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Posts posted by TTR

  1. 13 hours ago, rocketraider said:

    TTR- consider the times.

    Perhaps you missed my point about “historically speaking” ?


    13 hours ago, rocketraider said:

    You cannot realistically hold earlier peoples to current and modern standards. What was acceptable 70 years ago doesn't pass muster now, but it's counterproductive if not futile to try to hold those folks to modern ideas.


    Perhaps it’s me, but comment like that doesn’t make much sense, at least not to me, as it seems to imply condoning anything that might’ve been considered “acceptable” by previous generations, be it in support of ethnic or gender disparities, or various atrocities committed throughout the history.



    There are countless different hose clamps and countless different applications from them.

    Choose accordingly.

    Besides, and I assume you all know this, the leakage and/or problem, if one exists, may not be caused or cured by the clamps …

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  3. 42 minutes ago, edinmass said:

    I do practice what I preach. I won't run tires over seven years old if at all it can be helped. Same thing with tubes. 

    I've been doing same for decades, both my own and clients cars, except my cut-off is six years (just like most tire manufacturers liability).

    I've even had some clients (wealthy collectors with cars stored in fancy buildings, etc) telling me they at times dread sending cars to me because their neglected maintenance/services/upkeep will be promptly exposed and I sometimes scold them for it. 🙄


    I do and always have applied similar quality/safety requirement philosophy on any safety related mechanicals (brakes, steering, suspension, etc) on vehicles I drive, ride or work on.

  4. 5 hours ago, edinmass said:

    Drive around on old, cheap tires? Sort of looking for a discount cardiac specialist……….I don’t want to take the chance.

    Or like going sailing in a wooden boat with just a few lrotten boards near the keel.

    Or like flying in a plane just a few years past it’s last annual or only small holes in the wings.


    This is also why we’re often experiencing long delays in availability and soaring prices on vintage tires.

    Perhaps if cheapskates pretending to be antique/classic/vintage car owners would find themselves a hobby better accommodating their inability to spend money on them or grow up and start using the cars enough to wear out the tires sooner and/or at least replace them before they become danger to other road users, manufacturers would likely see a reason to make them more frequently.

  5. 3 hours ago, 61polara said:

    So the first two could have been manufactured in 2018 or 2008 ...

    Incorrect !


    Prior to year 2000, DOM was indicated with only 3 digits, first two for the week and the third for the year of manufacture. The decade was not indicated until year 2000.

    From 2000 and on, DOM has been indicated with 4 digits, first two for the week, third for the decade and fourth for the year of manufacture.


    So basically, any 3 digit DOM has been made prior to year 2000, but during which decade is not always clear.

    Any 3 digit DOM tire is now over 22(!!!) years old and any self-respecting tire shop owner/operator (or vintage car driver/owner) will not mount/install/use tires that old on public roads.

    • Like 2
  6. Better late than never, but my PB rear spring rear shackles (like the ones pictured) are 3.000" c-t-c.

    Front spring rear shackles (like pictured) are 2.750" c-t-c.

    I can't vouch if they're exactly like OE items, since I wasn't around when PB's were manufactured or sold new.


    OTOH, I've replaced all suspension bits twice, once when initially rebuilding the chassis over 30 years ago and again, maybe +/-10 years ago.

    On both occasions I used all NOS/NORS(?) pieces* I bought at Hershey from Andy B. 30+ years ago. 


    * Two complete sets of everything.

    • Thanks 1
  7. More likely ‘98 or even ‘88.

    Could also be ‘78, but based on other shown details, I doubt it.

    Regardless of actual year, they are over twenty years old and if put to intended use (i.e. normal speed driving), more than likely a disaster waiting to happen.

    Personally, I wouldn’t use them on any car meant to be driven, but then again, I take safety,  my own and other road users, seriously.

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  8. OP’s issue is no different than some parts dealers/suppliers/vendors telling you they have what you need, when they actually don’t and after you provide them your “shopping list”, they make up a story of having a lot of inventory to go through to find everything, but in reality they just start calling/inquiring/searching from other vendors.

