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A quick update - FYI (assuming you care)


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Hi All,

Well it's been a while since I have had the time to contribute anything useful on here (or do anything car related for that matter) but I can tell you that I can change a diaper in the dark while Pierce has his "milky" at 4AM in 30 seconds flat. Teresa and I were blessed with another child - a beautiful baby girl - who we named Vivian Grace. Teresa wanted to be able to say "Say goodnight Gracey" and I have always loved the way Vivian looked in script on the I Love Lucy show - remember? Vivian Vance? So no cool car names like Pierce Hudson but we think it's a classy name regardless.

On the car front, minimal changes, the Buick requires very little maintenanace and other than oil changes and a planned Spring tune-up no big news to report. We do own an upholstery business now, Under Cover Upholstery is now a registered businees in Madison County, IL and other than re-upholstering the back seat of our '72 Cadillac I haven't had the time to take on any paying jobs. But, having the registered business allows me to purchase materials wholesale and that's worth the $50 registration fee for the tax id number.

I'm not a member of the club any longer as I can't make it to any of the meetings or shows but as soon as these little ones get a little bigger to where they can enjoy this great hobby I plan on 're-enlisting'.

Actually, whenever I take Pierce cruising, as soon as we pull into our subdivision, I pop him out of the child seat and let him stand between my legs and hold the wheel - he loves it - he beeps the horn and tuggs away at the wheel doing his best to keep it on the road. I get a lot of smiles from the neighbors.

I hope all of you are well,

Take care.

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Oh man! Those 4 am stints are the pits. Been there, done that, don't care to go back!

But you'll be happy to know they'll pay off in just about 25 years, if things more or less stay the same.

Also your Buick will stay the same too, as long as you can always keep it indoors that is.

Good luck


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Dear Crin,I do not come here often,dont even own a Buick,never will.Just wanted to let you know how much i enjoyed the REASONS for naming your daughter the way you did.If you ever see a 39 Zephyr 3 window coupe in Ill. it might just be me.Take care .diz smile.gif

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