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Passing of BCA Member

Guest my3buicks

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Guest my3buicks

Wanted to let the forum members know that BCA member Hank Deglman passed away yesterday. For those that didn't personally know Hank, you may have in a way known him thru his close friend Adam Martin. Adam kept us watching all winter on the "Me & My Buick" forum as he beautifully detailed Hank's stunning 60 Electra Conv. Hank will be missed. Please remember Hank's family, friends and Adam in your thoughts and prayers.

Pic of Hank working on his 62 attached, sorry, not the best pic


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Thank you for posting this, Keith. I haven't had the heart to do it yet.

Hank's visitation is this afternoon, and the funeral will be tomorrow. Most of the chapter members will be there with their Buicks to see him off the right way.


I have a picture of him the night before his stroke at a trivia night with some friends, but I don't have it on my computer right now. At least we know his last evening out was a good one.

We'll miss you lots, bud...

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Adam, please accept my sincere condolences for the loss of your good friend and Buick comrad. I know he will be missed. Also please extend our sympathy from here on the forum to the family. Although most here never met him, just knowing how he cared for his cars is testament to his goodness.



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It's always difficult to know what to say at a time like this. One can only hope that Hank's life was satisfying to him and that those he touched have felt blessed to have made his acquaintance. I never met him personally but I believe I remember that car from the various meets I've attended. Someone who cared for a car like that had to have a good heart and will be missed personally and by the entire club.

Watch over the rest of us Hank...if you will..And condolences from this Buick Family to his, and all his friends...

John De Fiore ( JD) 3757

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Yes this is not good at all. But remember that he did get out and enjoy life it appears. That's a good lesson. Sorry Adam. It seems I've seen Hank before? Plano?

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Then I think I talked to him for quite awhile. I hope my memory is good enough. 62 Electra convertible. he said he had show winers but this one was "one to drive" and I thought, man, wish I had this one to drive! He had on a Fedora I think and what I liked was he had no problem talking Buicks with me even though he had no idea who I was. We got into a lengthy discussion of the 58's, which were right across from his car.

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I knew this was coming, as Hank had been in the hospital with little hope for recovery last week. Still, it's very sad to hear. I've known and seen Hank at the BCA national meets for at least the last 10-12 years. When the N. Texas chapter hosted the 2004 National Meet in Plano, Hank was the only person who called me afterwards to thank me and our chapter for stepping up to the plate to host what we knew would be a small meet, after the huge Flint meet the year before.

Hank will be missed.

Pete Phillips

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Bryan, that was him smile.gif

The funeral was today, and I gave his 58 convertible some exercise for the processional. I had some family and friends drive my two Buicks, and we probably had close to 30 Buicks in the lineup. Hank was proud, I know it. Today has been very difficult to deal with...thank God for the support from our families and friends.

It was a real honor to be behind the wheel of that car, today. After I wiped the tears from my eyes, my sister took a picture with me and the car.


...a few of the many Buicks that shared in Hank's memorial service today...


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Guest my3buicks

Adam, a fitting tribute and without doubt he was riding in the passenger seat enjoying a special send-off from his Buick friends.. Cherish the memories!!

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