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Posts posted by Pilgrim65

  1. 5 hours ago, Marty Roth said:

    1956 Roadmaster convertible - Red and White


    1958 Roadmaster Limited 225 convertible - White with white or red interior


    1959 Limited convertible

    and more garage space !

    Spooky love em all must be mind reading ?

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, avgwarhawk said:


    True, old does not mean classic.   But if the title of the thread read "classic" instead of "old" there would be discussion on what is considered a classic and what is a jalopy.      If I recall, there was a long thread on what constitutes a classic car.  I do not recall the end result.   For me, the cars from the 50s is, in my brain, are the classics.     

    50s do it for me too.

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, dei said:


    Technically a car is classed as "Antique" (IMHO an "old" car) at anything 25 years and older.

    Therefore, anything 1993 and older currently is an "Antique car". 

    Doesn't seem possible to me at first either but...

    When I look into the mirror in the morning, every now and then I have to stand back for a moment! :(

    Not trying to start something just saying.

    Morning Dei , I’m afraid I don’t agree also that anything over 25 years is a classic ,saying that devalues the term classic car .

    I think the term classic car should only be used to describe a car era when the designs were substantially different and without affending many fellow members shouldn’t be used for anything younger than early 70s at least. Furthermore the sight of a classic car should be an event, here in Cyprus many of the locals can’t afford new cars and 80s and 90s cars are their essential transport and their everywhere and they don’t think their driving a classic car. They concur with me as when Ruby parked they take photos and toot when passing or shout nice classsic car mate.! ?

    Riv nut, think 47 from my calcs was a classic year for us both ?

  4. Been a long winter break , but uncovered Ruby today  , dirty but all Ok ,3/4 hours on trickle charge started first time 

    magic !

    went and filled the tank didn’t really need it half full , but I had to have an excuse to take her out ?

    give her a thorough clean tomorrow, seems like the only cleaning job I enjoy ? 

    be looking for good weather days now , great to be back on the road.






    • Like 12
  5. Would love to own one , hope the owner takes to me , as I will certainly mention that I would love the option to offer , should he wish to sell in the future . He’s already disposed of two cars from his collection since  I last visited  a 30s Cadillac saloon and a beutiful cord ..

    fingers crossed ?

  6. Noticed this car some years ago in garage in New Forest ,  which is south Uk , so while passing today perhaps  get a photo. The car was there , but 

    its winter here , so car garaged and covered , but owners son kindly gave this photo of his sisters wedding . Not au fait with caddies , but love the car  and thought you guys would enlighten me. Thanks




  7. 46 minutes ago, 60FlatTop said:

    A good Buick will stay pretty nice for about 50 years without needing major attention. Right now those are approaching 60 years old and some major items (expenses) are going to be inevitable. That is the separation point where survivors begin some level of restoration. Does anyone remember the restored 1956 chassis in Flint at the 100th Anniversary, 50 years old and previous to that not many '56's had gone to that level. It confirmed some of my thoughts back then.


    I think the price of the car listed here is very much in line with the value. There is usually a shortfall between what a buyer assumes they are getting and what they actually get. A $6,000 to $8,000 '59 or '60 Buick is going to have a whole lot of 60+ years old parts that are "out of sight, out of mind". I bought my car back in "02 for $850 and every year since then I have done a relatively large job on some non-cosmetic part of the car. Important stuff with attention to detail. Like when I redid the radiator; the core and tanks were painted with radiator paint and the brackets got a coat of polyurethane satin black separately. That effort goes unnoticed when sorting the classified ads by price. Price is very objective.


    Your white Buick Electra is a beutiful , much better than this one and the care invested would reflect in value 

  8. 1 hour ago, 60FlatTop said:

    I tell my Wife that I don't stereotype. I make generalizations. Picking out the owners of various brands has become very easy over the years.


    One thing I have found odd. No matter what I drive, if I am sitting in some little diner, people make a bee line to me and ask about my car out front. Maybe I don't look like I belong in a diner.



    Oh, and once I heard the Brits don't believe life should be too easy. They heat their house with a little scuttle of coal lumps and wear sweaters, drink warm beer stored in Lucas refrigerators, and include a tool kit with new cars. Wealthy Brits own two cars so they are always sure one runs, generally.

    Hi Bernie , posted for a bit of controversy,  I also like big engined cars , had a xjs  V12 , Bmw 735 se , mind you agree with alsancle , best was a grunt car a cobra replica with Chevy 427 . 

    Litres was part of the metrification, and other rubbish brought in by our mistake of joining EU . thats all I’ll say no politics , at least we’re trying to get out.

    Amuses me the stereotype you describe of brits ,  things have changed a bit since that description , 

    we drink more cold beer than we should ,stored in double fronted American style fridges  much more than trendy warm bitter , drive foreign cars , my Nissan has no tool kit ? mind you my bmw 735 did , think that’s   a throw back to the luxury days of motoring , rolls Bentley etc. Wealthy Brits have two cars at each of their  homes  town and country !, but keep the 4x4 Range Rover for picking up their school kids from private school in Chelsea .?

    we heat our homes with natural gas , underfloor electric and my favourite a wood burner., the councils over here are all green now and don’t let us burn coal in cities . I remember it was my job as a boy to keep coal scuttle full also had a coal grate in my bedroom was great to dress by on a freezing morning.

    i think brits pick up more American traits with every generation, we visit coffee shops most days , eat out , or buy take away most days and half the population live on Mac Donald’s food !, ?

    living style probably depends much on where you live town or country and much the same in US I would think 



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  9. 16 hours ago, alsancle said:

    Agreed on BAT.  Lost interest a long time ago.   Perfect if you like foreign cars with little engines though.

    Love 40s and 50s American , but being a Brit I wonder what’s your opinion of a little  engine less than 3 litre , less 2 litre , plenty of foreign cars out there with even smaller engines that would knock the socks off many big Americans  I’m afraid .?

    thats before you consider the style , love Alfa’s and most Italian , and have had a small bmw and a Peugeot 205  GT not much could keep up with it and both cornered better than any big American I’ve driven. 

    so little foreign cars not all bad ?

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