show.<BR>I proceeded tell and show both of them all of the bad<BR>points on the car only to find out later that Roy was<BR>one of the judges in my class! I still got an award as good <BR>or better than expected but Roy never let me forget it!<BR>I always looked forwaard to seeing him at the national meets<BR>to talk cars, tell lies and see what kind of mischief he had <BR>been up to (Example: on the way to the meet in Plano he ran out <BR>or gas in his 55 Century after nearly 400 miles on a tank of gas<BR>...just call AAA and keep rolling...he didn't drive slow either<BR>since he got a ticket in Plano 65 in a 35)<BR>In Richmond he was his old self greeting me and others at the front <BR>door of the hotel on thursday and saying goodbye on sunday.<BR>We did have a serious conversation about his sick pet...he said he was<BR>afraid to call home fearing bad news.<BR>A gentle giant who will be missed!!<P>Willie

  7. This is a common problem if a lot of copper is used to build up an irregular surface...like using primer-surfacer bfore you paint. Show the plater how the parts fit or fit them yourself after the copper and before the nickle and chrome.

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