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Guest PackardV8

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Guest imported_PackardV8

To Speedster and others:

Please DO NOT jump to conclusions. I've recieved NO confirmation from T'Pacman of any such request.

Ever since the old ClassicCar.com days (long before we came to the AACA) there has been certain specific marque clubs and related vendors trying to stop any discussion groups that do not operate under their auspices.

Deleting your posts voluntarily is only playing into the hands of those that would like to see independent Packard discussion discouraged.

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I take full responsibility for any and all inconvenience to the Packard Forum partipants.

Should Eric's posts have remained -- On hindsight, yes. For this, I apologize.

The Packard Forum is not going anywhere, rest assured.


Received the following request via PM from Eric on 2/13:


Can you please delete my account here?

Thanks, Eric


Peter J. Heizmann

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Every message board, club or organization I have ever been associated with has had its share of individuals who thrive on drama. Peter has accepted full responsibility for the inconvenience of deleted posts and likely will handle the situation differently in the future. Now let's move on, shall we?

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Guest imported_Speedster

If your house burns down, you don't go back and look at the ashes everyday, so I won't be back anytime soon.

To all that have helped me, over the past couple years, I want to say 'Thank You'.

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Again, I apologize for a moderator's unintentional mistake. Had I been able to fix this problem I would have, but that was not possible.

The vast majority of the problem revolved a very long "blog" thread. The forum was never intended to be used that way. Unfortunately my warnings of problems using the forums this way went on deaf ears.

We have put new procedures in place to prevent this problem from occurring again in the future.


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