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One I hadn't heard before

West Peterson

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Finishing up the September/October issue this afternoon, "lisnin to the gospel music on a certain riedio station," and I heard a new car song that I ain't heard 'fore.

"Five pounds of possum in my headlights tonight."

A song 'bout what's gonna be fer dinnr dat night, with what's ben hit by the Buick. Mmmmm. Mix it with a little maw-gaw and you go yerself a real delite.

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Our daughter was at our beach house in South Carolina several years ago and parked her minivan next to an open lot. She left the doors and gate open while packing up to leave. The next day at her home in Pennsylvania she loaded her children in the car to go to church. When they arrived at the church parking lot she opened the side door and there was an opossum snarling at her! It departed the premises quickly after apparently traveling with her from South Carolina to PA! He was only about 15 miles north of the Mason Dixon line!

jnp shocked.gif

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And that poor little southern 'possum couldn't get any of those Yankee's to understand what it was saying.

We were going out a country road to the campground this weekend after the races at Bristol and luckily saw a young 'possum in the road in time to go around it. Poor little thing looked so scared there in the middle of the road.

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