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Everything posted by dibarlaw

  1. Today we wrestled the radiator back on the 1925-25. The correct shell mounting bolts made it a bit easier. I ran it at idle for about 20 min. kept it's cool! :)Now to concentrate on the ever lengthening list of things to address. Also made a new gasket for the front push rod cover. One leak out of many taken care of. I guess next is to take care of the oil slinging fan pulley hub. Before I ruin another leather fan belt. I believe there was someone selling the sealed bearing kit. I will check with the parts people. I have to work on the parking brake to get it to hold. Would like to talk with other 1925-25 owners to see if they have restoration photos of what the top bow saddle looks like so I can fabricate them. We would like to drive with the top down by next spring.
  2. My problem with my 1925-25 is that I have the key and it locks/unlocks. But I am afraid it will break to try and remove it. Good Luck! Larry
  3. Dwight: Labrandi's did my 37-41 bumpers and bumperetts over 3 years ago which were not in bad shape. $1,650!!! I am repainting my 25-25 radiator shell with 3 coats of Mastermark silver primer wet- block sanding and respraying in a nickel/chrome like enamel. After all its to be a driver. Larry in Chambersburg
  4. Radiator cooked out. The radiator guy said there was some crud. Mostly lime scale. I backflushed the engine with high pressure and got about a handfull of the same stuff. Now have to repaint and reinstall. Since the shell was painted silver I have been building up the pitted surface with the Mastermark silver primer then I will respray with a nickel tone paint. Spent $1650 getting my 37's bumpers and guards done 3 years ago. Ouch! Don't feel it would be a worth while investment to have the shell re-nickeled. Would like to find a set of period bumpers for the 25 though. Larry
  5. I asked before if you had a leather belt for a 1925 Buick Standard "6". 33 1/2" Larry
  6. Ken: Check my Thread on the BUICK Pre-War General site "Looking for a driver Buick" about my misadventures! Larry
  7. Rob; Thanks for the "pepper-upper" I need these comments. I hope both of us find some time to get our other project cars completed Regards: Larry
  8. Also just for reference it looks to be for a standard model. Could this fit a 1925 Standard? Sizes at base, bottom to top,offset from mounting brackets to bottom? I can check my sizes. Larry
  9. Thanks about the Model"A" But we had been looking for about 6 months and any" A "Phaeton in good driver shape was well over $20K Those arround $17K looked to be #4 cond or worse. But again right place at right time.
  10. Any luck with the EH you were looking into? To me if I hadn't wanted the sellers 1923 Buick, that would have been a great choice. Larry
  11. Thanks Rob for your opinion. I must admit I would have gone slower on my enthusiasim for the quest. But I wanted to have a little time to drive our "driver" before winter. And any minor issues would be taken care of over the winter layup. As it is we did not get a"driver. It has already become a project with the radiator still in question. Other issues the side push rod covers leak badly, which I need to make gaskets. And the clutch adjustment which was the only problem originaly noted. Overall we understood that there was to be some upgrading along the way. I had hoped to be working on my 37-41 over the winter to be able to get it in shape to go to the 2012 Buick nationals. I have come to the realization that I can't do all this myself. I don't have anyone local inclined to help. Just afraid at times I will do some unrepairable damage. Mainly it is just encouragement from all the members who have responded to this fourm that keeps me going. Some indicated I should have waited to get a "done car"but we realy needed to stay within a budget. And "done cars" were at least double the price. This has been a repeat of my 37-41 experience of 24 years ago. Clutch problem decomissioned this car immediately. With family, school and money issues I was just able to get back to it 6 years ago. Then health issue came calling. Just want to drive my"driver" before anything else happens! Larry
  12. Well I have the radiator out and at the local radiator shop. The shop has done many antique ones over the years. ]Owner said it looked plugged solid! Don't know if it can be saved/ repaired yet. Keep you posted. Larry
  13. I did the experiment that Dandy Dave suggested and no bubbles. And the water rose up to the overflow within 5 min. So I just wrestled the radiator out to take to one of the local old line radiator shops here in Chambersburg. We will see what the verdict is. I would of had it off in less than an hour except it was secured with chrome capped bumper bolts. Tough to get an11/16 socket with universal and extension up in the frame chane. l Will get the repro ones from BOB's Stay Tuned: Larry
  14. Ah memories! Although The Untouchables had a great line up of cars. The trucks seem to always be much newer than the late 20s story time line. Mid to late 30s Mack,IHC, Dodge, Ford etc. The Donna Reed show had the husband restoring a brass era car and racing it with a neighbors similar vintage car,believe it was a steamer.. Also similar story line on "Dennis The Mennis" "Nanny and The Professor" she aquires a derilect 1930 Model A Phaeton and has it restored over the course of about a week. Family project? Jerry VanDyke's "My Mother the Car"the 1928 "Porter" disguised 27 model T. Of course "The Real McCoys" and their 1930 A Phaeton daily driver. And how about the Clampet's 1920 Olds truck. Also show cased early 60sChrysler products. Memories!
