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Everything posted by jackofalltrades70

  1. Today, I cleaned on the garage some more, organized my extra parts, stored things away in the basement and took the convertible top apart after taking a long video of how it was together. I also took pictures of the irons at different angles for reference. The parts that aren't chromed will go next week for powdercoating to a local guy. The chrome irons, went into the boxes of parts to be rechromed. I cannot believe how many things are accumulating in those boxes. I really think and hope that I can finish everything else up this week so the following week I'm laying the epoxy sealer. I asked a lot of questions while at the paint shop, because I'm a novice at this. The key is asking politely and thoroughly. As long as they aren't really busy, they are really happy to help out and explain all steps to follow and how to prep before-hand. They also gave me some sheets to refer to. Matt
  2. Mark, Thanks for the kind words on my car. It's a labor of love. Matt
  3. Dale, PPG paint code 13464. Dark Blue Metallic. Pretty close to the original color. They say that your first thought is usually correct, so I went with it instead of white.
  4. Holy Hello, What the hell do I have then? 1947 Roadmaster convertible. 1956 Buick 4 door Special 1977 Chevy Corvette. ?????????????????
  5. Well, after work today, I started her up again and really let her idle and warm up. The longer she run, the better she started to sound! The lifter noise and stumbles it had slowly worked their way out and it idles nicely. I need to give the transmission levels another look, and finish checking the lights, etc out on the car so I'll be able to get it inspected when I'm ready. I also was able to go and get the epoxy sealer, base coat and clear for the 47'. But, that's another thread! Matt
  6. Well, I got home yesterday and wifey was "STRESSED OUT"! So, I asked her if she wanted to go to the casino, cause she really enjoys it and I cannot say that I don't! I won enough money to purchase the following: So, the color is picked and now its just up to me to get everything finished up on the car and clean the rest of the garage. I worked to 2 hours tonight organizing and I didn't even manage to work myself out of a corner! I have A LOT of cleaning to do and it will probably take me next week to finish the cleaning and finish up the last of the bodywork. Dark Metallic Blue will be the color. I don't think I will regret going with the original color. Let the games begin. Matt :cool::p
  7. Robert, I just used some extra body mount rubbers I had and some steel shims. It worked out great. Matt
  8. Trunk latch had been "screwdrivered" by PO. So I took it out to get the spare to put on the car. New lock cylinder and key ordered. Didn't bring shop vac to work. Looks like rain this afternoon and evening. No work on this one today, but the 47' will get a lot of attention. Matt
  9. I were gonna say that your convertible has options that mine dint'!
  10. Ok, my day never ends. When I got home, I BBQed some chicken, ate dinner then I was off to the garage! Tonight was a "Sand A Thon"! Body is ready for epoxy primer/sealer. Still have to finish up some details on some of the bolt on body parts, but the door pontoons are finished and ready also. I still have to finish the fender skirts and short pontoons up and re-check the rear fenders and outer rocker panels that bolt on under the doors. The hood is half sanded and I want to finish it tomorrow and re-check the fit back on the car. Aligning the sheet metal has been a bear and I don't want to mess with it after painting, so better to check again. I just finished up at 9:30, so I've had a very complete day. No pictures yet. If I get my sanding done tomorrow, I'll start putting stuff away in the basement and cleaning up the garage for the "Turn me into a paintbooth" days to come. Matt
  11. Well, today started off as a rat race. When I got to work, I shot some more penetrating oil into the spark plug holes. At lunch time, while I ate my sandwich, I cranked the motor over to remove the penetrating oil and replaced the spark plugs and wires. I connected another fuel line to the fuel pump and put it into a gas can with fresh gas. Hit the carb with a small shot of ether AND...........................she fired right up! This afternoon, after work day was done, I replaced the flat tire with the spare and drove the little girl off the trailer, drover her around the plant and parked her back where the trailer had been before. Tranny was a little jerky, but JohnD1956 warned me of that, so it is either normal, or a little jumpy from sitting. The brakes worked fine, so my list of problems to check are diminishing. I will probably take my shopvac to work tomorrow to vacuum up the carpets cause it's bothering me seeing it dirty. The car will stay at my work until it is titled and licensed. Then and only then will it go home to suprise the wifey! Heres a couple more pics on the ground.