    What annoying time wasters they are, especially if you end up calling other vendors and hear “Oh, you’re the second or third person asking for these same parts today.”

    Why can’t these people be honest/up front and say they don’t actually have them, but would be happy to help look/search on your behalf, if needed. 

    While I produce and sell fairly specialized, limited market components or services, If someone contacts me for something I don’t do, have or keep in stock, I promptly tell them so, along with whether it’s something I can get or make and try to give an estimate on costs & time of delivery or offer suggestions as to who else might be able to help them.



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  9. Right or wrong, but here’s how I would summarize my preference or view:

    Unless it has enough (electrical/mechanical) things wrong with it or it was never originally intended to be used as such, any car is a perfect driver and nothing more or nothing less



  10. As has been mentioned, there are all kinds of us in this "hobby"(?), but just because someone "collects" (or hoards) cars or car parts doesn't automatically make them a real car person, at least in my eyes. 

    Lots of people collect or hoard variety of stuff, including previously mentioned "antique"/old coins, guns, stamps, tools, etc, but that doesn't automatically qualify them true enthusiasts or good custodians of said objects.

    Obviously old, not-in-current-circulation coins or stamps, etc can't be put into their originally intended use and I find such comparison to cars, etc a bit on the silly side. Antique guns, tools or other equipment, etc on the other hand can ... 

    But then again, I've never understood those "collecting"(?) old/rare wines, whiskeys, etc and not enjoying them originally "as intended" (by drinking).

    Why would anyone pay over $1M for a bottle of single malt and not drink it, if not for egocentric "bragging rights" ???


    Just like many who own/rebuild/restore and then just occasionally/sparingly show their antique/classic/vintage/etc cars/etc at events, be it a local C & C or Pebble Beach, or keep them in "museums" are often into it all only for egocentric reasons to "impress" others, expecting accolades and praise while often claiming to do it "for the future and preservation of the hobby".

    I'm not really knocking them, but rather just acknowledging reality.

    Some of my clients are or have, in past 3+ decades, been in this "group" and I just feel/felt sorry for them & their cars.


    Any non-egocentric, real car guy should understand that any car, including all PB BoS winners, etc could/should be treated as a car which can be rebuilt/restored again, again and again in the future and therefor there's no real reason to reduce its/their existence to display only object(s). 




    • Thanks 1
  11. I have “loaned” many of my vintage cars & have received many such “loaners” from others (can we call this “trading” ? ), but each instances have been between lifelong friends, whom also are lifelong DYI car guys and have each personally rebuilt/restored one or more of their own cars. 
    Many of the occasions have included multi-day (or weeks* long) excursions/experiences starting by just handing over the keys and wishes for enjoyment.
    I don’t think anyone of us has ever thought of, let alone worried about, how many miles was accumulated during these “loans”. I suspect I have thousands (or more ?) of combined miles behind the wheels of many of my friends vintage cars and many of my friends have enjoyed some of my cars similarly.


    * Actually, my best friend & his wife are flying from Europe next week for two week vacation here and I was hoping to give my ‘57 Chrysler convertible for their use, but unfortunately, while their visit is a very pleasant “surprise” , they gave me a too short of a notice and I’ve just been way too busy with client cars/parts/work to get it properly prepped, tested and ready for them, so they have to settle for whatever "appliance" the rental car agency has for them. ☹️

    Only way one of my cars could be extensively driven or operated by a “stranger”, especially without presence, is same as I’ve often replied when someone has requested a use of one in advertisement, commercial or movie filming or photo shoot: 

    “If you really want MY car, offer enough $$$s for me to sell it and you can do anything or use it anyway you want and when you’re done, I’ll be happy to buy it back by deducting what I deem appropriate for the costs/efforts to repair any unexpected (minor) damages and/or wear & tear”.

    • Like 1
  12. “Perfection”(?) is extremely subjective, but during 4+ decades I’ve been involved with antique/classic/vintage/etc vehicles, I’m yet to encounter/see one qualifying as such.


    Besides, IMO, any car/truck/etc claimed by someone being too nice to drive/use as it was originally intended is not a real car/truck/etc and any person believing or making such claim is obviously not a real car enthusiast.

