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  1. He’s selling too early. This is an obvious “easy winter project” and should be listed in October or November
  2. What The 55er said, plus note the comment about dual carbs. That’s not how they came. Maybe an MG engine installed there now. Not that I’m a purist but these things understeer like crazy. More power will only make that worse.
  3. Currently at $5k. Maybe I can afford it after all. 😀
  4. That is gorgeous. Well out of my price range but I can dream…
  5. I don’t think I’m rich, but I do look damn good in my Spandex bike shorts. The vast majority of cyclists do abide by the rules of the road. It’s hard enough to stay alive out there as it is. I guarantee you that drivers violate more road rules than cyclists. Cell phone use/texting, ridiculous speeds, 8am pot smoking, rolling coal, passing around curves, you name it. Back to the original point, I do use hand signals when on my bike. But I’ve learned that people don’t understand the traditional right turn signal so I signal those turns with my right hand. My collector cars all have signal lights. As of four years ago, the CT driver’s manual and test questions still covered hand signals.
  6. Big project but I like the styling. Already marked as pending. If it were local I would have definitely checked it out.
  7. Yep. You could probably remove that mess pretty easily though. These pop up a lot. I think I’ve seen most of that 2,000 qty production run for sale at one point or another.
  8. Back to the car, it’s a mess. Sorry to be harsh but this thing needs a lot. Much of the trim is wrong and/or held on by screws. The interior is shot. Who knows what is under that overly shiny resale red paint? The “F-O-R” letters on the trunk are misaligned, which means the mounting holes have probably been filled. The wheels are wrong. I love these cars, but this is not even close to an $18k car.
  9. I have seen a few of these in similar condition recently. Priced from $18k and up. All need pretty much everything. I like projects but I’m a hard no with any of them. Crusty Trucker is right on
  10. Evergreen, CO is only 1,900 miles away. Road trip? 😀
  11. I also like this. I’d leave it pretty much as is. Another one that I think would be fun for my short commute. 2-1/2 miles, speed limit 35 or less. Just enough room for me and my laptop 😀
  12. Apparently quite good, because the seller says they have one.
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