  12. Disconnect your speedometer for 1/2 of the year. How they gonna know!
  13. The windshield has two foggy areas on it and the rest of the glass is good except the drivers door. It has a little crack about where the door lock pull is. The headliner is intact, as are the sun visors. There is a little something on the headliner, but I think it will come off when I clean the interior good. The odometer says 71,900 and I would say that would be a correct # of miles, based on the rest of the car. It hasn't been on the road (legally) since 1989. I really like the 4 door car and have had a lot of compliments already from folks I work with. Should be a comfortable ride! Matt
  14. Had family stuff to do this afternoon, but I still got the skim coat of filler put on all of the parts that required it. Tomorrow I should be able to finish all of that up, then Thursday I should be able to roll it back out of the garage into the afternoon sun to look for more problem areas. I hope I don't find much more. I guess I'll start organizing the garage and move some of the spare parts to the basement for safe keeping. Matt
  15. Well, I was up and at em' early this morning. At 5:45 I washed her up a little and by 6:30 she had been waxed up just a little. I pulled the plugs and sprayed some oil in the cylinders, just for good measure and will try to crank it over with the starter tomorrow. PO told me that the car was run a year or so ago, but better to be on the safe side. Check out the new pictures and maybe I will even be able to start her tomorrow afternoon late. The trunk still has the original panels inside. Seats are nice and still have to vacuum up the carpets, etc. The door panels are shot and I'll have to address them later. I found part of a gallon of Blue paint in the trunk. The white will probably be re-painted when I address the little rust issues. Enjoy the pictures.
  16. http://forums.aaca.org/f163/56-special-4-door-couldnt-pass-352647.html Here is the link to the 56 I bought today. I'll post more pictures after I clean her a bit. She's embarrassed right now cause she's dirty! Matt
  17. Well, I did what I said I thought I would and bought another Beautiful Buick. A 56' fo do Super. See my new thread in Me and my Buick. I didn't get much done on my car today, much more than quote the epoxy seal primer, the paint and clear. Now I'm set and can go pick up at the paint store when I'm ready. Tomorrow I gotta get the rest of the bodywork done so I can roll the car out of the garage and start cleaning it out. I have to put all of the extra parts away and junk all of the junk. My "new" 56 put a slowdown in my job today, but it's on the sidelines until I get done with the Buick. Matt
  18. "Buick5563" will recognize what's sitting in front of the '48. that's a deer killin' machine! Looks great Pete! Jealous! Matt
  19. Well, I told everyone that I might have a suprise yesterday on my other thread on the convertible. I just couldn't pass up this car. The price was right. The floors are solid as a rock, the seats are nice and the door panels need help. The carpet is o.k. It has a couple spots in the paint to fix, and a little bubbling on two or three spots. The frame is good and the motor compartment is o.k. All of the stainless is there and I will post newer pics after I get her cleaned up a bit. Needs new tires, but I already have a set. Has all of the lights and lenses. Needs a new trunk lock and I have to get keys made for it. After I spruce it up and drive it a bit, I will probably sell it. But, maybe wifey will like it and want to drive her. It's automatic and all. Maybe could also be the daughters car in a couple of years.
  20. Mike, How much did your irons set you back? You can pm me if you like. I'm fixin to do the same thing with my top, just my powdercoat will be tan colored. Lookin' good my friend! Matt
  21. Hey guys and gals! Progress, Progress, Progress. When I woke up this morning, everyone was so worn out from roller skating last night and noone wanted to drive 2 hours to Hershey to get wet! So, I made breakfast, went grocery shopping and then worked on the car all day long. I got 10 or so hours in on the little girl today! I have a little more bodywork on the fender skirts, and one short extension. I finished up the trunk area and lid today, the rear filler (between car and bumper), drivers door pontoon, front end sheet metal is aligned (FINALLY!!!!):cool: I went around the car and applied the fun red stuff on all of the scratches I could find! I would hope that I can finish the bodywork tomorrow and sometime this week get to the paint gettin' place for the epoxy primer for sealing all of this garbage up. I didn't even roll the car outta the garage today! So wore out I only took one picture. Hope everyone had a great weekend! I know I did! I might have a story and some pictures for everyone tomorrow, if I pull off what I'm trying to do. More on that later. Enjoy! Matt
  22. Rob, That is what I am suspecting will happen if I decide to do the red pearl in the clearcoat over white. Today was a busy, busy day. I tweaked a lot on the passenger side and now I think the drivers side needs more tweaking. When will this end!!!!!!!!!??????? I was able to sand out the drivers fender today and it's primered again with several coats of filler primer. I decided to try putting the grill frame back on to help with aligning the front end. I get excited every time that I put in a full day on the car. I was out there almost 6 hours. I worked on door gaps also by shimming body mounts. Getting closer and closer and I think that it might even be helping the fender to door alignments. Probably no work on the car tomorrow as we are going to try to beat the heat at Hershey park tomorrow. Only 2 hours away and it is a great time for the kids. Hey, I'm a kid at heart. Matt
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