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Everything posted by Landman

  1. Added some door jamb bling. Spent most of the day woodgraining the dash. I might redo the glove box door because of those lines. Decided to give the instrument cluster some levelling off before doing the woodgrain. Installed the trunk lid props.
  2. Have you tried a cup brush on a grinder or one of those black sponge-looking wheels you can buy at Canadian Tire?
  3. Thanks guys, it has come a looong way, that's for sure. Roger, yes I am satisfied and yes they used tons of sandpaper as you had predicted. Keiser & Luv2Wrench, it looks good from up close too. As for the snow, we're told this is a side effect of Sandy. It apparently created such a huge low pressure zone that it drew some arctic air down here. We are probably 1000 miles from the East Coast. It does snow in October here but doesn't stay until late November. I've driven my Mustang in November. Don't look like it'll happen this year.
  4. We'll find out tomorrow. He was supposed to do it yesterday. We were away for a shopping trip. That will be an important milestone in the project (ordeal?).
  5. I'm impressed by the neatness. And the quality of the work too, of course.
  6. Hey Scott, The main dash has all sorts of indentations too. The guy at Grainit thinks I can get in there by pressing hard on the roller. However, it has a tendency to slip & smear. It nice that the stuff around the shop is shinier and cleaner. I think I've eaten enough rust dust to last a lifetime.
  7. Ready for paint. He will shoot it tomorrow. I see he's prepared the rear wheelwells to be painted body color as I asked.
  8. Received all the glass except the windshield yesterday. Played with it a bit and put it away. Today, practised some more at woodgraining. It is starting to look like wood.
  9. Visited the body shop again today. They're at the high-build primer stage. Starting to look good. I'm starting to lose sleep worrying about whether I have te skills to finish this without ruining the sauce.
  10. Good idea to wear the mask. Deer mice can carry the Hantavirus which can make you very sick.
  11. "Oh, by the way. You'll notice that both cars are a bit worse for wear. Previously restored cars they were destroyed in a garage fire." Do they know who owned the cars before and who restored them ? That would go a long way as a source of photos and information.
  12. I'm with Roger. Go with the acorn nuts. they look more "finished".
  13. Hi Paul, I'm not sure what RAL means but it is the MH1 mahogany color from Grainit technologies. woodgraining . I bought a kit from them. The motif is on an etched plate which you cover with ink. The roller picks it up and transfers the print on the part.
  14. Whipped out the woodgraining kit and had another run at the spare dash insert. Better than the first time but still not quite there. It took three tries to get the second pass. My roller is 3/4" too narrow to get it in one shot. Good thing you can wipe it off and start again.
  15. And here you see a few pics of the photo shooting in Switzerland. The background landscapes are just great and enhance the diorama. Hi, I was looking at your website and was just about to ask where are those mountains were in the Netherlands. You gave me my answers. great work! I always had the old car in the old garage in the back of my mind. Maybe someday.....
  16. Changed the base color of the dash & garnish moldings to be closer to what I have in mind . The color was suggested by Grain It technologies asfter looking at a sample. Nice day out. took the Mustang for a ride. Stopped by the upholsterer to see if he had any ideas about the broken rear window zipper. He fixed it with a new slider in about 2 minutes. He also told me why I was having so much problem with it. You are supposed to unlatch the top to relieve the pressure on the zipper before you undo it. Why hadn't I thought of that? :mad:
  17. You are a brave man Don. I'm sure I'd have a few parts left over if I tried that. I didn't even attempt the one barrel of my car.
  18. The trick will be getting it all back together without scratching and chipping everything.
  19. Just came back from visiting the painter's. They're right into it. Hard to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
  20. No work on the car as we were away. Saw some Hallowe'en decorations hoarder style, a Ford Consul and something for Mr. Feser. Also saw a nice, fairly recent Alfa Romeo roadster and a nice '68 Dodge monaco. It was raining too hard to get out and photograph them.
  21. Yes, and what is the other car in the background?
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