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This was a steal....the seller ended auction early


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Subject line remiinds me of the early IBM PCs. IBM tried to keep outsiders from making peripherals so built into the BIOS a check of the graphics card for the letters "IBM" in a certain hardware memory location.

Vendors found out and began putting "Not IBM" or "IBM compatible" into their firmware making sure that the "IBM" was in the right bytes.

Odds are if you open a DOS box and use debug to display the address of the video card (usually C000:0) it will still be at offset 1E, 1F, and 20.

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Yes, I remember, that was IBM's Buy Gates, Beat-up Tandy stategy.

First, they contract Microsoft to re-write DOS, then tell them to make sure it won't work well on Tandy's firmware, (if at all), so we can catch-up in a market we ignored for so long a LEATHER company beat us to market.

Sound familiar, like the anti-trust suit Microsoft got themselves into by scrambling into the internet, stomping on Netscape and other toes all the way.

Look what Saturn is doing to Pontiac and Buick's roadster plans!

Glory Days, they'll pass you by.


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I am guessing the car sold for more than we are seeing. The person probably stopped the auction because the the high bidder made an offer and part of the agreement was to stop the auction early.

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Ok...I was really wondering about that. It appeared a very nice car at an unbelievable price. I still don't understand the mechanics of ebay though....like why have an auction if you can just stop it on a whim....or a greed attack????? Anyway, thanks for the answer Jim.

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