  15. Any for a 1925 Buick standard 191 cu in"6"also any thing else in parts for this car? Larry
  16. I just purchaced a 1925 Buick model 25 standard touring. I would like to see if I can find out some history on the car. That was the great thing about the 1923 model54 we attempted to buy in Vermont was that it had a good history. If only it ran a little! All I got from the former owner was that he bought it about 10 years ago from a man who was ill, supposidly from Wisconsin. The deal was also to include a spare engine and other spare parts(including the missing spark plug cover). The car was shipped without the extras, the seller died and the rest was tied up in the estate. The fellow I bought it from had since shredded all the old corespondence and could not remember the deceased man's name. So any one out there remember any one having a 1925 model 25 see the pictures above in my post; burgandy body late 60s color; tan 60s covertible top material; black vinyl upholstery; Dunlop blackwalls (their condition idicate possibly from the mid 70s) and black wheels. I would like to find some leads. I have pictures posted on the Buick Pre War site "Arrival of the Driver Buick" Larry<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
  17. Thanks John: More things to sort out to get the "driver" reliable. I will also post on the AACA site to see if I can find out some history on the car. That was the great thing about the 1923 model54 we attempted to buy in Vermont was that it had a good history. If only it ran a little! All I got from the former owner was that he bought it about 10 years ago from a man who was ill, supposidly from Wisconsin. The deal was also to include a spare engine and other spare parts(including the missing spark plug cover). The car was shipped without the extras, the seller died and the rest was tied up in the estate. The fellow I bought it from had since shredded all the old corespondence and could not remember the deceased man's name. So any one out there remember any one having a 1925 model 25 see the pictures above in my post; burgandy body late 60s color; tan 60s covertible top material; black vinyl upholstery; Dunlop blackwalls (their condition idicate possibly from the mid 70s) and black wheels. I would like to find some leads. Larry
  18. Dwight : Thanks for your input. I have already adressed the solutions you recomended. Today I drove the same distance and no problems overheating. I ran it with the spark advanced a bit farther than before. But it is still not running properly. Ie; when shifting from 1st to 2nd and then to 3rd it is trying to die; popping back..no power. Running too rich? Black soot around air horn and heat tube. I will check choke and carb adjustments next. Marks suggestion of checking the radiator flow will be next if the overheating continues. I have my list of things to do and things(missing parts) to search for. A crank to help set timing after I make a new pump shaft. I will need to make up a packing nut wrench. I will check on some old threads as I believe there was one on the makeup of the original tool kit. Thanks to all: Larry
  19. New occupant of the garage 1925-25 and arrival images. I am still trying to deal with the overheating problems. The original evaluation was the "clutch adjustment problem". The former owner said that they did drive it from Ogdensburg NY. to Binghamton NY. where they were able to get a trailer for the remainder of the trip to Chambersburg Pa. I have not been able to drive more than 1/2 mile without it overheating. Following their directions... After start up in retard move up to full advance about 10:30 position to the wheel. same as the owners manual. Seems to run fine but in 10-15 min belching out the overflow and temp at top on the motometer. So far I have added an internal brass coil to the lower hose; scrubbed the fan belt clean/er and tightened up a bit. I could spin the fan with one finger! Cleaned the water pump shaft and the packing glands added packing and snugged up. Now hardly a drip! Went out again and within 5 blocks same thing! The radiator does apear to have some scale in the upper tank. Would realy like to avoid having the radiator redone already! I have been calming my frustration by polishing out the 40 year old crazed paint job. It does look prettier! Larry DiBarry
