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  1. I'm sure it's technically all wrong but I've had good luck using chain saw condensers on V8s and vice versa. A condenser with the proper values is ideal but one that passes the analog ohm meter jump test should be fine for troubleshooting purposes.
  2. If it fits in the pocket with the shelf out of the way the deck needs to be loose or hinged to get the spare in and out.
  3. I found one a bit closer to home. Thanks for the offers and advice.
  4. Mine is not a show car, I would be content with one that's hazy or less than perfect. The woman I bought the car from said "it was never fancy, we just let the kids use it". I don't know how best to pay you and I hope international shipping isn't a big nuisance on your end. Thanks to both of you for helping me out of this self inflicted jam. Nat
  5. That's the type I need. Should I come get it?
  6. That looks like the one I bought from ebay. Mine are narrower and beveled on the back side. I'll find one eventually and make gosh darn sure it's locked in place. Thanks, Nat
  7. I bought this from ebay because it came with the lens I need for my 24' but it's not the right one. It fits my lens, bucket and latches but it's deeper and the lens can't be properly oriented. It has two cracks. On a good day I might be able to TIG them. On a bad day I'd ruin it altogether. It ain't much but maybe better than nothing.
  8. Any leads would be appreciated. Nat
  9. Congratulations and thanks for keeping it off my list of non deductible dependents. It looks like a rare find and I'm pleased to think you might patch it up without going down the full restoration rabbit hole. My 24' tourer was resurrected after after an early 60's smash up so it isn't as pristine as your roadster. Just the same, it gets a lot of attention at the few meets I've attended. I even won a third place trophy in a two contestant competition. I'm still wondering if the upholstery is original and if the rear wheel spokes are loose. Keep us posted. Nat
  10. I still find it amazing that they produced a million vehicles in nine years. Equally interesting and mind boggling is the $25 million that Ford had to pay Dodge Brothers in 1919. Ford was a ruthless ........
  11. 487216 was made between May 19th and June 10th of 1920. The "A" prefix, (for bodies), began in late December of 1923 to mark the 1,000,000th vehicle
  12. He was back yesterday with bicycle sprockets. Apparently it's still a great idea but he had the small pulley where the big one should have been.
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