  13. 1 hour ago, bob staehle said:

    It doesn’t

    This ^^ !
    In most cases or States, at best it can be be difficult, some impossible to register a car without a Title, i.e. proof of ownership.

    In my opinion, vehicle without one should be regarded like or less than those with salvage title = worth considerably less than identical ones with clean/solid title and “no stories”.

    Not to mention, if you ever try selling or shipping it abroad, with no title it can become a target for confiscation by appropriate authorities.

    So basically IMO, any vehicle without a title should generally be treated/valued/viewed just as a parts donor (Race/track only or off-road vehicles obviously notwithstanding). 


    • Like 1
  14. Let’s not forget the simple fact that all trucks, ancient or modern, big or small, regardless of brand are and have always been appliances or utilitarian tools, if you will, nothing more, although many manufactured within past 4-5 decades have attempted to blur the definition lines between them and cars.


    I’ve owned (& driven) various pickups, modern/new and vintage, in past 4+ decades and never viewed any being nothing but tools intended for hauling (and/or towing) stuff, although most of my daily driven pickups in past 30+ years have featured accommodations for more than 1 or 2 passengers.

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  15. On 3/7/2022 at 3:01 PM, TTR said:

    I have over 25 years of experience in reproducing obsolete and rare windshields and other curved windows for variety of vintage cars. I have sold and shipped windshields to every continent on the planet. 

    All my glass is manufactured in EU with superior quality compared to most American vintage glass producers, all whom have theirs made in China.

    We have templates and tooling for this, so I can have one made for you and get it shipped to CH directly from my EU warehouse.

    If interested, PM me with your direct contact information.



    Just received a notice couple of hours ago that my latest incoming stock shipment should be delivered tomorrow.

    More than half the shipment is already pre-sold, some already couple of months ago ...

  16. 4 hours ago, 9F94M567042 said:

    Thanks for the responses folks. I don't believe either of those companies mentioned, YNZ or Rohde Island can help since this is for my 1969 Mercury Cougar.

    YNZ does do some this for the Mustang, sister to the Cougar, but a lot of Mustang wiring is not quite the same. And, I don't feel comfortable sending in the old harnesses with out actually speaking to someone in person. That's just the way I am. To much old school I guess. And I don't trust people much either. Will keep searching.

    Don't understand why companies don't do Ford products. Lot's of GM/Chevrolet folks out there.

    Doesn't sound like you're actually "old school" if you haven't picked up a phone and called either of the aforementioned suggestions (to speak with "someone in person").

    While I don't have experience with R.I.W. (they seem to have a stellar reputation also), I've been buying/installing/selling YnZ's harnesses (and even advised/helped them on correctness issues) for over 30 years and got someone every time I've called there during business hours.


    Then again, I do consider myself somewhat "old school" restorer and in past 40+ years have designed, drawn diagrams and made many harnesses from scratch (or repaired some) if/when none have been available, including quite complex 50 y.o. vintage GT Ferraris or +/- 100 y.o. wooden boats, etc.

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  17. 17 minutes ago, edinmass said:

    Car count



    2021-237   May show, covid year.

    2022-276.  New owners, new people in most positions.



    First hand counting of each entry on the field or ... ?

  18. I have over 25 years of experience in reproducing obsolete and rare windshields and other curved windows for variety of vintage cars. I have sold and shipped windshields to every continent on the planet. 

    All my glass is manufactured in EU with superior quality compared to most American vintage glass producers, all whom have theirs made in China.

    We have templates and tooling for this, so I can have one made for you and get it shipped to CH directly from my EU warehouse.

    If interested, PM me with your direct contact information.



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  19. 13 hours ago, alsancle said:

    First picture is what most of the entrants typically bring onto the field. The second picture shows what Ed does.



    Does that mean others have more confidence in their cars ? 😜


    Kidding aside, I heard there were significantly fewer cars present than listed in the program and some no-shows were (allegedly) specifically protesting the new owners management approach to the event.

    I also  heard the previous main sponsorship was shining with their absent.

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