  20. New occupant of the garage 1925-25 and arrival images. I am still trying to deal with the overheating problems. The original evaluation was the "clutch adjustment problem". The former owner said that they did drive it from Ogdensburg NY. to Binghamton NY. where they were able to get a trailer for the remainder of the trip to Chambersburg Pa. I have not been able to drive more than 1/2 mile without it overheating. Following their directions... After start up in retard move up to full advance about 10:30 position to the wheel. same as the owners manual. Seems to run fine but in 10-15 min belching out the overflow and temp at top on the motometer. So far I have added an internal brass coil to the lower hose; scrubbed the fan belt clean/er and tightened up a bit. I could spin the fan with one finger! Cleaned the water pump shaft and the packing glands added packing and snugged up. Now hardly a drip! Went out again and within 5 blocks same thing! The radiator does apear to have some scale in the upper tank. Would realy like to avoid having the radiator redone already! I have been calming my frustration by polishing out the 40 year old crazed paint job. It does look prettier! Larry DiBarry
  21. Matt: I am still having issues with posting photos. So I will e-mail and attach them. I hope this is the lead I need to locate some history on it. As the previous owner said around the time he bought it the fellow he bought it from was in ill health and passed away. After a while he shreaded all the old paper work on it and forgot the name. Larry DiBarry
  22. The 1925-25 arrived about 4 PM today. No ones cell phone had service so I was left with my imagination. They did drive it to Binghamton! But to get an open trailer. Pheeew!!! So all's well and happy here. I parked it in my garage. Our 2006 HHR is now sulking in the cold parking lot behind our house. We all went out to dinner and had a great time. After we left the sellers, I came home to get aquainted with my Buick and spend some quality time. Till 11:00. I have spent an hour trying to get my computer to cooperate sorting out the new photos taken today. I will try again tomorrow. Larry
  23. <META name=Generator content="Microsoft SafeHTML"><STYLE>.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;}</STYLE> At this time I would like to report of the thrill of the delivery of the 1925-25. But I can't. Because it is suposidly still on its way and sitting somewhere near Binghamton NY. As part of the deal the owners decided to trailer it themselves. Stating that they had acess to a trailer. I had originaly said I would arrange for transport from Ogdensberg NY. But they said they would like a "Road Trip" and bring it down saturday. Later this week they said that they planned to leave Friday around 10:00 alowing at least 8-9 hours. GREAT!! I told them that I would look forward to seeing them 6-7 PM and safe happy travels! E-mail around 12:30 AM moved departure time to 11AM. They said that they would call around supper time to inform about progress. I was out with a group of fellow teachers but no call came thru on the cell. When I got home my wife said they called around 5PM saying that they could not secure a trailer... and that they were driving it to Chambersburg!!! Over 430 miles!!! That they were staying at Binghamton the night. I called their cell but no answer. I am absolutly sick about this. I was thought to be iresponsible for driving my (at the time) 50 year old 37 Buick from Holidaysburg Pa to my home. A distance of about 120 miles. That was after a very thurough 2 hour test drive with working lights, turn signals, brakes etc. And still after 57 glorious miles.. tragety.. the clutch blew!! Then the embarasing roll back ride home. Even without the concerns I already stated about the 25, (overheating and clutch) in several other threads there were enough issues that I would not trust it's reliability for more than a 10 mile round trip, untill I atended to those issues. I was not informed about their decision. I realize that the car was not in my name yet. But money has changed hands and an agreement made. I feel that I am about to learn a very expensive lesson. All I can do is pray that things work out.
  24. Marty: Thanks for the great photos. PM sent. Larry
  25. Mark : Thanks for the advice. I did as you recomended and it shifted fine when I test drove it on saturday. But clutch engagement was pretty far out. The next problem was that it overheated within 15 min on a 55deg. day. It had not been started or moved since March. Larry
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