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Mag Switch Locomobile Or Other Early Brass Car??


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Jim, you had posted that you needed the right mag switch for you 1919 Locomobile, the size looks almost exact to the hole in your dash, could this possibly be the right one or is it for another early make of car? Does anyone recognize this switch. It is manufactured by the Philbrin Corporation NOT ( Philbin Ignition Company, this name does not have a ® in the end of the first name, also this company did not come into business until 1924) anyways it has patent dates from 1915 thur 1919 you can see in the pictures, on the number plate below the words Ignition System it reads No. 20255 Also notice it ran off of battery 1 or battery 2 maybe thats a hint to what it fits. I've never seen this type of switch ever but it must fit something.

Thanks Dan


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  • 13 years later...

I agree with Sagefinds that this looks like an Areoplane item with the dual batteries and dual magneto system I believe the two run positions indicate. I’m not sure when Airplane replaces the older spelling I used above, but I also believe this switch predates that time.

But all that said, I don’t think Kimberly will get an answer on a 14 year old posting...

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  • 7 months later...

Hello, Sagefinds and Mark Wetherbee.  This ignition switch was used for airplanes, cars, boats and locomotives.  My grandfather is the "brin" in Philbrin.  Philips was the last name of his business partner.  I bought one of these on Ebay a couple of months ago.  I would love to find more to buy.  Thank you!

Edited by Kimberly Brinton (see edit history)
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I think it’s great that you have your family connections and found a switch to purchase. I don’t think it’s a very common item especially with the lack of information found here as this site has a large following of very knowledgeable people and prior to the information you supplied there was but speculation...


You can run a parts wanted add here to possibly find another, and I would suggest keeping a saved search on eBay as it covers such a large Audience. Good luck!

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  • 1 month later...

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